
A Demon Hunts down the Lightning Thief

This is a Percy Jackson story but with a change of story instead of being the son of Poseidon, he is the son of hades. What will change, well a lot of things will be changing. Everyone will be aged up to high school that is one change

Zer0AiWhatifs · Others
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a Dog turns into a cat

After Madusa, Percy and the rest would walk back into the woods. "What now?" Grover would ask as Percy would bring out the map. "The bus," Percy would say as Annabeth and Grover would look at him. "What, it's not like the furies will attack us again," Percy would say as he would walk, making Annabeth and Grover follow as well.

On the bus, it was a tour bus as Percy and the others would look outside the window till it would stop at a tower. "This is our next stop," the tour guide would say as Percy and Annabeth and Grover would get up and walk in with the rest. Arriving in an elevator with a woman holding a little dog, a Chihuahua. They would arrive at the top floor as they would look around, but soon the time came, and they were about to leave, but there were too many people Annabeth and Grover, when ahead. The only people now were Percy and the woman with the Chihuahua. "I think it's time you show yourself," Percy would say as he would turn around. The dog would suddenly grow as it would look like a lion with a snake tail and wings as the beast's shadow would cover Percy. " You know what they say. The bigger they are, the hard they fall," Percy yell for his sword as it would form in his hand, blocking an attack from the snake. Jumping back, he would flip, dodging a stomp from the paw of the beast. "This thing is fast," Percy would think as Percy would jump over the fire it was spiting. As Percy would say, Black Abyss making the beast's shadow turn into a circle as tentacles would come out and wrap around the beast. "Shadow control," Percy said as he was about to stab the shadow till. Bam! he would get smacked with the tail, sending flying as Percy would hit the wall, making the wall crumble from the force. "Ow," Percy would say, moving the rumble that was on him, as he would look at the beast to see that it's broken out of Black Abyss. "Well, it seems this is harder than I thought" Grabbing his sword, Percy would stand. "Get ready for a fall," Percy would say as he would run at the beast trying to attack. Percy would dodge all as Percy jumped into Percy's air "Dark Wave" as he would swing his sword cutting the wings off the beast. "Shadow wall" as the shadow on the floor would rise. Percy using the wall he would jump off of it, grabbing the beast as they would break through the glass window.

Both are falling as the beast is farther down. Percy would be free-falling as a tv show would pop in his head. "I saw this in an anime, so this better work," Percy would yell as he would slam his hand together. "Solid Shadow Release: Winged Darkness." Percy Shadow would suddenly start to move on Percy as it would arrive at his back as the shadow would begin to expand, making wings. "Holy Shit, it worked," As Percy would slow down, making him lose his air from the pullback. He would slowly land on the ground as the shadow wings would fall, landing in Percy's shadow again. "That was Crazy," Percy would think as Percy would see everybody and the cops. "Look, Mommy, that boy flew," as the mom would look at Percy as he would wave, "Silly girl, that boy couldn't fly" as they would walk away. Soon after, Annabeth and Grover would run over to Percy. "What the hell happen!" Annabeth would yell, "Speaking of Hell, did you know that that dog came from there" as Percy would point to the ashes on the ground. Both Annabeth and Grover realizing what happens, would grab Percy's arm and run away.

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