
A decision to change a lifetime

Everyone has that one decision, that one moment in their lives that they think back to from time to time and wonder what could have been if they had made a different choice a different decision. A point in time they wish they could go back to. After saving a stranger, Laila has been offered a chance to do just that. Laila has nothing she could want from an outsiders perspective. She lives in a big mansion, with a handsome husband and two beautiful children but in reality her life is far from perfect and she couldn't remember the last time she was truly happy. So, if she was offered a chance to change that, shouldn't she take it? How crazy and unbelievable that chance might seem? This story is indeed in a way a rebirth story but it isn't your typical rebirth story. It is one where the second male lead actually gets the girl. So, if you have ever screamed at your screen over yet another female lead picking the horrible first male lead over the second just because he has realized the error of his ways and therefore all he has done in the past should be forgiven and forgotten, well then search no farther as this is the story for you! Join me in the first week of May as we start this story of how a single decision can determine a lifetime or change it! Until then, feel free to look at my just completed novel A devil's match :D

washma_y · Teen
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505 Chs

Weak and vulnerable

After remembering that she hadn't packed her toiletries yet, Laila zipped her suitcase back open end headed into the bathroom. She first finished what she needed to do to get ready for bed and placed every item into the clear toilet bag after she was done using them. Then she grabbed whatever makeup items she thought she might need and packed those as well. Deciding to go bare faced to the airport and applying whatever she felt was necessary after passing through customs or once she had landed in their hometown.

Another forty-five minutes had passed before Laila had finished packing for a second time. Then she took a second look around the room and got started on cleaning up the mess she had made. One by one, Laila grabbed the clothes off the piles she had made on the floor and the bed, before folding them back up and placing them on the shelves in the closet. By the time Laila was done with the packing and cleaning, it was already two in the morning and Noah still hadn't come back home. Fully exhausted, Laila dropped herself on the bed and set her alarm for her flight that would leave eleven in the morning. She counted the hours that were left for her to sleep and let out a soft sigh before drifting off to dreamland in mere seconds.

The next morning Laila's alarm went off at seven-thirty in the morning. Laila was still feeling extremely sleepy and was struggling to wake herself up. Having only slept for five-and-a-half hours, she was feeling nauseous and all kinds of tired. Despite all this, she tossed and turned for a bit before forcing herself to at least sit up on the bed in order to wake up fully. She leaned over to the button that would open up the curtains and let the little amount of light that was out, from the barely risen sun, into the dark room. She was not ready yet for the brightness from the actual lights. So, she had decided to not turn them on until she was also ready to actually get out of bed. Until then, the soft light from outside was enough for her.

Another fifteen minutes passed until Laila had entered the second stage of her waking up process and she finally stepped out of the bed. Laila slowly made her way to the bathroom and washed her face with some cold water in order to wake herself up properly. After that she got dressed in a simple, loose fitted dress and put her hair in a simple ponytail. Despite not putting in much effort, she still managed to look beautiful in an elegant and clean way. She was looking a bit pale, making her seem a bit weak and vulnerable but she hid that with a pair of sunglasses and a capped hat. She topped her dress off with a denim jacket in case she got cold on the plane. After checking her look in the mirror, Laila grabbed her suitcase and stepped out of her room. In the hall she ran into one of them staff members and asked him to carry her suitcase down before she headed down the stairs herself.

Once she arrived on the ground floor she walked towards the dining hall, to make an attempt at eating breakfast. Her first attempt wasn't very successful as Laila was forced to turn around the moment she stepped into the dining room. She was hit by a strong case of nausea as soon as she was faced with the different scents of the food that had been prepared for her. This was when Gretchen walked in and saw the state her lady was in and she rushed towards her to check up on her. "What's wrong miss Laila? Are you feeling unwell?"

Laila held up her hand as she tried to fight the urge to throw up. When she was confident she could keep whatever was in her empty stomach inside, Laila responded. "I am fine. I am just nauseous and those smells affected me harder then I expected. Could you have someone take the food away. If you guys haven't had breakfast yet and want it, you can have it. Instead of that lovely spread, I would just like a smoothie or something. I don't think I can keep much else inside at the moment." Gretchen nodded and said, "Right away miss." She instructed a few people inside the room to clear out the food before she turned back to Laila and said, "I will go request the kitchen to prepare you a nutritious smoothie miss. In the meantime, why don't you go take a seat in the living room. You look awfully pale at the moment. I will bring the smoothie to you once it is ready."

Laila nodded and said, "Thank you Gretchen. Please apologize for me to the kitchen staff. They worked so hard on that breakfast only for me to glance at it once before turning away. I would have loved to eat it and I am sure it tasted great, as do all the meals prepared by them, but I just don't have the confidence I can keep it inside of me. I slept very little for my standards and so I am not feeling all that great."

Gretchen shook her head with a smile and said, "No need to apologize miss. I am sure they will understand. Your words alone are enough for them. You try to get some more rest as they whip up this lighter version of breakfast for you." Laila smiled weakly as she thanked Gretchen once more before heading to the sofa in the living room to rest her body and eyes until her breakfast smoothie was ready.