
A Demigod In The World Of Magic

Thrown back in time to 1994 in the battle against Kronos, Percy finds himself exiled to the UK, barred from stepping foot in America to prevent damaging the fabric of time. However, amidst this exile, he discovers solace in a hidden world of magic—the wizarding world.

SageOF016 · Book&Literature
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Chapter 9: Because…..?

"A bookstore, but not a normal one. It's a special one that deals with books that are highly illegal. There is a reason I asked you to come out this early in the morning. The store is called the 'Twilight Spectrum' and exits at a specific time. If you don't find it by then it is gone."

Percy nodded, "so where is it?"

Hecate turned a corner and smiled, "right here."

In front of them, right in the center of the alleyway was a giant tower that was over twenty stories tall. It was cracked and old with moss hanging off its windows and creepers running up it's walls. There was a door before them that read 'Twilight Spectrum', Hecate walked up to it and knocked.

The door then disappeared and Hecate walked in. "Quickly Percy! Or else it will leave without us!"

Percy nodded as he ran inside, moment later the door slammed shut and the building shook. Percy was startled, he looked back and opened the door, but instead of an open alley way he found a bricked up wall.

"Come on Percy, we can look at walls later." Hecate called out. Percy grumbled, 'stupid goddess of magic.'

They walked inside and found themselves in the heart of the tower. The walls were shelves that ran up the twenty stories of the all tower with ladder going all the up. In front of them was an old man that was hunched before a counter. He smiled, "welcome, how may I help you?"

"We need books," Hecate said as she looked around, "lots of them."

"Any particular subject?"

"The core subjects for Hogwarts, uncensored of course. One on runes, arithmancy, alchemy, a basic starting point for dark magic as well."

"Easy enough," the man said with a smile as he brought his wand up and waved it in intricate and delicate patterns. Suddenly books from all over the tower began to move off their shelves and fly down. Around 20 books came down and stacked themselves on the counter. The man turned to Hecate, "anything else?"

"Well let's see...turning into an Animagus, one on basic rituals...and you know what I'm feeling dangerous, give me one on battle magic as well."

The said nothing as he nodded and quickly summoned the books again. Hecate turned to Percy, "anything you want to learn in particular Percy?"

Percy shrugged, "not really. Ah...well there is that teleportation thing I was told about. You know, by the three old grandma's? I thought that was cool."

Hecate chuckled, "yeah, wait until you try it kid. But either way you won't need a book for that."

"Then...is there a certain branch of magic my dad uses? I think that would be useful."

The old man raised an eyebrow as he leaned in and locked eyes with Percy. Percy was surprised at the sudden eye contact but thought nothing off it. But then Hecate suddenly reached out and grabbed the man by the throat.

The goddess lifted the man up and squeezed, "did you just try and invade my ward's mind boy?"

"I-I'm sorry I-"

"-Silence!" Hecate roared as her eyes glowed like greek fire, "I should burn you and your entire tower for this offence! Give me one reason to spare your life!"

"I-I'm sorry! Please, I'll do anything!" The man kicked his feet as he struggled to escape, but the goddess grip on his throat was too tight.

"Anything?" the goddess narrowed her eyes.

"Yes! Please!"

"Fine," she threw him down as the man coughed as his throat slowly opened up again, "I"m looking for a book about Atlantean magic. Do you have it?"

"N-no, something like that is far too valuable," the man said as he struggled to get back up. Percy wanted to go to the man and help him up, but one look from Hecate made him stop. The goddess knew what was doing, he needed to trust her.

"I want it. Or I promise your tower will not last another day!"

"I'll find it, I swear!" The fell to his knees, "just give me a month's time! Please! I'll find one for you!"

"Swear on your magic boy," Hecate's eyes flared green, "and I might just spare your life."

"I swear! I swear on my magic I will do all I can to find this book for you my lady!"

"Fine. Theses books will be enough. How much?"

The man stated a thousand for the set, Percy thought the goddess would argue, but she made no effort. She asked Percy to pay the man, and after shrinking and storing the books they were off once more.

"Hecate, what did that old guy try to do to me?" Percy asked.

"He tried to read your mind Percy," the goddess spat as she shoot a glare over her shoulder causing the old man inside to shiver.

"He what?!" Percy blushed.

"Don't worry, I stopped him before he did anything."

Percy was shocked to say the least. "I didn't know they could do that," he said in awe and disgust.

"Yes, the wizards might be small minded, but they are clever people. Don't worry, about it though," Hecate snapped her fingers and Percy felt a tingle of magic come alive around his head, "I just placed a barrier in your mind. No wizard will be able to do that again. Can't have you spilling out the secrets of the Gods and the future now can we?"

Percy nodded, he didn't even think about that. He didn't realise what damage the things he knows could cause if they ever got out. He was just worried about himself, Percy gulped, if he was going to live in this world he needed to learn how to protect himself.

They walked to the front door and Heated threw open the doors. She pressed her hand up against the brick wall and suddenly a passageway opened up. She and Percy walked through and found themselves outside Knockturn alley.

It was now 8 in the morning and slowly diagon alley was slowly waking up. People were out and about, people were busy opening up shop. Hecate sighed, "I hoped there wouldn't be much of a crowd today, but oh well, nothing we can do about it."

"So we have the books, we have the tools, what's next?" Percy asked.

"Well now we just need a place to study."

"Right...and the cauldron doesn't work because…..?"