
A Demon's Ascension To Immortality

After losing everything he has, he was fated to die but just then, someone saved him. He was given a chance to live not as a human but as a demon. Now, a demon, anyone would dream of becoming the most powerful demon ruler, however, Alex's dream didn't just stop there... He aimed for the impossible — Immortality. Becoming immortal and ascending into the realms of the gods is something no one should wish for but Alex wanted it. As such, he aimed for it. Despite the challenges, betrayals, blood-shed, and sacrifices to be made, he went for the impossible. AN: Please, readers, the main story starts from Volume 2 so don't be offended.

Ruby_banks02 · Fantasy
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89 Chs

Forming A Pact (R18)

What she said sparked something inside of Alex. It was a horrible reminder that everyone's gonna die someday but the problem now is that he didn't want to die. Him dying was something that never crossed his mind and now that it did, he suddenly got this fear creeping inside of him. The urge to live forever suddenly burned inside of him and he couldn't help it.

"Those Gods... Tell me, can anyone become a God?" He asked Lilith who gazed at him before answering him.

"Yes but it is almost impossible," she answered and went further to explain. "For demons, only a few of them can attain immortality but they can never become a God, it's not like those old geezers will allow a mere being like us to become one of them."