
A Demon Lords Ambition

Mason, a criminal in his last life, came to a decision to live on with no other choice but within the domain of an entire new world. Believing just far and human evil will grow to be, his sole mission and drive is to commit mass genocide against an entire race. Suffering a great deal of pain in his last life: losing his family, a wife his two daughters as well a cop who attempted to help him and reform him. All in front of his very eyes, as they were so brutally killed, God listened to the words of his family in the afterlife, and spoke with Mason. His deads as a crimal cannot be ignored and even God didn't want to send him to Hell, for he blamed himself for not guiding him and even noticing his existence when his lived, the opportunity came to let him live on again. Although Mason was reluctant, angered with the God, he choose to live again, in another world. This new world was going to face a change, an anomaly like no other to challenge it. Humans in this world however, were far more cruel and unforgiving, Human at war with God's, great devils existed and all sort of life bared fruit to exist. As Mason set foot on this world, he would not be so forgiving and kind anymore. he no longer was human, but among demons. The world was in for a change and danger that needed to be corrected. whether it be Mason himself or the elimination of the corrupted humans like Mason believes. He would meet many, human, elf, merkfolk and al alike. To help him on his mission, while they may also offer up there body and soul to his cause and power. he had to know if his family was truly alive or dead as well in this new world with him. Gods last momemt with him, he asked his family if they should join him. if there was anyone who calm his anger, after someone broke his soul and spirt, they were out, for he wasn't going to be easily destroyed and do all he could to find them.

AkaneZero · Fantasy
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22 Chs

Ch. 1 - Dread

"Why me...?" a shaking and weak male said as he was contemplating everything that has lead him to his current life.

"Why can they get away with it...?"

"Am I just... gonna have to take it..."

The child, kept asking himself. as he very existence was unnoticed. anyone who did, saw nothing, other than a toy to prey on and beat down until near dead. Earth, was a cruel planet, Humans hurting other humans. For there own profit and satisfaction. They were like animals, only because they evolved to a degree of intellect do they make excuses 'they started it, I didn't mean too, and because I felt like it.' only some ever truly admit to it, and still go unpunished, for its the weak that still get punished by the simple word. 'why didn't you fight back?' because once they do, it would there fault. over and over, it was always the victims who get blamed and them who should change. a ridiculous and unfavorable cycle.

Where the power over rule and govern the weak and poor in the world.

But, what if that notion is challenged by someone weak, and there wish being granted for the ultimate price.

Mason, stood up on his feet, angered, and even if he was slimmer that most children, there were no more tears, only blood down his nose and lip as he began to attack his bullies, and savagely.

Was that all it took to reach his breaking point, surly not.

The bullies, the teachers, the parent's who were suppose to be there for him beat him and scold him for any action he took or when he didn't listen, ultimately to his abandonment. The foster home who are just rich white pricks enjoying the glory days of when a time they had it all. He had enough. he came to a realization. the Humans, are all filth. All hungry, for power, wealth, woman no matter the thirst and hunger they have they will do whatever they can to sedate it until they are done drinking from the cup.

The once bullies, became victims in his school, and the once victim became the bully. when it was all over, he stood over there bodies like a king. Even if he was a child still, he knew this was right. he believed he was above them all in this moment. It wasn't a matter of belief in his mind anymore. The satisfaction of ruining and destroying the strong was a thrill there was no going back from. Even if meant being the very evil he had to become to destroy it.

As Mason grew older, fighting was all knew, until it caught up to him. Juvenile detention and jail. it all caught up to him. he had a record, theft, murder, arson. If there was evil, he would put it out at the root. and only few who knew where the only few people he could call family. A cop who helped the boy grow up even just a little, who saw his deeds, produce outcomes that saved innocents and harmed the criminals. And then, the high-school love of his life. Who has been with him as he was reaching his late thirties with her, having even twin adolescent girls for daughters.

He stopped after there birth, getting a holding on his life. to a somewhat normal degree. Hiding away from his past. however even that was temporary as dread struck his Life within his final hours.


"oh Mason"

Kicking Masons head hard with his boot, this voice spoke up again.

"Mason, I had a hard time finding you... I can't believe your playing family without me... and our boys"

he opened his eyes, finding himself in a warehouse near the dead of Night and looked at the man who caught him.

"you sir... have just an incredible bounty on your head in the underworld... listen to me... really quick bud, you... pussed of so many... many people... and I'm talking... big people... the people who grab our balls and rip them kind... you following me..." he said with of a tone of sarcasm and annoyance.

"Whay the hell do you want Grant..." Mason said feeling his locks being pulled by this person as Grant smiled.

"oh! you know me... now I really can't return you alive, it's only a billion dollar bonus but 11 billion for you dead is fine too... well in any case, you should know, knowing you reputation and all that... since you were the kind to you know... stop every single operation the underworld war lords have... and damn I gotta say, I love it. you are a serious pain in the ass, not to mention one fucking wild card... your existence is a serious mystery..." grant was truly in awe and spoke from his heart to him.

which to Mason responded.

"You gonna jerk me off too while I'm captive... just tell me what you want..."

grant quickly shoved his knee into his face after after pulling his head down into it breaking Masons nose and drawing blood first.

"and that's also why I can't stand you... your smart ass remarks... Mason... they are... aggravating... but now that I have you and I'll be honest never in my wildest dreams did I think I would have caught you... did I also catch more"

"wait..." he then remembered what he said. Playing. Family.

"you didn't... YOU FUCKING BASTERED!" Hatred quickly rose from his heart as Grant soon let the lights on casing all down on him and his tied up family.

in Mason's eyes and horror, his wife was gagged and had bruises all over her body from being beaten before Mason woke up. his daughters both barely in middle school were the same. all of there's clothes filled with holes from stabbings or being ripped off. it was clear to him what happened to them.

and grant spoke up.

"You haven't even seen the best part..." making him look up, was his cop like father. hanged by the neck and in a cross. in chains and holes of bullets all through his body.

Mason was in panic, anger. sadness. it mixing around until Dread sunk in when he heard his family attempting to speak, but with there gags, only could muffle words.

He looked to them as grant then pulled out a fire arm. "Your girls Mason... absolutely charming... they cried... screamed... begged for it all to stop... by my men... myself included... never did! not one of us!" there was a dark and sinister tone as he spoke to Mason.

"they, hated every bit... but as you can guess... we didn't stop... and that wasn't the end of it... We cut them... beat them as much as we want and do you want to know why...?"

Mason watched his daughter, get shot on her shoulder feeling so much pain she cried loudly.

and made Grant yell as he also pulled her hair and he'd the barrel to her head.

"BECAUSE... WE WANTED TO SEE YOU CRUMBLE...! THE GREAT Mason! being ruined... his family killed right before he eyes... finding out there raped, tortured and beaten down...!" He then grabbed the other twin, and pushed her stomach making her through up and cry.

"oh you should have seen the act. if only you woke up sooner... but we just couldn't wait any more...!" finally he got to his wife.

Mason already in tears as he watched his daughters take so much abuse, and what they had go trough, was in such a state of despair making Grant grin with utter happiness with his sadistic tendencies.

"and her... oh my god... she was a resistant whore... knocking her out was all we could do to keep her still and let me tell you... she didn't resist anymore... I can't exactly let these girl live you know... since you said my fucking name Mason... but I'm going to let my guys handle them with extreme care before I do that... I know some of them wanted to keep your wife and daughters and I wanted to sell them... but If they know who I am, I'll likely get tracked down fast..."

"they... were good... innocent people... so why! you fucking basted...! what did they have to do to deserve this hell?!"

"because of your careless actions... you really think nothing would go wrong...? did you think you can play family after everything you've done...? people want you dead Mason... your family are casualties because of your own actions and mistakes...." he said grim, and soon shot his wife against her chest as well as his daughters. "I give them about... fifteen minutes... maybe more for the wife of yours... but the girls, oh there gone for sure... sooner than that maybe... who knows... I've had my fun... so everyone do your thing but don't touch Mason..." walking over and making sure he watched. he then told him.

"he still will die, but by me... after he watching his family one last time in there finally moments"

over a dozen men gathered around them, and had there way with each one of them. they gave Mason a demonstration of what his missed the first time, there violation and abuse. the torture and beating. it wasn't ending until he heard them all go silent one by one. knowing that when the screams stopped. one after another. his family was dying. and he couldn't do a thing about it. again feeling the moments he did as child. he broke down. there was no longer a reason for him to live or go on. he back to square one. back to being a powerless and hopless soul. and he had to ask. the almighty.

"why me god...?"

grant stood up over Mason with a shotgun now, to the back of Mason head. "It's been borning... bye now Mason..."

the trigger pulled Mason met his end. with his family.

in what felt like an ocean, he laid in, his soul traversed endlessly in the void until a light overtook his body.

what he saw next, was his family, going behind gates, as they shut on him, with the almighty God of the world interfering his passage.

"let me through... you can't keep me from them... what gives you that fucking right!"

God, looked down at Mason. and could only feel sadness. he got to his knees and lowered his head. "truly... from the depth of my immortal soul... I am sorry my son... for not noticing your existence..."

this was no surprise to Mason, as much as he wanted to hit the man in front of him. he held back his temper with great self control and respected that he bowed and lowered his head.

"Just let me see my family... let me spend my enteral soul with them... I cant.... I can't lose them... I have nothing left... no one left..." he cried and looked past the gate as they stood against wanting him with them. even if he was the cause for there deaths, they still wished to be together.

God only suffered more and shakehis head as he stood up. "forgive me... but I cannot allow that... you... have sinned... far more that what I can allow... and there is no way for you to repent... I do wish to let my companion of the underworld take you... and even he agrees... we both know of your deeds... and what has come of you now... clear as day... but i cannot let you through..."

"You... ignored my entire existence... and didn't interfere when they needed you most...! and now... Now you say I'm not allowed... I may have sinned... but if we're going there you have to the blame too... for not even acknowledging my life... for not even seeing the hell I had to go through...! you have to take responsibility for that too you worthless god!" he stared down at God keeping his eyes locked with his.

"and I will... for I have decided... to grant you with a new life... where you evil and sinful action here... will have meaning in another world... one more fitting... and rewarding... as well, I will grant one request... and I can already guess what it is... so if they agree... then yes... they will go with you.."

Mason looked to his wife rushing to her and holding his children. against the gate between them. he knew there was no changing this fate and asked them.

"will you all come with me...?"

they looked at God, and then to there father. his wife to him, and then to each other. agreed together.


he smiled, and opened a portal, a gate to another world and universe.

"then so be it...

Mason held his family again as they passed together.

however, as they say, anything that could go wrong, will go wrong. as they traveled through this gate to new world and beginning. the laws of the new world didn't like this addition. so there ride, became unsteady, and couldn't ever be undone. soon enough, they were each separated, in different parts of the world with its new regions and countries.

Mason woke up to the sign of battle, the sign of war, men yelling, thunder, fire and arrows flying everywhere. a woman yelling to be let go and free. he stood up and time stood still around him, he hadn't yet realize where he was, but his body, acted accordingly.