
A decision to change a lifetime

Everyone has that one decision, that one moment in their lives that they think back to from time to time and wonder what could have been if they had made a different choice a different decision. A point in time they wish they could go back to. After saving a stranger, Laila has been offered a chance to do just that. Laila has nothing she could want from an outsiders perspective. She lives in a big mansion, with a handsome husband and two beautiful children but in reality her life is far from perfect and she couldn't remember the last time she was truly happy. So, if she was offered a chance to change that, shouldn't she take it? How crazy and unbelievable that chance might seem? This story is indeed in a way a rebirth story but it isn't your typical rebirth story. It is one where the second male lead actually gets the girl. So, if you have ever screamed at your screen over yet another female lead picking the horrible first male lead over the second just because he has realized the error of his ways and therefore all he has done in the past should be forgiven and forgotten, well then search no farther as this is the story for you! Join me in the first week of May as we start this story of how a single decision can determine a lifetime or change it! Until then, feel free to look at my just completed novel A devil's match :D

washma_y · Teen
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Saying goodbye

Maria and Steve weren't the only ones finding themselves in a position between two stages of a relationship. Rebecca and Anthony were in a similar situation after their long weekend to Anthony's hometown. Having shared a room and a kiss there, returning back to how things were when they came back to town, was something neither of them wanted. They didn't want the progress to be lost, but living apart and yet so close together, made it somehow difficult to take things further from where they left off.

In Anthony's hometown, there was an excuse ready for them to sleep in the same room. But right now, it was even hard to find a reason to sleep in the same house. Distance wasn't an issue, having to go home early wasn't a reason and moving in so soon after getting together, didn't seem an option. If not for Rebecca herself, than at least for the sake of her younger brother. She didn't want to make him a third wheel in their relationship. Especially not while they were still in the honeymoon stage. Even though he knew about their engagement and had given his blessings, it also still didn't feel right to leave Sam all by himself at night just so she could spend it with Anthony.

No, for now she just wanted to enjoy the life she had with her brother, while also working on building a life together with Anthony. Right now she was in a state of balance, where she was gently mixing and separating her life with Anthony and her life with her brother. Trying to make as little as possible change for her brother, while showing the necessary change in her life with Anthony. They were going on dates. She was having Anthony visit and spend time with her and her brother. And when her brother had some school activity or other, Rebecca would use the opportunity to go to Anthony's place so they can cook together and have some one on one time without the hoo-ha of a date. The longer they stayed in this state of balance, the more difficult it was to do anything that would break that equilibrium and any step forward could be that thing to cause that shift. So, Rebecca stayed. Safely in the middle.

But no matter how careful she was, she knew that eventually this would have to end, and make place for a life where Anthony would not just be a visitor in their lives, but a permanent member. This thought made her feel somewhat nervous and guilty-struck. The idea that her and her brother's life would be changed completely yet again, even if it was for something positive, gnawed on her from the inside from time to time. But for now she could avoid it. And avoiding it she would. Avoiding the change and even the conversation about the change, was something she did on a daily basis, while also using the absence of the conversation as a reason for holding her relationship with Anthony back. And Anthony accepted, knowing how difficult it was for her and how much she had already done to move towards him.

Fortunately for them, Sam wasn't afraid to rock the boat and had been planning his next move from the moment he heard of their engagement. In fact, in a way, he knew this was for the better. With him graduating high school soon and getting to go to college, all because of Rebecca's hard work and sacrifices, it was time for him to spread his wings as well. Live that actual college life. Rooming with friends. Living on campus. Experiencing life without the protective wing of his older sister behind him at every step. Now that Anthony was here, he could do that without worrying about leaving his sister behind. With him around, he knew that she would be well taken care of.

Although Rebecca and Anthony had discussed his staying with them for as long as he wanted, he had no desire of burdening his sister's newfound happiness with brother Anthony for his sake. Something that had occurred to Rebecca as well, when she asked Anthony the question in the first place. Even then she knew that in reality the three of them living together, playing happy family, wasn't a situation that Sam would want to live in. With their past, one of their greatest concerns was being a burden to someone. She could try and convince him however much she wanted, but he wouldn't want to risk her happiness in any way.

Even if he was still the kid brother she had to take care of in Rebecca's eyes, he too had matured a lot over the years and because of their past. He knew what his sister had been through and what she had to overcome so that he could live the life that he currently did. And he wanted to do something for her in return. He wanted her to be happy. He wanted her to finally start living for herself. And if he could do that and help himself in the process as well, there was no reason for him no to.

But... just for now..., for a few more months..., he too wanted to enjoy the life they had together. He wanted to soak it all in and make the most of the effort Rebecca was putting into keeping that little bit of normalcy in his life. His sister wasn't just his sister. Rebecca was the closest thing to a mother that he has got and once Anthony enters the picture, he would have to give one of those roles, Rebecca has in his life, up. That role would belong to their future children and he would have to settle for that of Rebecca being just his sister. So, he would use the time now to say goodbye to his 'mom', and welcome back his sister.