
Chapter 1: A Bad Omen

Thunder rumbled and lightning cracked through the night sky. The shadows of the trees danced under the street lamps. The sound of the splattering rain mixed with the bustling wind caused the windows to rattle like mad.

A pair of eyes which had turned red emitted a green light as strong male wolves emerged from opposite sides; their gazes sharp as if they wanted to rip each other apart. Roaring echoed louder and louder. A few strong he-wolves lunged forward and fought each other.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, a giant wolf appeared. It turned into a grotesque, pot bellied man. He walked towards me with a perverted smile. I couldn't see his face clearly, but I knew who he was.

He was a nightmare threatening to attack me late in the night.

This dream felt more real than the ones in the past. I could clearly feel the disgust and bile rise in my throat when his hands touched my body.

I would rather die.

I saw a group of giant wolves attacking one. It was my father, the leader of the Stone Forest pack, Alpha Pete Jacobs. I wanted to call out to him and rush over so that I could save him, but there seemed to be an invisible barrier stopping me.

I was forced to watch as he was viciously bitten over and over again by other wolves right in front of me. His giant body was thrown out of the group. My father was severely injured and covered in blood. He was just lying there, struggling to get back up.

After a few attempts, he finally fell to the ground with a loud thud. Blood poured from his mouth.

"Father, Father, are you alright? You're the Alpha. You have to get up! You can’t just give up and let them win so easily! Father… please!" I was finally able to shout.

The sound of my cries echoed all around me and suddenly I woke up. My heart raced amidst my haggard breathing. I quickly sat up and suddenly felt a little dizzy. This was when I realized that it was more than just a dream.

It was the call of the clairvoyant; a premonition.

Who was the disgusting giant wolf?

An uneasy feeling gripped me. I picked up my phone and called my father. He didn’t answer.

‘Moon Goddess, please don't forsake me. Please tell me that my father will be alright and that the future I saw was wrong,’ I prayed.

There was a sudden knocking on my door. I stumbled over as I hurried to answer it and was relieved when I saw my father on the other side. But my relief soon vanished.

He was covered in blood and wounds. His handsome face was beaten and bloody. The future I sensed was becoming real.

"Father, what happened? Who did this to you? Where are your bodyguards?"

"Liana, you need to be careful. I need to... warn..." My father's bloody face turned pale as he tumbled forward and he fainted.

Goddess, please help him!

"Liana, there's something I think you should know." This was what my father said to me as soon as he woke up. He looked at me, worry was all over his face. "The Stone Forest pack has an old enemy. 30 years ago, I led the elders of our pack and defeated them. However, they’re back.

“Not only that, they've become so much more powerful as well. We were all defeated by them. Their goal is very clear. They're here for revenge. They want to force the Stone Forest pack to join them and be under their control. The young pack members of your generation need to prepare. They will launch an attack at any time. It's just that..."

He began coughing violently, coughing up blood. He shook his head helplessly. His voice became low and hoarse. "You guys are no match for them either. They've brought together other dark packs."

I quickly understood what my father was saying. "Then what do I need to do now? Do I go find other packs and join forces with them?"

My father furrowed his brows. "It's no use. Only Hank Karl can hold them back."

Hank, I remembered that disgusting man. I’d met him once, during a dinner party. He was my father’s age and I thought he was an older gentleman until he asked me for a dance.

His face moved too close to mine, his hand creepily slid across my back and his palm inappropriately moved to my hips.

I pulled away warily but his grip was tight and I was pulled into his arms again. His disgusting heavy breath blew into my ear and he told me, "Liana, you're so hot. One day, you’ll be mine!"

That incident was still a creepy nightmare that made my skin crawl. I didn't tell my father about it. I knew he would definitely get on the wrong side of Hank for me. And we, the Stone Forest pack, couldn't lose a powerful ally.

As much as I despised Hank, his healing power was highly sought after, and most packs kept a decent relationship with his pack.

“So shall I go ask Alpha Carl for help?” I asked my father.

There seemed to be something on his mind as he looked at me again. I felt a little confused.

"I went to talk with him a few days ago. He can help us to solve the current crisis, but there is one condition. The condition is that you would need to marry him. I didn’t want to tell you."

My father looked at me regretfully. He reached out and caressed my hair.

"My Liana, you're my only daughter. I don't want you to marry someone so much older than you. Let's think of another solution. The Moon Goddess wouldn't just sit back and watch as our pack suffers. In the morning, I'll contact him again. You don't need to worry about me. Go and get some rest now."

My heart ached. My father had always protected me in the past. Now, I wanted to protect him. Although my heart bled as if being stabbed by a knife, I forced a smile. "Father, you don't have to worry about me. I've already decided. You can discuss the date with Hank. Any day is fine. I'll agree to his proposal."

After listening to my words, my father hugged me tightly. "You are strong and I know you are not afraid of anything, but you’re my daughter… I will make sure that Hank gives you a proper wedding before he touches you. I will not stand for you to suffer any more than what was already forced on you. If he ever does anything to harm you, I’ll kill him no matter what prices I have to pay!"


I stood on the balcony taking in the fresh morning breeze.

I had always hoped that my mate would be a tall, handsome, and strong man. He would give me a grand wedding and love and pamper me for the rest of my life. It was not... such a sorry situation as a basic elopement.

All those wonderful fantasies about the future and love dissipated as I accepted that creepy Hank would be where I belonged.

I tried my best to restrain myself and persuade myself to give up on my obsession with relationships and accept this old man for the sake of the entire pack. Although I was the one who agreed to it, the desire to escape still constantly crossed my mind.

I had to debate and persuade myself over and over again that I had to do this for the sake of my pack. That was my obligation as the Alpha’s daughter. Yet, it was so hard. A few times, I almost packed up and was about to run away.

This constant internal struggle lasted until Hank’s driver came to pick me up.

Only then, I finally accepted my fate.

"Liana, the driver sent by Hank is outside." My father called to me from downstairs, bringing me back to my senses.

I dragged myself downstairs, hoping some miracle would happen at the last minute. However, I knew that was impossible.

From faraway, I could tell the person who came to pick me up was a younger man. I was relieved that at a minimum, Hank didn’t come. I didn’t have to share the car ride with him.

As the driver walked closer and I could finally see his face, I paused for a second.

His handsome and sunny face held a warm smile that made me feel very at ease. I couldn't help but take a few more glances at him.

“Please allow me,” his voice was deep and low. Before I could say anything, he had already taken the suitcase in my hand politely.

He was tall and burly with broad shoulders that looked strong and secure. For some reason, I found myself falling into a daze for a moment as I looked at him. It was as if my mind was searching for something that had been lost in my memory but couldn't find it.

"Liana, my child, this is all my fault,” my father said, drawing my attention away from the driver. Father’s eyes were filled with tears, making me feel even sadder. I forced myself to perk up and hugged him.

"Dad, don't think that way. I'm the Alpha's daughter. I am more than willing to do what is best for everyone."

“But Liana…”

“Really, don’t worry!” I gave him a big smile and turned to the driver.

The driver opened the car door for me. He assured my father, "Nothing will happen to your daughter, Alpha Jacobs. Don't worry." His voice was low and pleasant.

Then he turned to me, “Miss, we have a long way to go.”

I looked at the handsome man standing in front of me, and found myself falling into the warmth of his kind smile once more. I felt my body relax and saw the honest certainty all over his face.

I was heading to a marriage that should fill me with fear and loathing. How was it that this stranger’s warm smile and kind words pushed back my doubts and set me at ease?