
Chapter 4: Cloak and Dagger

Edmond seemed to have known what I was thinking. He pulled my hand back and pressed it behind my back so that I couldn't move anymore. Once again, he held me tightly in his arms. I fought against the overwhelming urge to melt against him.

He lowered his head and whispered in my ear, "I suggest that you put it back and just take a photo. Hank is a smart guy. Don’t you think he would be suspicious of you if he finds out that something is missing?"

His breath tickled my ear. I tried to move away. But when I turned my head, my lips brushed against his cheek.

I quickly explained weakly, "I didn't mean to do that on purpose..."

But he obviously seemed to have enjoyed it. He smiled. "I don't mind. You're welcome to continue."

Seeing that he was about to kiss my earlobe again, I quickly turned and covered his mouth with my hand. I was embarrassed and angry at the same time. "We're not doing that again... Ah..." I quickly let go of his mouth.

He actually took the opportunity to kiss my palm and even stuck out his tongue to lick it gently. This lick seemed to have affected me. My body became numb and my face began to blush.

Edmond took advantage of my confusion and lowered his head to kiss my neck. My vision seemed to blur as he said, "Liana, you're really a treasure... Your body is a treasure... There are sensitive spots everywhere..."

What did that mean? My brain wasn’t working right as it seemed to have stopped functioning. What did he mean by sensitive spots? What was he doing?

Suddenly, I felt a chill.

Edmond stopped moving. I also returned to reality.

Oh my Goddess! My dressing gown was wide open.

Edmond was completely stunned. I was completely naked in front of him...

I felt ashamed and resentful. I pulled my dressing gown back together again and slapped him in the face.

Edmond shook his head and came back to his senses after being slapped by me. He touched his red cheek and, as if nothing had happened just now, he shrugged his shoulders. "Think about the suggestion I've just made. Remember to put the letter back. If he finds out and suspects you, he will definitely kill you to shut you up. It's a pity for a beautiful she-wolf like you to die in his hands."

With that, he strode to the window and said, “Remember to come and find me!”

Then, he shifted and darted out. Outside, the guy called Martin said, "Hey, Edmond, why are you leaving? I overheard a lot of what I shouldn't have heard just now. I hope you don't mind... Don't you like that girl anymore?"

I placed my hand on my chest. My heart was still pounding. Suddenly, I realized that there was something in my palm. I opened it and saw a slip of paper with a phone number written on it. When did Edmond write that down? Did he stuff it into my hand when he was teasing me just now? I chose to forget it. Things would get complicated if Hank returned. He was right. I should take a photo rather than take the letter away and keep it.

I took out my phone and took photos of the letter in my arms. Then, I found a few other letters on the bookshelf and took photos of them one by one as well. When I returned to my room, I slowly calmed down. Just to be safe, I first sent the photos to my email, then deleted them from my phone. Then, I looked at them through email.

Fortunately, Edmond and the others had probably caused quite a lot of trouble. Hank didn't return that night. This allowed me to finish reading these letters. The contents made me feel even more puzzled. Although the letter was not signed by my father, the seal could not be faked.

Furthermore, the handwriting was also my father's. My mother's death did not seem to be as simple as I was told. My father actually had so many secrets. He and Hank had been researching pharmaceuticals together. Everyone knew that this was not his area of expertise, but the content of the letters had allowed me to gain a whole new understanding of my father.

I suddenly felt uncertain and strange. Was this still the father who loved and cared for me all these years?

After I deleted the browsing history on my phone, I finally fell asleep.

For the next few days, Hank did not show up. I heard from the butler that he was injured in the attack that night and was currently being treated. This also gave me some time. I decided to go home to see my father and see what else I could find out about him. This thought shocked me. I was actually having suspicions about my father.

No, no. I just wanted to overturn my guesses and clear my father's name. He wouldn't do such a thing. He was someone who loved his wife and daughter. How could he have anything to do with his wife's death?

Edmond was still the driver. He returned to his humble look again. It was as if nothing had happened that night. It made me wonder if he was too good at disguising himself or if I had imagined the entire thing back there.

My father, Pete, was very happy that I came home. He ordered the servants to prepare a lavish banquet and even specially opened a bottle of champagne. When he found out that someone had invaded the villa area that night and injured Hank, he fell silent and didn't look so cheerful anymore.

"I think I should do something at this moment,” he said. “Everything in the company was still going according to plan.”

When I arrived downstairs, I saw my father's car drive away. This was usually their meeting time. Why would he leave?

I asked Edmond to follow him. Edmond looked at me strangely but did not say anything. He followed my father's car but kept his distance.

My father’s car let him out in front of a tavern. I saw my father enter the tavern and the car drove away. I didn't dare to go in, so I could only let the car stop not far away and quietly check the surrounding environment.

Edmond turned to look at me. "Have you ever thought that there will be a back door to the tavern?"

Our eyes met. I reached for the car door, but he spoke again. "You'd better put on a hat and scarf. Well, aren't you cold?"

I understood. He was afraid that my father would recognize me. Sure enough, the tavern had a back door that led to other blocks. I ducked into a nearby café.

Sure enough, after dark, my father flashed out of the back door. I covered myself tightly and followed him, careful to keep a safe distance between us. The place my father walked was getting more and more remote. There were fewer and fewer people. I didn't dare to follow too closely for fear of being discovered by him.

However, he probably could smell a wolf's scent as he began to look behind him from time to time. This forced me to duck and hide from time to time.

Suddenly, he stopped and turned back. I was shocked. Had he discovered me? I hid behind a passing truck, my mind was racing. What should I do if my father walked over?

A figure suddenly appeared in front of me. I gasped and almost screamed. But, this person quickly covered my gasp with his mouth and kissed me. I was stunned. Just as I wanted to break free, he muttered between his teeth, "What's there to be afraid of being kissed by me?"

It was Edmond. I didn’t realize that he had been following me.

My father's footsteps were getting closer and closer. I couldn't care less. I reached out and wrapped my arms around his neck and allowed him to kiss me. His lips were slightly cold. It was obvious that he had been in the cold for a while, but his breath was hot. The tip of his tongue slipped between my teeth and invaded my mouth. Our tongues became entangled.

Hmm, he... Why does this feel so familiar? It's as if this isn't the first time we've kissed. He... he's too good at it!

His hands also wrapped around my waist restlessly. We were tightly pressed together, and I could clearly feel the warmth from his body.

My father's footsteps stopped nearby. We didn't dare to separate or look. I still reacted to his every touch. We stayed like that until my father had enough time to confirm that we were just a passionate couple and his footsteps went into the distance again.

I shook off Edmond’s entanglement and saw his sparkling eyes. "Young lady, how are you going to thank me? How about devoting yourself to me?"

I glared at him and was about to speak when my father's footsteps sounded again. He was actually worried and came back to check on us again. Edmond took me in his arms and kissed me again. I had to say that this bastard's kissing skills weren't that bad at all. He was so domineering and so gentle. This contradiction made my heart beat uncontrollably.

I was actually lost in it and allowed him to kiss deeper. I even felt his hand enter my clothes and touch my skin. But I realized that I was also enjoying it. This time, when my father was really gone, I pushed Edmond away. I raised my hand to slap him.

He caught my hand and gently sucked my fingers. "You little vixen, don't you want to say something to me?"