

Well HYUN-V, JUNG, AND PARK-J are still processing about SHRISTI and HEART-THROB friendship. how did they meet? and again became close friends how? JOON thinking hard about his grandma's letter. he is sure about taking the book alone is not a moto there is something else in it.*well he is brilliant* on the other hand they are prepared for whatever they are going to face.

'cause that book is not in the human world. so they need to go "MAGIC WORLD 5" to get that book (magic world 5 is not a real name, It was just given to hide the original name of that world) WAIT *shouts* how we are going to ask Shristi?

CHO-HEE Asked. Yes, no one had an idea how they are going to get shristi with them. she is already not talking with girls properly and Hyun-V tried a lot to convince her it all failed. Joon keeps on trying to call her but she is not picking up these days. Park-J went to her House but nowhere to find her but met Pooja, she going to her office earlier nowadays this is the only information Park - J got from her.

so no one knew how to make up with her.*she is stubborn*

why can't we ask MIN WHAN !!! all turned their heads toward the owner of the voice that is non-other than HO-SUNG. We can try it said JOON. so they called MIN WHAN and the phone is on speaker.

In Shristi house:

MIN WHAN busy with his cooking. he uses to cook for shristi whenever he has time and this became his habit.

ahh, now everything ready. I hope she likes these veg foods lets arrange the table. yah HWA HARU comes and helps me...

yeah.. coming bro.

suddenly MIN WHAN phone started to rings when he saw a caller name he went upstairs to take a call. Meanwhile, HWA HARU came down and MIN WHAN told him to arrange the table then he left, hwa Haru did as he asked him to.

MIN WHAN: Hello Bro...

HO-SUNG: Hey bro, we need your help.

MIN WHAN: You knew well, convincing her is not an easy task bro.

JOON: we knew it WHAN-shi but we have to. I hope you got grandma's letter too.

MIN WHAN: Yes bro, I can't understand her we all knew Shristi still unable to regain her memories, she stuck somewhere, and she struggling a lot in this process then why grandma told us to take her with us, that too MAGICAL WORLD 5. How can we say her about another world now?

SANG-HOON: That's the actual challenge Whan-shi.

MIN WHEN: Bro I can't lose her this time.*sobbing*

JOON: Aish... calm down WHAN-SHI we won't lose her this time no one will leave her side.

HYUN-V: Bro can I ask you something?

MIN-WHAN: go ahead...

HYUN-V: how Shristi and Heart-throb met this time?

MIN-WHAN: Ohh, that he is the one who found her first...


MIN WHEN: Yah... my ears. keep it low and yes that's the truth.

JUNG: But how? *shock*

MIN WHAN starts to explains

Do you guys know that our Shristi is a writer right? so one of her books got published and that can be searched in Google as well. so one day HEART-THROB returning from his work he casually opened some novel sites like web novel, Wattpad, dreamy, etc to read a book. there he found one book interesting so he started to read it. while reading that book he felt like maybe this author is our SHRISTI 'cause knowingly or unknowingly she wrote about herself also about us somewhere in her stories. He used his contacts to find her, after getting the contact details he started to chitchat like a reader and fan of hers. After a month or 2 Months, HEART-THROB found she is our Shristi then he became too friendly with her just like in those days and also protecting her like...

HYUN-V, JUNG, PARK-J: "LIKE EVERYTHING" we knew it.*Annoyed/Jealous*

Everyone laughed at them.*hehe*

MIN WHEN: Tomorrow I'm going to arrange a party just come there we will try to convince her.

AERA: I hope she talks with us like before.

JOON: she will...

SANG-HOON: well then all set. But I have a doubt...

MIN WHEN & JOON: what it is?

SANG-HOON: you said she wrote about us and herself which means she remembers us right?

MIN WHAN: I too thought the same Bro but guess what... nothing like that.

HO-SUNG & JI-JOON: THEN? *confused*

MIN WHEN: whatever she wrote, those things came in her dreams. she unable to see the faces and she had a chance to know only a few things about us, not an entire story.

PARK-J: Then how she completed that book?

MIN WHEN: she expanded with creativity that's how that book got completed.

JOON: okay we got it. let's meet tomorrow. Thanks, MIN WHAN for telling us

MIN WHAN: what are you saying JOON I knew how worried you all are... Just arrive there tomorrow sharp at 8 PM.

JOON: okay Bye.

After the call MIN, WHAN came down and pretended as he spoke with his long last friends and others believed him. Then they enjoying dinner with some drinks, sweets and little talks.


I just Prepared my bed to sleep before doing mediation placed all the things in their respective places then a knocking sound was heard outside of my door. I just turned my head to see HEAR-THROB standing out, I asked him to come in then he placed chocolate milk on the nightstand then he made me sit on the bed and he sat on the floor. hey, why are you sitting on the floor? TEDDY just listen to me he simply replied to me. I just hummed in response even though I'm confused.

you believe me right TEDDY he asked.

Yes, I'm...

Then trust me TEDDY, you need to learn more about things around you.

What are you saying HEAR-THROB...

You will know when the right time comes teddy just believe me/ believe us... will you?

I-I *taking a deep breath* I WILL * I don't know why something telling me to believe him and his words too *

okay, teddy*with a smile* drink your milk and have a tight sleep.

After he was gone I just start to meditate like always after 20 minutes I felt some strange vibes in my body. It's strong I can't open my eyes even though I'm trying to. later on, it starts to show me some visuals which completely new to me but the people in that are not. what the!

those places are different, people are different, their culture, clothes speaking style each and everything different from now. Uhm is that a school wow this is a hug what are they doing?

UMH... they are using magic. Is this even real?

It's getting interesting so I just stop avoiding the connection and start to watch whatever it showing me.

I saw a girl who is using some properties maybe she is practicing some "martial arts" wow she has long hair but it is waving one she just put it as a ponytail. I don't know what type of dress is that but she looks too good in it. ah, still I can't see her face*pout*.

Hey, Lucky don't push yourself harder *Shouts* mind voice (LUCKY WHY THIS VOICE SIMILAR TO HYUN-V AND THAT NAME WHICH HE GAVE ME NOW I WANNA SEE HER FACE AND THAT BOY TOO) maybe its a co-incident.

Yeah, don't disturb my TEDDY...again mind voice(NOT AGAIN)

while those two unknown boys are fighting over her she is busy in practice. suddenly something fell on her but another one came and recuse her from that accident.

LOVE be careful MIND VOICE again(seriously!!!)

she didn't say anything turned around to leave that place he pulled her from behind and hugged her tightly like there is no tomorrow. (I don't know why tears are falling from my eyes like a river who are you? why I'm able to feel your pain, love, and affection towards her.) she spoke something but I can't understand due to the language barrier maybe she spoke in Korea.

within a second some evil power surrounded four of them it becomes dark (shit! I already can't see those faces now 100% sure I won't)

while I'm trying to process what is going on. The vision went dark and stopped on its own.