
A Demon Lords Ambition

Mason, a criminal in his last life, came to a decision to live on with no other choice but within the domain of an entire new world. Believing just far and human evil will grow to be, his sole mission and drive is to commit mass genocide against an entire race. Suffering a great deal of pain in his last life: losing his family, a wife his two daughters as well a cop who attempted to help him and reform him. All in front of his very eyes, as they were so brutally killed, God listened to the words of his family in the afterlife, and spoke with Mason. His deads as a crimal cannot be ignored and even God didn't want to send him to Hell, for he blamed himself for not guiding him and even noticing his existence when his lived, the opportunity came to let him live on again. Although Mason was reluctant, angered with the God, he choose to live again, in another world. This new world was going to face a change, an anomaly like no other to challenge it. Humans in this world however, were far more cruel and unforgiving, Human at war with God's, great devils existed and all sort of life bared fruit to exist. As Mason set foot on this world, he would not be so forgiving and kind anymore. he no longer was human, but among demons. The world was in for a change and danger that needed to be corrected. whether it be Mason himself or the elimination of the corrupted humans like Mason believes. He would meet many, human, elf, merkfolk and al alike. To help him on his mission, while they may also offer up there body and soul to his cause and power. he had to know if his family was truly alive or dead as well in this new world with him. Gods last momemt with him, he asked his family if they should join him. if there was anyone who calm his anger, after someone broke his soul and spirt, they were out, for he wasn't going to be easily destroyed and do all he could to find them.

AkaneZero · Fantasy
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22 Chs

Ch. 19 - A Message

After the first lethal, attempt at storming the town Under the rule of Mason. He let Elli know about what happened and ordered her to get things ready for the new guest. She gladly obeyed able to be of help to him. so went off with some children who wished to help.

Mason came back to his room. where they let Freda recover.

"Rebecca, make there no one creeping up on us would you. I'll stay here and help her recover with magic, Jessica, any progress?" he asked and spoke clear and firmly.

"on it..." Rebecca left, and Jessica then answered.

"I doubt you need to send her out, after the show and spell you casted, no way anyone would be left... and to answer you, she's in limbo. in other words. it can go either way, she's not looking so good... and we don't exactly have soup on hand to help feed her... it's a come or go My lord" she told him honestly and kept healing.

"come or go huh..." Mason said looking at her.

"I'm not dying... not yet your grace..." Freda spoke up weakly. "what you said to me... I'll be sure to live..."

"good... all we can do now is make those chances better... Liz think you can craft up some herbal medicine?" he asked.

"yeah sure..." she jolted up before rushing off. "on it!"

"You got good servents..." Freda said.

"they aren't just servents, but my companions..." he said. sitting down now, and used his own healing magic. he began to analyze her body for any internal injuries now. earlier he could only focuse on the rune placed on her. but now with all the time he needed, he could properly take care of her body's internal failures. "I'm gonna pass on information to you Jessica... make sure to heal those areas first..." she looked confused but soon her head was filled with knowledge of all her injuries. trauma to the head, broken ripped and cracked bones along her fingers. she was seeing also her damages to her organs. swelling and internal cuts. they would need to flowed out her some way, so. With all that information.

"I'm on...! go help Rebecca please...! I'm sure she would want to talk more about what happened" she asked of him. while Jessica began to work on Freda with complete confidence. and healed her far more accurately.

Mason saw more life in Freda, so he got up. "trust her and me... your in good hands now..." he said leaving.

but, in this moment. being alone with Jessica. Freda would ask her. "do you trust me?"

"my master wants you to live... so trust us... and we'll trust you... as long as you no longer retain your humanity. you'll fit in fine here..." she told her, and smiled. "sorry... but humans are not allowed... so, I'll have to also change you as a species... adding some ears and a tail will be just fine alright..."

"wait...!" Freda said. "I don't mind... but let me stay human... I think I can pay it back to him if I am..."

"is that right? then alright... now relax... I'm operating on you now..."

Mason made his way outside, where he walked for a momemt, before using telepathy to speak with Rebecca. 'come to me at the court yard' he command and with swiftness she arrived to his call.

"You needed me? also if I may, why are you out here after telling me you would help that human?" she asked and walked with him.

"I let Jessica handle the whole thing, she'll live, and she told me to come to you... it seems she has a hunch you wanted to talk.." he told her.

"yeah... this attack wasn't random... what did you talk about... if it's not trouble, bit as your shield I also want info... why did they come here?" she asked of him.

"she was held against her will and experimented on... they also didn't seem to like she was connected to me... so they planted a bomb in her and sent an army of undead... that certain. as for who they are, it's the Golden City. what are your thoughts?" he asked after telling her.

"hm... maybe to retake the city? I don't see what they'd hope to gain... it's been a week... they should have asked for aid by the other massive cities..." she was in thought.

"so I'm not the only one who thinks this is strange then... if you must also know, I destroyed a signal... it was connected to Freda, sort of like a live wire for then to see and hear... but they seemed to also have a second sort of view of us... it was destroyed as well from my retaliation... so don't worry, were not being watched... however..." he looked to the sky.

"yeah... someone is watching us now... and they are close." she was alert but didn't react.

"don't react... just remain like it's just us do you understand..." he told her as she nodded.

"it's likely someone from the city... we can't anything about it right now. so let's just stay defensive. if worse come worse you have to defend the town." he ordered her.

"You know... I'm curious master. why do you want to always take the lead on the offensive..." she asked. since he was so willing to be the front line.

"you girls can defend yourself, you don't exactly need protecting... so don't feel like your a damsel... now to answer... it's because I easily get pissed... as calm as I am now... deep down, I'm in a serious rage. a hatred for human life. and I can assure you. I plan to brutal murder anything in my way... i never killed anyone in my past life... but after dying and coming here. I just don't want be weak." he told her. how he was feeling.

"that explains a bit about you... but I can't imagine it..." she said casually going on about what he just told her.

"hehe... it's best you dont... come on... let's be ready to ambush this guest" he told her walking back with her to the mansion.

however, they striked first. a thunder bolt stoked down in front of them, stopping his walk into his mansion. the bolt itself was a spear that conducted electricity along the ground around it and all around the spear.

"oh..." Mason looked up and saw him.

a man with wings spread widely looking down over them. "so you are the king?!" closing his wings he dropped himself down landing right in front of him and Rebecca. with his bright yellow hair and static like blue eyes he looked to Mason.

"What spell did you use on those undead?" he asked grinning stupidly.

"your trespassing... if you don't want to die... you better get moving" Mason said, not answering him. "5..."

"Mason!? this man!" Rebecca held a sword and shield in front of Mason standing between them. "he's with the church!"


the man stood with his grin. his pale white skin glowed almost like light itself. his frame looked skinny and frail, but that entombed spear says other wise. "he's strong that those you fought before" she warned him.


"You better grab your whore..." the man said rasing his hand to his spear to pull it out.


pulling his arm back he thrust his hand forward hard to inpale them both. "so annoying..."


Mason grab his spear, only his palm was actually penitrated. Mason hand bled. as he stared at the man.

"0... time for you to die..." he said, and soon closed his palm bending the spear that kept pulsing electricity until it eventually snapped againt Mason's palm breaking the spear head.

"tch..." the man tossed his spear as another lighting bolt appeared. "You can try... demon.."

"Rebecca... go to the house... he won't stop you..."

the watched as Rebecca listened. after all if he took his eyes off Mason, surly he was going to be attacked. once Rebecca was out of the way, Mason then asked.

"painless... or an extraordinary painful death... what are you mood for... false god?"

"the hell did you say... I'm no false God but the God of lighting himself!" he said before striking down lighting around them and trusted his electric spear into Masons waist.

Mason stood firm, taking the damage. only, if you call it that.

"big talk, but you died so eas-!" he suddenly couldn't speak.

Mason was holding his neck firmly. "painful it is..." the man's smirk grinned even more evily and there was no fear. he felt extreme confidence still, yet in his attempt to break free nothing.

Mason grip tightened around his neck, but. he couldn't him. not yet. preparing his first, Mason began to barrage his stomach and face with power punches. he made a punching bag out him. "what does the church want with me...?"

"ah... ha! eh.... ahhahaa!" grabbing Masons fist, he laughed and spoked. "oh... nothing! they just want... to take this town back! and they sent me to oversea those undead... in fact!" with more incredible streght he broke free from Masons grip. "much better... now we talk..." more thunder clouds formed over his town. with lighting striking more violently. "to answer you... or to not... a filthy demon is still a demon... you don't deserve an answer... and now you'll face a god!" he said before getting by a fierce yellow bolt of lighting, and his attire completely changed. blinding light for armour and lighting as his weapon and shield he looked at Mason with the intent to kill.

"if you were sent... then I imagine I'm being watched and monitored now aren't i... but not only, but other watching through you... or else you wouldn't go all out... I hate to tell you... but you were just sent to die... I show your lords how brutal it is to fight me..." he declared, knowing this would go no where. Mason raised his first into a boxers stance.

"You wish to fight with your mear fist... your! asking for Death!" he said summoning lighting more violently onto Mason stroking just next to him. and soon charged at him with a spear of lightning yet, also allowed that lighting to change into different weapons. sword and daggers as he attacked with so much ferocity and power.

Mason watched him dodging but just a hair between his quick attacks, and when he could have would counter, but this wasn't enough. as it seemed even being to close would give on slight sparks of lighting that burns intensely.

"is that the best you can do...?!" he asked now welding weapons on both sides and began to fight more freely.

all Masons could do is side step and push away his attacks to make openings. yet at the same time. the ma. twirled, diving with claws to quickly forming swords and swiping upward or trusting forward into him. he wasn't afraid of getting so close to him.

"I'm sorry..." Mason said, before swiftly punching into his chest, taking his breath and making him fade out for a moment. the punch took his breath violently. and this, is what made him back off finally.

"Hey! What trick is that?! before they didn't hurt... but that... that fucking hurt!" he was angry.

"I just punched you... but I see that you made you angry huh... we are on different levels of strength... so let me just tell you this now... you will die as a nameless soul used by the church" he warned him, as this was truly the man's final moment.

"how amusing!" his grin now upside down, from his anger the man rushed him with more lighting.

however Mason, adapted, using his own attacks and motions from earlier to fight back. he dodged more swiftly and used methods of his past. aft ducking, making punched In crotch destroying the man's lower part. this made his back up, and struggle to eve. speak.

"w-what... the fuck was that!" he coughed up unable to breath as he lifted his head to Mason after grabbing himself and getting down to his knees. "You dishonorable asshole!"

"honor... is an idiotic concept..." Mason said. walking up to him. "do you think in war, it matters what's allowed? do you think when it comes to death one side it matters what one does...? it's idiotic... if you want to win... then do so... by a y means..." grabbing the man's hair. Mason then kicked his gut in kicking him around.

"honor... gets you nothing. this isn't an arena where you can prove your strengths... this is my domain... my home. and you... I told you. you were tresspassing..." grabbing his hair again Mason raised up. the man tried to strike his lighting onto Mason neck and chest, but like a wall, they burned out once they landed.

"you... are beyond just a demon... you filthy monster! what the hell are you?!" he asked Mason, before feeling his arm grabbing pulled. "wait...! what are you doing! stop it!"

Mason with his free hand. began to pull apart his left arm. until it was completely torn off. "a shamless and false God like you, is nothing g compared to the real thing... and your far to weak... so let this be a message to anyone listening..." he told him. as he then brutal ripped apart his other arm and tossed him on the floor.

the man wiggled and screamed. "how... fucking dare you! you wild animal... you should have kept in chains in the depths of hell... you abomination!!" he held to Mason.

and he replied. "I've heard it all before..." he reached into his mouth, and began to pull out his tongue.

"about time you went quiet" he said before blood gushed out in volumes from the man mouth as he laid on the ground from the intense pain of having his tongue ripped out. but also his arms.

Mason looked at the man after dropping him. "this can't be your true streght can't it?" he stomped on his gut and twisted his leg over his stomach. "who the hell are you? and why are you in my domain?" Mason slowly let her power escape him. "I dislike repeating myself... if you have any hope of a mercy kill... you best answer me... you weak selfish imitation of a god... as if you can weld such power to rival them..." he belittled the man.

This angered the man, in fact, he was no longer smiling. he had a deep frown and sharp teeth as he spoke up his tongue healed, and his arms slowly reforming. "ha.... HAHAHA... YOU... cannot comprehend this power..." lighting began to spark out of him, projecting in every direction as he reached grabbing on Masons leg. "I'll make you pay! I'll make that bitch my whore... I'll burn this town to the groud... I'll kill everything you ever loved..."

he was arrogant, believing his power was absolute. however. those words are what Mason fear. 'I'll kill everything's you ever loved.' it knocked on his head. scratched his soul. it angered Mason.

"forgive me... my love..." he shed a tear, as he thought of his family. his words brought a memory. one he so desperately tried to forget the tears and scream of anguish and display that his daughters and wife felt before they was violated and killed. Masons power, his true power was released. it was like a Shockwave. an earthquake that shocked the world and took the air. magic was realizing everywhere. it was black yet radiantly as it glowed. it was a beacon in the sky as Mason removed his foot.

the man laid in fear. he saw his power straight in the center of the release.

in a far away distance. the nation's all saw this beacon. and have concluded.

the pope, the elves, and 7 great sins of hell. the other 6 heavily virtues, answered. "The devil... has Awakened...!"

Mason looked at the man at his foot. with no emotion, in fact not even his face was seen. it was hard to really tell. but what came next was, was quite clear. Mason with his bare fist saddled him, and began to punch his face and body. he knew he would regenerate. so he tortured him. every punch. was like a deathblow. something broke, or an organ exploded. or even a chuck of his body was destroyed. the ground quaked and shattered. and all Mason could do was mumble. mumble to himself wishing that he couldammendment. wishing that he could see his family. anger built up and became frustration. until he yelled. " YOU WILL NEVER LAY A HAND ON THEM...!" He was destroying his body. every piece that just came back, would be obliterated. blood went everywhere on Mason as he was unforgiving.

in the sidelines. Rebecca watched. in fear. "this... this is the devil... am I serving? the devil?!" she collapsed to her knees and could move. she watched all of his power escape him. she witness it all as he was brutally killing the man slowly. "not even... no... nothing. I think... can stop him... we're... all dead..."

Jessica, who was at home, rushed to the sight and sw Rebecca in shock. and saw what Mason was.

"no..." she rushed over, or to feel the force of Mason punches even from where she was standing. "this wind? was it just from his punch? is that?! a virtue?!" she was alarmed seeing one of the 7 heavily getting beaten to death. she felt the same symptoms as Rebecca, however. she kept walking to him, until she could his back. "ENOUGH! MASON!" she could move him. and it didn't seem like anything was reaching him. and she could hear his mumbling. so. she spoke up. "your wife! your kids! it must have hurt! but you can't do this! Stop it Mason! they wouldn't want this...! no one wants this!"

she kept speaking to him, words that she'd hope to reach with.

Mason heard, but didn't want to stop. and that's. when another voice echoed in his mind. "Mason... Maaasson... your name gets used a lot..." it was a voice of malice, and with no clear indication of a male or female. "I wonder... how much longer your gonna hold back... you lost your family. your kids all to some psychopath who was just jealous your name was know more than his... tisk tisk tisk... that won't do... now will it... this sentimental side of things... it gets in your way my friend... you need to let LOOSE" it was like his magic was amplified and more was released. "You need to learn to kill... and not just mindlessly... we're not animals here you know, I know you enjoy power... in fact you love it right? it gives wealth, ir provide safety. your name is know. even in this world. your name is used in fear. or I guess hatred and respect... but same.old same.d right? just hear me out buddy... you... need to give in... let me guide you... I will help you... I will keep you safe... in return... I want your body, your mind and spirt. you will no longer know fear, you will no longer face death, and the loved ones you lost will come back and be safe! it's a win win hear my friend... give into my power... let it hold you... let us be one..." the devil. made himself know and climged tightly to Masons soul. "your a good man... I've seen it... but you cannot be good, if you've killed some already... and I know your not... I know every sin you've made... and you'd make a lot of finds jealous... I don't get why, you think your good... it's idiotic... your a heartless individual... you never had a soul.... it was ripped away when you were sold off and tossed aside as a child... you mean nothing to no one... and you know this! enough of this good guy act... I know you want this. I know your hungry for death... it's been around you... this sinister feeling... when will you finally let go of all those pointless emotions...?" the devil, kept barreling around his mind and soul.

Mason was questioning himself. kept quiet in a ball. he was scared. "I... stop it..." in his mind. Mason was a child still. afraid of everything around him. he only acted what he should in front of people. in front of many, to get what he wanted.



"don't let go!" three voices. three people he would remember. and held onto closely. spoke to him, reaching him. "find us... save us...! stay with us!" the spoke in turns.

"no... no, enough!" he came back to his sense for a moment, but it was all he needed. 'I get it... I nearly... succumbed... alright... get a grip, you are not a monster Mason. you, have been yourself the entire time. there is no doubt... that right... I never had any doubt. not then... and not now.'

"how?! how are you still in control..." the devil asked, and Mason calmly replied to him.

'you should know the answer... I've been through hell... in seen it all... I've done it all... there is no going back for me... but will not change what I do... or what I stand for... you... will be under my control... I'm selfish... greedy... lustful... lazy... powerful, prideful and pissed off... you won't get the better of me... in fact, I'd go as far to even say we're the same...'

"stop it! you freak!"

'I wonder how much I'm scaring you right now... for you to call me that...' Mason came back to reality.

"I will have your body... one day... I will make this world my bitch... and you will be my vessal!" the devil added, before disappearing.

"Mason please stop!" Rebecca and Jessica were now trying. and soon. the dark magic was dispelled and fading away.

a message was sent. the devil was alive, and Mason was the vessal. a message to his family was received and he sent one as well.

life for the very world they lived in was changing.

"i..I... submit... for... forgive me... just... end me... ple....ase..." the man said weakly, with his body still regenerating. Mason stood up, and grabbed the man's very soul. "Im sorry... his powers were taken and stripped, killing his body as he no longer could recover. holding his soul, he purged his consciousness making it a visible form of magic power. he grabbed Rebecca. "my apology to you..." he gave her the power, and she was soon bless with many new traits and magic.

Mason then collapsed after fighting mentally with Satan, and physically against the virtue.

Hell, was coming.

with a grin, the sin of pride stormed through the country. "my lord! I've found you!" and soon, the city of Mason's received its new guest. as it was as if a meteor landing.

"Hey, You hear that?!" asked Jessica before then feeling Rebecca shove both Mason and Jessica who was holding him, away as she yelled. "get to cover"

Rebecca turned holding a sword as she instinctively guarded. as the dust clear, she saw who she catches against her spear and couldn't believe the new arrival.

"I've found you! my beloved master!" Pride said, grinning as her scale like arm was blocked by a spear and then noticed who had the streght to do it.

"hand over my master..." she demanded turning her gaze to her opposition, Rebecca and to her reply. "he isn't going anywhere you demon..." parrying the standstill, she lifted her spear and kick her head with the end of her pole arm as well then kicked her gut to shove away. she got in position to guard Mason and Jessica again.

Pride took on the attacks and just looked at them annoyed. "that black light... it couldn't have been anyone else by the devil himself... why wo-.... you aren't human." with a moment between them, she observer there spiritual auras. "your an angel... or rather, you belong in the realm of gods..God's... and that other woman... she's is the same... but the man... hes..."

"a mix... humans, demon and god... he is not your devil... so leave"

"but that light... it only be his...! my masters... explain you bitch!" she demanded with her claws only getting eager to cut and rip apart. "so where is my king!" she announced and looked at Rebecca and Jessica. but also still kept a close eye to Mason, who caused that light everyone saw.

"I wish I knew how I can answer... but we don't have the time to fight with you... so let's for a deal..." Rebecca said, and Jessica held onto Mason tightly she could move him since she was very strong physically to begin with.

"What are the terms?" pride asked.

"You, stay with us a while... wait for our master to awaken... and then you can answer him. I want answers too... but he's out after fighting one of the 7 virtues..." she explain.

and this had her thinking. she saw the corpse of the heavily signs. and wondered how someone who wasn't a sin would achieve it. it was just further proof he was in fact the devil, and she could ignore the power building up within Rebecca. after what Mason did to her blessing he powers to take on one of the sins.

"those aren't terms... but I think I know what your implying..."

"then do we have a truce...?"

"fine... a truce. but if I find out this man is in fact my king, you will all die" she threatened, but thanks to Rebecca, they were bought time, and if Mason did wake up, as Mason, then he would allow such a thing to happen. it was a gable but she still had faith in her king.

"alright..." pride relaxed. "I'll wait around... signal me when he has awaken..." she said, and left shortly after.

Rebecca lowered her gaurd and looked to Jessica. "I bought us some time... let's hurry back to the mansion... how is he?"

she said and soon Jessica replied to her. "it's all we need... you did very well, a d he is doing fine, just out cold... it seems he has a weak mental fortitude... come on, let's take him back"

she attempted to stand up, and Rebecca came to help her lifting his arm and watched her take his other side. "damn he's large..." they both careful walked back home.

"I'm glad you were able to convince her... we would have been in to much trouble if another fight broke out..." Jessica said looking around at the broke buildings and ground.

"I doubt our lord would have let anything else happen... he was protecting the mansion the entire time... on top of fighting... and frankly it was a gamble what I did, so I'm glad she was smart about it... if master woke up and was himself, and she would have attacked us... it's likely he would have really lost control and killed her... I'm sure even she understood his power just by what she and we saw... that light, that black power of his... is it really Satans...?" she was curious and has questions after answered and spoke with Jessica.

"yeah... in any case, let's get him cleaned up and in bed... he isn't doing so well last time he spoke... just what did he left you in charge of...?" she wondered since Mason did pass on the soul of the virtue, onto Rebecca.

"we will just have to wait and see... I'm grateful he trust me with this authority... after only meeting him a few days... still, I did give him my loyalty, it's likely he is testing me... or... just reckless enough to trust me right away..." she looked to Mason, and just couldn't figuer him out.

"we can ask him when his back to normal..." Jessica said, and left it at that, as both of them left to the mansion.