
A Demigoddess' Adventure

Sam, a demigoddess faces a lot of challenges on her way to save the world that shape her destiny and enlightens her more on her past...

maple_law · Fantasy
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10 Chs


"Who do you think did this?" Xavier asked with a concerned look on his face.

Although he was a trained, rugged werewolf who escaped from the Mephistophelian Realm to fight for good and not evil, who was always ready to transform whenever danger was near, he was really handsome.

His short, straight jet black hair complemented his black iris.

"I don't know." Crystal said.

"I think I do." I said, feeling the pressure of all eyes peering down on me. "When I and Jake got to the colliery, we met an Aqrabuamelu." I said, noticing Jake's steady gaze fixed on me.

"An Aqrabuamelu?" Xavier asked, his dark eyes widening in surprise when I nodded.

"Aren't they meant to be in the Mephistophelian Realm?" Nathan asked.

"The real question should be, 'How did he get out?'. I mean, we all know that the seal may be cracked, but not open yet. The crack may have been big enough to let Protean demons out...but I doubt if it must have been big enough to let an Aqrabuamelu out." Xavier stated quietly and we all began to think. This was the longest thing he had ever spoken since we'd known him.

"Did he leave a message?" Nathan asked almost immediately. I looked at Jake and his eyes met mine.

I could see the obvious...his eyes were saying; [Don't tell them anything ]

"No...he just picked up a fight and left." I said.

"Really?" Xavier asked and I nodded. "That's odd. Aqrabuamelu(s) don't go on missions without roots."

"But they're aggressive...." Jake said and I flashed him a thankful smile.

"Hmm." Xavier muttered cautiously and I turned to face Luna. She lay helpless on the bed, breathing slowly with little burn marks on her left cheek and arm.

* * * * * * *

I sat by the riverbank alone at night with my head cupped in my hands.

"Sam?" Jake called calmly, and I felt his tender touch on my shoulder.

"What's wrong?" He asked softly and I looked up at him. The wind ruffled his hair and he stared at me.

"This whole thing is really confusing" I said.

"What do you mean?" He asked and I felt myself falling apart at the thought of explaining the whole thing.

"This whole 'quest' thing. I mean, why would Kakó want me?! I don't even know him. What do you think he wants?" I panicked and noticed Jake watching me.

"That's the point of the quest. To know how the seal was cracked, and why he's after you. Plus, once we defeat him, you wouldn't have to worry about anything." He said and I forced a smile.

"If you say so." I said and he winked at me.

* * * *

I opened the door of our little apartment and walked out quietly. It was 2:02am, and everyone was asleep.... except me.

The air was cold and chilly, so I wore my leather jacket. I packed my brown, long hair in a ponytail and placed Eridaph in my hair. I just had to be ready for anything at any time.

Despite the time, the sky was a dark tint of purple, with sunny orange clouds which looked like streaks of orange paint running across the purple sky.

It was still a bit dark though, but I felt really safe and comfortable being alone.

I walked into the thicket with no idea where I was going or what I was doing. I just let my instincts lead the way. The crater was still there, but deeper and I had to find another way to get across.

As I paced about, I noticed someone standing at the other side of the crater. It was ..Crystal...She stood there, watching me with a sword in her hand, and an evil glint in her eyes.

"Crystal?" I mumbled and she leaped over the crater and stood in front of me.

I backed away slowly, and suddenly, vines sprang out of the ground and coilled around my legs, hands and soon, I realised I was trapped.

Crystal smirked at me and tightened her grip around the handle of the sword. She swung it up in the air, and right before she sliced me in half, I felt a tap on my shoulder, and jerked up with a shriek.

"Sam, are you okay?" Crystal asked and I looked around. I was on the floor in front of the apartment, and Crystal, Jake , Nathan and Xavier stated at me with fear and concern. I must've fallen asleep the moment I stepped out...or... more reasonably, I must've fallen into some sort of trance.

"Sure...I'm good....It was just a nightmare." I said, feeling a little dizzy.

"Are you sure? You were knocked out cold." Nathan asked with a raised eyebrow and I forced a smile. "It was nothing...Trust me ..All I need is some boba." I said and Crystal gently grasped my hand. "Come on...You need a bath first." She said and I gently shrugged her hand off.

"Yeah... I sure do." I said awkwardly and walked into the apartment and shut the door.

... What was going on?....

...One minute I'm doing something and the next it's all a dream....

* * * * *

The little bell hanging above the door of the bistro chimed as I walked in.

"One mango flavoured boba, please." I said to the little dryad behind the counter. "Coming right up." She said as I dropped five gold coins. I turned to the table beside the window, and noticed my friends sitting and chatting away.

"Thanks." I said when the I got my order, and I walked to meet them.

"Hey, guys." I said and sat next to Jake. "Are you feeling better?" Crystal asked and I nodded slightly.

"Where's Xavier?"I asked immediately, hoping to change the topic.

"He's watching over Luna." Jake said with a steady tone.

"Uhm, guys?" I started, feeling this was a bad idea, and they all started at me." I've been thinking about the paper you found at the archives....and I've been wondering, what do you think the paper meant by, 'shall be betrayed by a close friend indeed'?" I asked and the look on each of their faces screamed guilt and trepidation.

Right before I could say what was on my mind, I felt a vibration in my pocket. I took my phone out and glanced at the screen. It was a text from Xavier.

Sam, Luna's waking up...Inform the others

"Luna's waking up." I said and Jake got up."Let's go."