Thrown back in time to 1994 in the battle against Kronos, Percy finds himself exiled to the UK, barred from stepping foot in America to prevent damaging the fabric of time. However, amidst this exile, he discovers solace in a hidden world of magic—the wizarding world.
If you want to read ahead by 20+ chapters you could take a visit on my patreon Or check it out.
"What? I'm just saying, something could be going on between those two."
"Gordan, mate, I think when Juan said 'come on' he meant that it was obvious that something was going on between those two," Miguel explained.
"Obviously," Juan nodded, "look at the way she bites her lip every time he looks at her. Obviously there's something going on."
"Oh please, you four are just looking into this too hard," Heather waved them away.
"Oh come on Heather, Percy and the veela chick are obviously more than friends," Kristen pressed.
"Plus we all know Percy has a thing for veela," Margaret pointed at Kelly who was looking at Percy and Fluer with puffed cheeks and a glare on her face.
"You think Kelly is jealous?" Michael asked.
"Neah, can't be," Gordon shrugged. He suddenly heard Fleur and Percy laugh loudly, "what do you think they are laughing about?"
"No idea," Juan said with a shrug as he slumped his shoulders, "but I do know one thing though. I officially have no chance to get with a french veela."
Soon the feast came to a close as Dumbledore stood up and called for silence. "Now, the goblet is sorting through it's options for champions. While it does that I remind you all once again what exactly this means. This tournament is not a game, once chosen you cannot withdraw, you are bound to compete, or else lose your magic in forfeit."
Fleur turned to Percy, "zee Perzy, it isn't a game."
"Life is a game my dear Fleur, I just have the decency to treat it like the game it is," Percy shot back with a grin.
"Now, let us begin," Dumbledore stepped back and pushed the goblet forward. The blue flames burned red as a piece of burnt paper shot up into the air and floated gently down into Dumbledore's awaiting hands.
"And the champion for Durmstrang is….Viktor Krum!"
The hall broke into cheers as everyone clapped for the world class seeker. Percy kind of expected this considering he was good enough to be in the quidditch finals. But mostly because he didn't know anyone else from Durmstrang.
"Please Mister Krum, though this door," Dumbledore pointed at the door behind the teacher's table that lead to the trophy room. The hall cheered until Krum entered the room and then Dumbledore called for silence.
The fire turned red again and shot out another piece of paper, this one blue and fancy looking, obviously it had the champion of Beauxbatons names written on it.
Fleur lowered her head in anticipation, Percy smiled and patted her back, "relax, it'll be fine." Fleur looked up and smiled giving Percy a node.
"And the champion for Beauxbatons is….Fleur Delacour!"
Fleur's face broke into a smile as she stood up tall and proud. Everyone in Hufflepuff cheered loudly for her while most of her fellow school mates cried in disappointment.
"I'll zee you zoon Perzy," Fleur smiled as she quickly walked to the front of the hall and into the trophy room like Krum.
Once the hall settled down again the goblet shot out another piece of paper. Before Percy could even see what it looked like Dumbledore plucked it out off the air.
The tension in the hall built, there were only a handful of the other schools in the hall, but this person was going to represent Hogwarts itself and would be chosen out of the four houses.
Percy felt nervous, a small part of him wanted to not be selected, after all all he ever did as a demigod was avoided danger, now he's charging into it!
But another part of him, the louder part of him, demanded a chance to prove that Percy the human was just as worthy as Percy the demigod.
"And the champion for Hogwarts is..." Dumbledore drew the tension out. The students looked on eagerly while a few glared at Dumbledore for drawing this out.
The headmaster read the chit again and chuckled, "the champion for Hogwarts is Percy Jackson from Hufflepuff!"
Percy jaw dropped in surprise as the entire Hufflepuff table roared into celebration.
"You did it! You actually got in!" Juan yelled into Percy's ears as he pulled Percy to his feet and brought him into a bone crushing hug.
Percy slowly brought himself out of shock as he accepted everyone's congratulations as they pushed him towards Dumbledore.
"Come up Mr. Jackson," Dumbledore said with a gentle grandfatherly smile.
"I'm so scared right now," Percy gulped as he walked up to the Headmaster with Kelly in his pocket shaking in her boots. Everyone in the hall, be it Slytherin, Ravenclaw or Gryffindor cheered loudly for him.
Percy even saw Harry, Ron and Hermione get on their feet and clap while cheering him on loudly. Percy waved at them with a stupid smile on his face, he nearly tripped to get onto the platform but quickly steadied himself.
The hall laughed a bit, but Percy didn't mind, he shot them a wide smile and quickly walked to the back door.
It opened up to him and Percy walked in. As the door shut behind him the hall's cheering was cut off. Percy's heart was beating loudly, but he calmed it down, what's done is done, there was nothing he could do to change it now.
He walked into the trophy room and smiled seeing Fleur and Krum stand in opposite corners of the room, Krum next to the fire place and Fleur next to the windows overlooking the fields outside.
"Hello Fleur, miss me?" Percy grinned.
The french witch looked up in surprise as she smiled "Perzy! You made it!"
Percy scoffed, "you sound surprised."
Fleur smirked, "I am. But I meant what I zaid, you won't last through the first task."
"We'll see about that tweetie bird," Percy grinned as he turned to Krum, "hey Krum! Nice to see you again!"
Krum nodded, "nice to see you. How is your aunt?"
If you want to read ahead by 20+ chapters you could take a visit on my patreon Or check it out.