
A Demon's Ascension To Immortality

After losing everything he has, he was fated to die but just then, someone saved him. He was given a chance to live not as a human but as a demon. Now, a demon, anyone would dream of becoming the most powerful demon ruler, however, Alex's dream didn't just stop there... He aimed for the impossible — Immortality. Becoming immortal and ascending into the realms of the gods is something no one should wish for but Alex wanted it. As such, he aimed for it. Despite the challenges, betrayals, blood-shed, and sacrifices to be made, he went for the impossible. AN: Please, readers, the main story starts from Volume 2 so don't be offended.

Ruby_banks02 · Fantasy
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89 Chs

First Day In Xanth Academy

After leaving the office, the driver stopped and faced Alex. 

"I've done my part already, it's time for me to leave and go back," he said to Alex.

"Going back is not safe, how will you and the others cope?" Alex asked him.

"We will try and survive until it is safe for you to return and take over the place after your uncle, our Master," the driver replied.

"Hmmm," Alex sighed with a little bit of reluctance in his eyes. 

"Don't you want to take over the place? It is your home, remember?" The driver said to him.

"I appoint you the leader, make the place a home for you and the rest. I don't have any business there," Alex replied and began to walk ahead.

The driver stood there for a while and watched as Alex walked farther and farther away, he then sighed and followed behind. Soon, he was outside the school gate, and gazing at the hate one more time, he climbed into the car and drove off.