
The Burning Treasure-seeker

As the churning of his stomach began to fade and as Steve felt well enough to open his eyes, he noticed that he seemed to be standing in a small cubby hole with green flames slowly dissipating around him. Obviously, it was this fire that had transported here but how they got him from that toilet to here Steve couldn't begin to guess. Looking up, Steve saw Simon waiting for him whilst frequently looking at his pocket watch that he kept glancing at. It seemed that his wizard guide was in some sort of hurry, Steve mused as he slowly walked from the cubby into a large busy corridor lined with tall imposing arches and the walls and floor covered in shiny black bricks. It seemed that they were somewhere beneath the city.

"This way, follow me", Simon sounded out before quickly jogging off with the flow of people down one side of the corridor. Steve took a moment further to regain his bearings before he felt someone bump into his back, sending Steve and his 'attacker' to the floor. Angered, Steve stood up quickly and turned around. His demonic energy flaring inside him lead to there being a dangerous glint to his eyes and his hair slightly rising in irritation. Within an instant, if given a sign, Steve was poised- ready to transform and shred this attacker a new superfluous behind! The man who had accidentally run into Steve quickly got up from the floor, surprise evident on his face and as he looked up to Steve with his pale green eyes, all Steve could sense was an air of worry and concern over his wellbeing rather than the many odd and ends that the middle-aged, burning-red man had dropped all over the floor.

At this Steve's anger dissipated and in surprise, he looked at the man as the ginger bloke began to brush off Steve's clothes and speak, "I'm sorry my friend, I haven't hurt you have I? Oh no, Molly'll kill me if she knew I'd hurt someone at work.... I'm Arthur, Arthur Weasley, I'm sorry Sir, I was just too occupied with all of these interesting things here.", Steve quickly mumbled "It's fine, I'm alright" before his intrigue was set on Arthurs words. Arthur quickly went to the floor and with Steve's help they began collecting the random assortment of objects and placed them into Arthur's cardboard box.

"Why do you have such an odd collection of junk, Mr Weasle.",

"It's Weasley and this my friend is not junk... It's a treasure!", Arthur exclaimed as he polished an old aluminium can before putting it back into the box with a blissful smile on his face. Intrigued at hearing the word 'treasure' used to describe these foreign objects, Steve helped Arthur and his box to their feet and as they began to head down the corridor in the direction Simon went, Steve started a conversation with the eager orange haired human.

"I'm Steve. Mr Weasley, i'm very interested as to why you refer to these objects as treasure.", Steve asked with full curiosity and rapt attention. "Call me Arthur.", Arthur said, pleased that someone was interested in his research, "I work in the Misuse of Muggle Artifacts Office, so obviously I have an interest in anything that Muggles use in their lives. I', a bit of a treasure seeker really and to me, it's all treasure.", Arthur smiled whilst holding his box tighter. Steve didn't know what a muggle was but didn't think to ask as Arthur, who was surprisingly chatty, continued to talk. "Occasionally, I get real crazy treasures that do amazing, miraculous things. Take for example the 'Bicycle' I brought home a few years back!", Arthurs' eyes went wide in excitement, " It is a miracle that such a simple people as the Muggles can create such intricate contraptions for transportation that, on the ground, can rival the speed of magic beast mounts!", Steve was impressed... Although not understanding much of what the overexcited man had said, he knew that this 'Bicycle' artefact might even rival his own demonic powers!

Eventually, the two arrived at the end of the corridor to where Simon was stood annoyed waiting for Steve. Upon noticing Arthur by his side, Simon quickly ran up to them before speaking rapidly, "I've got a meeting to get to. Good Morning Arthur... Anyway, can you take Steve here to the meeting room near your office, he is here for that Hogwarts, Overseer thing...",

Arthur barely had time to agree before Simon sped off to the nearest lift and disappeared. Arthur turned to Steve with a smile, "Hogwarts ay-, what a coincidence...".