
A Deal With the Devil

Reincarnated into another world, Kagami Uchiha is immediately tasked with the elimination of the insane Kaguya clan. To make matters worse, he's one day expected to uphold a bargain he made with the dark being that granted him a new life. (Third Shinobi War, Dark Mc)

Frog_Tape · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

Chapter 8

A Deal with the Devil

Chapter 8

Disregarding Inojinchi's look of concern, Kagami Uchiha summoned a layer of chakra around him just as he was punted through the wall opposite of the blonde and redhead. Chakra reinforced, his back bore the brunt of the damage, yet Kagami's entire body was still sore as he picked himself up with a curse.

A cloud of dust and destroyed brick kicked up around him, shrouding Kagami from view; it hung in the air, thick and impenetrable by his wide-eyed comrade. However, through the wreckage, he examined himself utilizing his Sharingan.

He didn't have any serious wounds.

Chakra sure was useful, Kagami marveled.

Suddenly Kagami grimaces upon noticing several quill-like bone shards impaled into his metallic wrist guards- nearly breaching his skin. Reluctantly, he removes the ninja equipment, dropping it to the ground.

Just then the crazed Kaguya's manic laughter bellowed, and Kagami, with all the wisdom of a newly-reincarnated man, realizes the direness of his situation.

The bone manipulating Kaguya turned to face Inojinchi and the chakra intuitive redhead, his grin broadening by the second.

It truly didn't take an effort to see the madness in the Kaguya's eyes.

'Leave them,' Kagami told himself.

Kagami nearly took his thoughts into consideration, however, upon weighing the pros to the cons; he found that leaving the two would be more troublesome than fighting the Kaguya.

Namely explaining to his clansmen why he had left the blonde and the annoyance he would feel after letting the redhead he searched high and dry for to die.

"Damn it," Kagami clicked his tongue.

Meanwhile, Inojinchi tightened his hold on the malnourished redhead in his arms. He took a small hesitant step backward and looked down; her ruby eyes shone with an amused gleam as the Kaguya clan member approached them.

Blood smeared beneath each of his steps, and Inojinchi gulped. The lunatic's shoulder plates vibrated and twitched almost erratically beneath his tight skin when with a sickening crack and tearing of muscle tissue, a spear-shaped bone erupted from his shoulder.

The Kaguya was the portrait of unhinged as he withdrew the bone from his shoulder, and it was questionable if he was even conscious of pain.

Despite this, Inojinchi steeled his nerves and faced the madman.

"Run, Inojinchi!"

Right when the Kaguya was bringing his foot forward, midstep, in an impressive burst of speed, Kagami rocketed into him- sinking his knee square and center into the psycho's chin.

The Kaguya skidded back a few feet but ultimately shrugged off the damage by wrapping his chin in a layer of bone. He reached for Kagami's leg with a shrill leer, but the reincarnated Uchiha was faster.

Kicking off his opponent, effectively putting distance between them, Kagami snapped again at Inojinchi. "Get out of here. I'll handle this idiot!"

He was going to have to fight more members of the Kaguya clan, so screw it, he thought. Now was the best time to pick up some fighting experience.

Without checking to see if Inojinchi heeded his words, Kagami dashed forward, meeting the Kaguya midway. He slashed his kunai in an overhead arc, intercepting the bone spear poised for his head. Immediately, his knees bucked, and Kagami found himself gritting his teeth as he struggled against the Kaguya's superior strength.

Thinking quick, Kagami retracted his kunai, spinning around the rapidly descending spear. Then, sinking low, Kagami swung his kunai at the Kaguya's exposed stomach, hoping to end the fight with that decisive blow.

With all of his strength and hope behind the attack, much to Kagami's surprise, the ninja weapon shattered upon contact with solid bone. Wincing with a pained gasp, he instructs himself not to look at the gruesome sight of his metal embedded hand.

His ironclad facade fell, however, when the Kaguya kicked him in the side. Blood mixed with spittle flew out of his mouth as he, in turn, was launched through the shattered window, crashing in the dark hallway.

"Taicho!!" A voice called.

It was Inojinchi.

The Yamanaka and the enigmatic redhead were situated right past the pile of corpses where the scorched Terumi laid dead. Kagami had the urge to yell at him, but approaching him with a twisted smile was his less than sane opponent.

Even with chakra pouring from each of his pores, Kagami seriously doubted that he would be able to survive such a charge. So, rolling out of the way, Kagami watched on with a grim expression as the Kaguya slammed straight into the human piling.


Inojinchi looked mortified at the sight of his deceased friend's skull caving in beneath the still madly giggling Kaguya's bare feet. Reduced to a smear of flesh and bones, a single sea-green eye stuck out of the mess.

Frozen- not from fear, but rather anger, Inojinchi shook in uncontrolled rage. The resentment in his eyes as he glared at the Kaguya was obvious, but one weak tug by the redhead in his arms depending entirely on him was enough to make the Yamanaka whisper an apology and flee.

The ground rumbled as the Kaguya readied himself to chase Inojinchi, only to be thwarted by a massive ball of fire, courtesy of Kagami.

The intensity of the heat licking at the air comforted Kagami's pounding heart. Through the fire and smoke, he eyed the Kaguya's burned and razed form.

His kin contorted under the force of the fireball, revealing fresh blots of flesh and bones beneath. Kagami said nothing and soundlessly withdrew another kunai, all the while ignoring the numb pain in his hand.

Despite his wilting skin, the Kaguya managed to smile sadistically still.

Spinning the kunai into a reverse grip that felt more natural, Kagami corrected his footing and gestured for the Kaguya to come.

"Come beast." He said.

The insane Kaguya ran forward, his sinister yet optimistic smile not wavering in the slightest, even as he crushed the torso of his fellow clansman.

A gruesome barbaric deed.

Kagami jumped high in the air, dodging the Kaguya. Dropping shuriken between each of his knuckles, he hurls them with the utmost accuracy, thanks to his Sharingan.

Pathetically, they fall to the floor after impacting against a bone-covered arm. However, utilizing the opening he made, Kagami spun acrobatically in ways he didn't know he could and smashed the heel of his foot on top of the Kaguya's head.

Pushing through the pain of hitting solid bone, he turned and kicked again- connecting the flat side of his foot into the Kaguya's cheek.

The frenzied Kaguya's face bears the kick, and Kagami leaps back to avoid capture.

Kagami glowered; his loathing for his opponent's bone manipulation bloodline was growing the longer he fought the bone reinforced Kaguya.

Kagami's attacks, however futile they seemed, managed to push the lab rat back into the hallway leading to the office. Just what Kagami had wanted-

He flashed through hand signs, preparing another fiery jutsu, but as soon as he landed on the tiger sign, his head began ringing uncontrollably.

[Sorry, sorry. The more focused you are on something, the harder it is to make a connection with you.]

It was the redhead's snickering voice.

[Your cute subordinate brought me outside to safety, so I in turn shall save you, Kagami-kun. The density of a bloodline awakened Kaguya's bones are high-near impenetrable through normal circumstances.]

Kagami mentally cursed, hoping a but was coming.

[But,… using an object of the same strength and density should be more than enough to penetrate and kill him. Fufufu, good luck.]

Her fading voice was as grating as her laughter.

"What is…"

Kagami's gaze fell to the destroyed torso of the dead Kaguya. Releasing the embers swelled in his chest, he quickly rushed for the unnaturally long rib poking out of the pile of flattened human remains.

His fingers wrapped around it just as the Kaguya's rapidly approaching foot settled right into his stomach. Unable to react in time, Kagami could only let out a dark glob of blood as he crashed through a wall for the second time today.

Jerking himself upright, Kagami shuddered at the momentary feeling of his bones rattling from that last attack. In pain, he glances around the dark corridor he was in.

It was a hidden department, he realized, quickly noticing many more cages than were located in the first room. Kagami picked himself up, his eyes observing the maze of caged humans.

He dragged himself through the winding cages, careful to avoid outstretched hands. The heavy bone clattering footsteps and irritating laughter of the Kaguya drowned out the agony struct escapist moans of the prisoners.

"K-Kill m-me." A trembling arm grasped the air in front of Kagami.

The desperation in the prisoner's glum eyes gave Kagami an idea.


Laughter prattled the Kaguya as he crept through the chamber of cages, taking quick unhinged glances around for Kagami. As he laughed and giggled, the leftovers of his burnt skin stretched, threatening to tear.

"Ki-kill m-"

The whispered plea was interrupted by a shower of blood.

From the shadows, even Kagami almost grimaced when the Kaguya happily obliged with the prisoner's request.

He skewered the prisoner through the chest, using his bone spear to raise the skeletal man in the air. He then threw the prisoner at another who had brazenly grabbed his wrist.

More hands reached out for the crazed Kaguya- knowingly yearning, reaching, for death. Kagami did not particularly look disturbed as the Kaguya lashed out, tearing through bodies and cages alike to answer their collective pleas for death.

He heartlessly condemned them all, laughing all the while.

Because the prisoner numbered well into the hundreds- the ground was sunken in blood with torn limbs and dehumanized corpses floating listlessly about.

And standing in the center of the bloodbath was the sole man responsible for the one-sided slaughter, grinning and ogling the carnage.

Instinctively, Kagami's Sharingan told him this was the opening he was waiting for. Withdrawing the jagged rib from his back, he prepared to end this game of cat and mouse.

[You…You're different from most Konoha shinobi I've met. You have no empathy or concern for the scene of carnage you've just witnessed. I can feel it. My cousin clan. The Senju clan's philosophy is lost to you… However, I suppose that's to be expected of someone of the same bloodline as the Ghost of the Uchiha clan. You intrigue me, don't die, you still haven't interrogated me, after all.]

The shadows on Kagami's face darkened as the redhead's inquisitive voice left his head.

Ghost of the Uchiha clan?

Great, another mysterious name to add to the list right next to the Lord Hokage and Fugaku…

He felt like his head was constantly being invaded; he was seriously going to have a firm 'talk' to her about keeping out of his head.

Filing away the new name, Kagami stared directly down from the ceiling he was hanging from. Everyone was dead; the smell of blood gripped the air, and the despaired moaning finally came to an end.

His dark hair hung over his dark eyes; it was just the two of them now.

-And the Kaguya was wide open, easy pickings.

Kagami licked a smear of blood from his mouth and released the excess chakra sticking him to the wall. At the next moment, he fell, rib poised right for the Kaguya's defenseless neck.

Chakra flared out of him right at the moment of impact, and Kagami thrusted his hand forward. Just as he had hoped, his cruel plan worked out; it connected.

The rib fought against the Kaguya's chakra sensitive bones for dominance, however, with one final growl, Kagami's strength prevailed.

Riding the momentum, Kagami plunged the rib through his neck.

The distinct snap that echoed informed him that he severed something important, yet he didn't stop just there. Kagami forced the rib completely through, widening the wound as he stabbed the rib into the concrete floor.

And with one final push for extra measures, Kagami sighed raspily.

"Finally," Kagami jabbed his knee into the impaled Kaguya. "That's one hell of a bloodline to work around. No actually, that drug… I hope the rest of your clan doesn't get their hands on it before I get to them."

As he spoke, Kagami sat down on the now paralyzed Kaguya's back.

Below, he choked on his blood as he laughed and wrung his head about in biting motions. He was dying- the life was fading from his demented eyes- but not fast enough to Kagami's liking.

"If the rest of your clan are even half as crazy as you," Kagami leaned against the rib. "Then they'll be joining you in hell soon, beast."

The Kaguya showed no outward appearance of understanding, but Kagami still hoped his words carved fear into his heart. He fought beneath Kagami some more, dragging his face against the blood-soaked floor, tearing skin from his appalling face before going slack, dead.

Blood spilled out of his mouth, combining with the fluids on the ground as his bloodshot eyes stared wide open- still with madness.

Using his non-injured hand to wipe a smear of blood from his face, Kagami sighed and glanced down at his hurting chest. Picking himself up after a moment of catching his breath; Sharingan blazing, he yanked the rib from the Kaguya's throat.

"This might come in handy again," he said to himself.

After that moment of reflection, Kagami, using the elongated rib as a make-shift cane left the room through the hole he was thrown through.


Exiting the building with a limp, Kagami was slightly surprised to see that the mist outside cleared up. Standing uneasily in front of him was his team plus the redhead, each looking at him with different expressions.

Shisu's eyes were widened as she silently moved towards him.

She dutifully went about cupping his injured hand and removing the shards of metal embedded within it. Not long after she was done removing the remains of his kunai, she performed what he knew to be a low-rank medical ninjutsu.

He hummed as pleasure caressed his bleeding hand.

-Nothing could ruin this moment.

"Taicho are you alright!!"


Kagami's eyes twitched.

"I would have gone back inside to join you, but you seemed so adamant about fighting that devil alone. " Inojinchi explained. "Besides, she was so scared that she wouldn't let go of me for a second."

He gestured at the redhead whose arms were wrapped around his own.

The Yamanaka heir looked overjoyed by her apparent dependence on him.

Kagami however wasn't so amused. Yet, he wasn't going to ruin the blonde's good mood. Not after making him go through all that, they had witnessed inside the Hidden Mist facility.

The redhead wore a small smirk; her red eyes staring into his Sharingan as a kid would their new favorite toy. An action Shisu saw but thankfully didn't comment on.

'Perhaps saving her was a mistake,' Kagami thought.

Regardless, he threw the observing Hotaro the bloodied rib and simply said, "Hold on to that for me, it'll come in handy later."

"Hai." Hotaro nodded diligently and examined it before sealing it away to who knows where.

Finally, Kagami set his gaze fully on the redhead. Pulling his hand back from Shisu, he nonverbally thanked her and then demanded, "Who are you? The scientist back there called you Uzumaki…is that your surname?"

She stared back, unflinchingly, her grin expanding. Her red hair blew in the cold wind, and her pale skin illuminated under the moon. She almost looked pretty-

But Kagami didn't care at the moment.

He glared and reached for the sheets that covered her body to force an answer out of her, but Inojinchi ever the gentleman, hid her behind him and gave Kagami a frosty look that said, "Hands off."

Hotaro grabbed Inojinchi's shoulder and met his teal gaze only to gulp at the unexpectantly deadly glint in his eyes. As if recognizing that Inojinchi was no longer the same wet behind the ears Jonin he feuded with just an hour ago, Hotaro let go and coughed into his fist.

"She's an unknown, Inojinchi," he said. "Besides if she is an Uzumaki, and judging by her looks she is, then we need to know how and why she is here."

Inojinchi looked down at the redhead who was still clinging to him, then to Kagami. Not being able to fight down the urge of listening to his much-respected senior, he moved her forward but remained standing next to her.

"Well," Kagami scratched his chin. "You seemed like the talkative type just earlier?"

"She can't speak, Taicho," Inojinchi finally said.

Kagami frowned.

She was just speaking perfectly in his head.

As if to bring truth to the blonde's words, the redhead stuck her diced tongue out at Kagami.

It was cut at its epicenter- surgically straight.

With an aggravated sigh, Kagami looked dubiously at the woman. She simply merely stuck what remained of her tongue out at him and let go of Inojinchi.

They stared at one another, but Kagami lowered his eyes to his sore stomach when it churned painfully.

[Hoh… You're injured. Come, bite me and the pain will go away.]

The redhead invitingly held out her weak and frail arm. And running up her slender arm was bite and needle marks.

Kagami doesn't know why he did it; maybe to hurt her a little or maybe out of curiosity, but he bit down on the offered arm. Hard.

Pleasure engulfed his body.

Kagami sank his teeth further into her arm, closing his eyes. He feels her lifeforce enter his body, mixing with his chakra.

[My name is Mariko Uzumaki, but you may call me Mari. Kagami Uchiha. I need to be looking for a way back home, but I've some explaining to do first don't I?]

The Uzumaki spoke with a soft moan.

As he pulled back, his wife and Hotaro were giving him looks of disgust. Unsurprisingly considering they were Uchihas- traditional people at heart.

Inojinchi was flushed red in embarrassment and maybe envy.

Without shame, Kagami ignored the trio, frowning in thought. 'Yes, you do.'

[Hm, impudent much? Regardless of your ill-manners towards me, a defenseless young woman with a fragile heart, what is it that you wish to know first, Kagami-kun~]

When she stopped talking, her flirty grin and carefree posture straightened, waiting for Kagami's answer.

[The demon… Tell me about the demon that you mentioned earlier.]

Kagami replied in his mind.
