
A Demon Lords Ambition

Mason, a criminal in his last life, came to a decision to live on with no other choice but within the domain of an entire new world. Believing just far and human evil will grow to be, his sole mission and drive is to commit mass genocide against an entire race. Suffering a great deal of pain in his last life: losing his family, a wife his two daughters as well a cop who attempted to help him and reform him. All in front of his very eyes, as they were so brutally killed, God listened to the words of his family in the afterlife, and spoke with Mason. His deads as a crimal cannot be ignored and even God didn't want to send him to Hell, for he blamed himself for not guiding him and even noticing his existence when his lived, the opportunity came to let him live on again. Although Mason was reluctant, angered with the God, he choose to live again, in another world. This new world was going to face a change, an anomaly like no other to challenge it. Humans in this world however, were far more cruel and unforgiving, Human at war with God's, great devils existed and all sort of life bared fruit to exist. As Mason set foot on this world, he would not be so forgiving and kind anymore. he no longer was human, but among demons. The world was in for a change and danger that needed to be corrected. whether it be Mason himself or the elimination of the corrupted humans like Mason believes. He would meet many, human, elf, merkfolk and al alike. To help him on his mission, while they may also offer up there body and soul to his cause and power. he had to know if his family was truly alive or dead as well in this new world with him. Gods last momemt with him, he asked his family if they should join him. if there was anyone who calm his anger, after someone broke his soul and spirt, they were out, for he wasn't going to be easily destroyed and do all he could to find them.

AkaneZero · Fantasy
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22 Chs

Ch.11 - Judgment

Mason, stood in front of the five General's motions and with a glare that destroyed the moral of there army, but also made them hesitant to move.

Zak, the scythe user of the churchs army and the general who was so overwhelmed in his own bloodlust felt what all his victims did in a single moment. grief and powerless.

Sam, the high priestess and beloved by the church, even with her own sadistic nature saw no way of getting past his overwhelming power.

And among the, the bulky and strongest John, was motionless yet remained level headed as he attempted to understand Mason nature.

"he possess attributes of the gods... and the demons, but also he appears human" John spoke telling the others after taking a Glace at Mason aura, his magic strength flowed uncontroablry letting them see how strong and what he was.

Sig, the hired goblin, was crouched all the way down on all fours and asked. "Show... we use the artifacts...?"

That simple question, made the five them remain calm again, as they had a tool fit to disable the gods. As they saw Mason holding some of there power, they believed it would be a good solution, however Freda, the mercenary who was also hired, was quick to speak up. "not so fast... he's a demon as well human... for all we know it won't do a thing... unless this goblin can also adjust it to demons..."

Sig spoke up licking his lips and nose in a cracked grin over his face. "I can...! strong lady smart for once...!" he chuckled and this made Freda seriously hate the goblin more. "just get to it... john... get your army back on there feet..." she was taking charge and this made Sam revolte.

"tch... don't start giving us orders mercenary... don't forget where you stand with the church..."

"Shut up sam..." John said speaking up for her. "the woman has a point... if we can distract the monster long enough we could turn this fight into our favor... now just support us, and Zak... do not hold back..." he told him, and now Zak, had his grin back, and a much tighter grip on his weapon, however, in there same moment of comfort and now being level headed, Mason acted.

Unlike them, he wasn't going to wait. he knew well, this was a fight to the death, and against five of them. he had to be first. so, while they talked loudly in front of him, he was moving, and held Sig's head in his grip. before they even realized they only heard Mason spoke. his words took there breath as he had complete power over how helpless they felt. "so... even monster like this exist in this world huh..." slowly Mason was crushing the goblins skull.


The goblin pleaded only to end up lifeless in mear seconds as his head was crushed beyond repair and beyond recognition. Mason felt and watched the rest of the corpse fall as he stared down at the others. he was naturally tall, but in that moment. they looked like mean ants staring up at the highest mountains.

"You have no sense of combact... in a fight your choosing to deliberately bicker, and form a plan against your enemy openly mouthing what you'll do... yet also hesitate to act... how did any of you become knight in this world...?" he wondered and degraded there sense of selves.

The other four jumped back as much as possible, keeping now an eye on him closely. Mason spoke up as they were silent. "oh... your flight instinct kicked in... yet your stay to fight? I'm in a very... very bad mood, and this isn't the full extent of it... you harmed one of my people. where I came from... that means war. you all look ready to die... you all have weapons, and you all have the eyes and stench of someone who has killed... so what makes me so different from your victims? you don't carry weapons like those or the ones your men in armou have just for show... you've killed before, so come at me..." Mason said, mocking them for being so uncoordinated and incompetent.

John spoke up and to him directly now. "So what... you intend to spark a war just because your little play thing got hurt...?"

"that's an interesting way to see things your way... you are the ones who came here and attacked without a moment of hesitation... and didn't think once about the consequences to yours actions..."

John rebuttled again. "You forced the people out..."

"NO.... they choose to leave... I gave them a choice... to stay under my rule, or to leave. if I forced them out, they would all been covered in burns, or carrying there dead, they would crying in fear... THEY had a choice."

Sam spoke up. "Lies! you threatened them!"

"Does it change what I said? it was a threat yes... but I also got rid of there child trafficking, rapes and most corrupt people... I gave them reasons... but because I was a deamon, they didn't care... or at least they didn't want to think about being lesser than human if they were rulled by demon... if humans can't even stomach a power stronger than them or equal... it makes sense why they choose to leave... and lie, making me look like the villain..."

"That's all you are and kind are...! MONSTERS" Zak said, having ther guts now.

"and who decided that? humans? the other races? the gods? that term is relative... I see your human race as a disease... a stain on a peace of cloth that must be erased. however... I know that I can't do that, children, the abused, the chained they're innocent. it's just the minds the older and scared human race of people that constantly believe they are right, and that change is forever evil and wrong. your weak! that's all your race ever was and forever has been" Mason declared to them.

"screw you demon!" John said speaking up against him. "what gives you the right to declare such blasphemy... we have fought and killed demons... elves, demi humans and gods!"

"and that's commendable... but you can't take all the credit... you were hoping that goblin was going to fix up something to fight me right? humans are nothing without resources and there minds... now that I've killed on of your resources... what will you do?" Mason, was now just toying with them.

Sam shot an arrow at him as he didn't done, but instead caught the bolt of light. "he was no resource... but a filthy pet... he cleaned my boots nicely with his pathetic tongue..." She said and looked to Mason in the eye, the bolt of light burned Mason hand, but as he opened to check it, he turned the bolt to a dark mist.

The arrow turned black as he then let it crumble away into the air. "So even a comrade who would die in the same war as, is just a mere tool... Humans don't change... no matter the world... and apparently era..." he told them, as Mason then walled to a group of soldiers who lost there will to fight. "until either of you four can do anything to stop me... your men will be victims..." Driving his fist into one's helmet he destroyed there head completely, and Mason only continued. he killed the non hostile army one at a time, with just a single swipe of his fist, or even there own weapons. he didn't stop. the screams they cried only got louder with pleads for help.

The General's, the four that remained, watched, to there horror, he killed people who no longer held weapons. but what thy don't realize, it was the same thing that they had done to the gods, to the angles who no longer fought and womn and children who had there wings clipped. they did the same thing but didn't think twice on there actions until now. a force much greater than them was slaughter them without a single ounce of hesitation. yet they hesitated to even move a step. they didn't have the advantage of there relic.

Freda spoke up to them. "SNAP OUT OF YOU THREE! If we don't do something we're all dead here... how will you go see your pope? and does your God want you to die here like this? come on. stay focuse and use your magic... your prayers or something? your General's, your all highly ranked in the church are you not? I wasn't hired to die here! you've all killed gods remember? he should be nothing!" she tried and managed to get them to there sense.

Sam spoke up and began to cast a spell of her own on themselves. they all felt there spirts lifted, but also there mind a lot more clearer. there fear ultimately suppressed down, and this was noticed by Mason.

"What did you do?" he asked after ripping ripping the head of a soldiers and tossing it aside. like a ball it rolled, and from where Mason gripped the eyes were completely destroyed and from the tips of Masons fingers were blood. he head the head like a bowling ball only to forcefully pry it off the knight in such a vulger and brutal manner.

The priestess responded to him. "Removing your spell... what ever you used to derail our moral... it won't work any longer..." she claimed.

John stood ready with a sword a massive and thick heavy shield, while Freda held her sword and dagger in a mixed defenses and offensive position. while Zak was ready for a swipe offenses attack, but refrained from moving just yet.

"I heard the woman yell... so you've killed gods right...? yet you also decided I was a demon, a God and human. I'm gonna also assume you've killed demons... and humans... if you think I'll easy die come at me... all of you... at the same time..." He said, wanting them try. there was a sadistic look in mason's eyes, he wanted to show off his might, the strength givin to him, he was having fun crushing there spirts and killing them one by one. And the only ones who were even putting up a front, were the strongest in the army currently.

It also didn't take long for them to try, as Zak was boosted with help of the priestess as he lunged forward swiping his scythe with forcefully and fierce slash aiming at Mason neck.

When Zak stopped in the air, they thought he had landed a strike, however that was changed, when they saw blood spill between them. Mason, had grabbed Zak's hand that was holding the scythe and along Mason Right hand and grip, he stopped Zak in the air as he pierced his chest. "is that all? I won't lie... you left a damn good sting... but it's futile... I don't know what gods existed here... but they must have been damn weak or flawed..." the tip of the scythe was poking into mason's neck, but soon he destroyed Zak's hand taking the scythe from him, but also dropped his body against the floor like a lifeless doll. "I missed your heart... but you are missing a lung... and ribs... your losing blood fast... just while your friends do to save you..."

For the first time, Sam, Freda and John watched Zak's merciless, awful and sadistic grin, change to a frown. one of Dread, his eyes tired red. he was losing plenty of blood fast and extended his broken hand for help at his partners. he bother speaking nor could, for when he opened his mouth blood erupted from lips and mouth.

"You should know... I never placed a spell to lower your moral or spirits... what I assume you were so scared of... was my own existence." Mason grins with joy. "and I can't tell you... how good that feels... your species... is such a fragile race... the look of Dread on you. the realization that you'll all die here... it's such a thrill. Your all failures as humans, just specs of dust in this universe. you untimely mean nothing... how does that feel...? that in the end... your God will not save you. that he never even existed... and I can prove that..." he stomped over Zak's corpse crushing his body under his boot more as Mason walked toward them. "because I existe to put the human race in its very place...!"

They felt shivers down there spines. everyone did, who he saw as an enemy. the few thounds soldiers left. the remaining three General's of the church. they were witnessing an evil birthed by humans and there millenia of sins.

"There will be NO afterlife... NO heaven... and No God to save any of you... you'll die, and be forgotten... there will be no point in offering a prayer, and no point in begging for your lives. I've made a decision. The end of the human era, will be by my very own hands..." Mason declared, and he wanted to make sure It was know. "I'll let only one of you live... but for the sole reason... to se d this message... that a war is being declared. and no human is safe... send your heros... your gods, preists... all of them!! if they want to stop me... but I promise in the end, they will face a death of ultimate brutality" he grabbed the woman Freda, who was forzen in place. only to soon feel the poison Mason fed her a smug of toxic dark smoke was poured into her body, as he then tossed her to let it take hold of her. John, even with his thick Armour, shield and sword, he was in fear facing his fate "You monster...!"

"your right... but... I never killed an innocent soul." he told him, as Mason crushed his skull and took his sword. walking to the priestess, she was shaking and got on her knees to plead. "let me live.. I'll do anything!"

she felt the sword touch her neck. "anything?" he asked, feeding her bliss thought of safety.


"I don't need any of that... but I will ask you one thing..."


"die for me..." Mason pulled back and swung the sword with such force she was cut in half from her waist clean, her body was separated, as he upper half was a few feet away from her lower, as she was still alive suffering.

"please... no... help me...!" she weakly asked, only to feel the sword once again stabe into her chest.

"that's enough..." Masom said and took a look at the woman who he covered and gave dark toxins too, as she was scratching her neck and face.

"does it feel awful? Im sure it does... just give in... or you won't live..." he told her, only giving her more clouds to inhale and take in. her body felt like it was tearing itself apart from the inside, like her organs were being rottend away only to be right back. it was a sensation Mason described.

"how does it feel... having your body completely dissolve... to literally melt away, but also just feel your cells coming back... this magic was inspired by my past life you know... chemicals, used to Destoy the body... but I added my own spin on it... it also heals you at the same rate... eventually... I bet you wish you were dead, but do understand this is torture... I will get everything I need to know out of you, and kill you." he told her, only to kick her harshly in her stomach destroying her liver from the force and shock. "I still have the left overs you brought here... do not pass out... at least not yet..." he told her, as Mason grabbed the scythe, and began to cut and finish the remaining knights of the army, a mist of blood hovered a few inches from the ground and puddles of blood scattered the ground.

Freda, was fighting for her life trying to not succumb to the black toxin he had infected her body, and did her best to also stay conscious, but it was a little over an hour now, her eyes bloodshot red. her fingers broken from her body spasms, she felt broken and no longer even alive. it was until Mason stepped foot in front of her again and grabbed her hair to pick her up as she tried to speak and very weakly she was heard.

"kill... me... please..." her tears were her own blood as she no longer could take it. "I can't... feel... any... thing"

Mason spoke up and held out his left hand against her chest now healing her. "You still have one job to do before I let you die... two, if you can prove yourself useful..." he told her, as she knew he would only prolong her suffering.

The black toxic mist he infected her body with was leaving her body, and the cells that remained destroyed were slowly repaired. he cured her and also healed her body. but the pain and sensation of it all was fresh in her mind. Even the fatigue she felt after an hour or convolutions and spasm went away.

"your going to spead my message... and go back to this church who holds your leash... and let the human race know there time has come... this isn't a test of a God or some being higher than that... but a declaration of war. humanity will end if they lose... and take the corpses of your comrades... as proof. you can explain just what a threat I am... you've killed the gods, so now you better be ready to face the devil" he dropped her, and kicked the woman again. sending her away along the ground and next to the other General's corpses.

she held her chest and slowly lifted herself as she looked at him defeated. she could gather the courage to fight or talk back. "I... understand..."

"good... and if you think about killing yourself... before doing your simple job right, I'll find your filthy corpse... and bring you right back life... I'll make you a hell you couldn't believe..." he warned her, however even he was sure no such a thing was possible, and only said such a thing to frighten her.

she slowly got herself up on her feet, holding her stomach, only to then get on her knees again to though up. she then remembered. "you wanted... to know... about them... and us right...? we were sent to kill gods... I was hired..."

"enough... you look vulger and pitiful as you are... wait until you have recovered then come talk to me..." he told her, as he then approached the carriages. the cargo was also attached, and veiled over with a large cloth, he removed it only to see what they were also transporting. wings, bloody as they were, they had a holy attribute around them. inspecting more along the other four, he found captured angles, all woman and children with wings clipped. but also the corpses of God's. Zues, Odin, Athena and few others. he had helped break the cages and guided the living to the church where it would be safe. for the corpses of the one immortal, he left them in there cage but brought them to the church. the town he took over had a small population. he explain to the angels he wouldn't harm them. and only was after human life. they all didn't care so much other than just peace of mind and shelter, but graciously accepted his care.

It was at the same time that the day was ending, that he was now taking her to the church he had reformed, and on one of the spare beds he was let through to set the druid Liz down on. beside her, was the woman who had been accompanying him, who was now waking up for the first time.

Mason was helping Liz to a bed to heal and recover, when he noticed her waking up. he was covered in blood, but pulled up a chair anyways waiting for the woman to finally explain herself and what had happened to her.

The children, few adult and many demi humans left him in private, and among them began to prepare for the night in the open hall. They didn't want to stray far from someone who promised them there freedom, and helped them. they slowly were taking care of one another hesitate to communicate still, but it was a mutual moment for all of them. they all had stories, ones of grief and misfortune. but at least they were able to tell they could rely on each other.