
Chapter 9: Clinical Notes

"What are you thinking about, silly girl?” Edmond's voice suddenly entered my ears. “I was just reaching over to get a bandage. Why are you so impatient? Did you really miss me that much?" He was teasing me.

This guy was the worst!

"Get out of here! I can take care of this myself." I was so angry that I wanted to snatch the cotton swab and bandage from Edmond.

Edmond gently raised his hand and placed the bandage slightly out of reach. I hated how frustrated this made me feel!

My knee still hurt, but I was too irritated at this point to notice the injury. I jumped up to get the bandage.

"Ha ha, I've got it!" I was so delighted to have the bandage that I didn't even notice I'd missed the stairs and was thrown off balance.

No way, I was going to fall again?

My dear Moon Goddess, I could not afford to fall again.

Suddenly, I fell into two arms. Edmond caught me. His arms wrapped around my waist and helped me steady myself.