
A Deal With the Devil

Reincarnated into another world, Kagami Uchiha is immediately tasked with the elimination of the insane Kaguya clan. To make matters worse, he's one day expected to uphold a bargain he made with the dark being that granted him a new life. (Third Shinobi War, Dark Mc)

Frog_Tape · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

Chapter 4

A Deal with the Devil

Chapter 4,

-Near Mizu no Kuni-

(Border Islands)

In a flicker of black and grey, Kagami ran above the murky ocean sprawled beneath his feet. He still couldn't believe that what was considered an extraordinary blessing in his last world was a simple technique all users of chakra could do. Speaking of chakra; it was this world's power source and made the impossible… possible.

Such as, spitting exploding vapors of fire and walking on water.

Kagami was just glad that 'his' body was conditioned to chakra on its own. Elated, in fact. Jumping up onto the sandy shore of an island, he forced a cushion of chakra beneath his feet as he roughly landed in a crash.

Just behind Kagami, his team landed with all the gracefulness of swans. Two nights and three days have passed since they began their journey to the Land of Water, and this marked the tenth island they've successfully reached.

As far as Kagami was concerned, the islands bordering the Land of Water's main body of land were just as he hoped they'd be. Uninhabited by foreign shinobi and relatively small; easy to traverse.

However, the deeper they advanced into Water country; the more extreme the islands' characteristics became. The island they were taking a breather on for example was a dense wet-land with thin malnourished trees whose long slender bases disappeared into the mist hoovering overhead. It was unlike any swampland Kagami had ever seen before, and the damp mist that clung to the overcast sky seemed somehow alive in a sense.

Kagami sat along the sandbank of the sea, disregarding Shisu's watchful gaze as she positioned herself somewhat behind him to his right. Inojinchi and Hotaro were a little ways away, speaking in hushed voices, well the Uchiha was at least. A burst of smoke from behind captured Kagami's attention; in Shisu's extended hand was a canteen, filled with what Kagami could only assume was drinking water.

He took the offered canteen without a word, sipping its ice-cold contents impassively. Handing it back to his ever-silent wife, Kagami focused his confused glare on the ocean. He was at a loss for words in how Shisu summoned the canteen, but choose not to question it any further as he continued glaring out at the sea. Just like the broad ocean in front of him, the Land of Water was supposedly filled with predators lying in wait for their prey to slip up. He felt strong, but wasn't exactly excited to be nearing the dangerous country so soon.

Ferocious swordsmen capable of slaughtering hundreds, active battlegrounds swarmed with enemy shinobi, and ultimately Kagami's least favorite among Inojinchi's tales- Demonic beasts easily towering over a hundred meters, stalking the mist-filled country in search of ninja villages to destroy.

Salty air blew inland, and Kagami forced down resurfacing memories of the time he spent at the beach with his former wife and son. Thinking back on everything; it still seemed impossible that he was in a different world, leading a team of ninjas to kill an entire clan.

As he sat there, inhaling the salty air Shisu said in a soft voice, "What are you thinking about Kagami-Taicho?"

"Nothing," Kagami responded blankly.

Despite his cold answer, Shisu nodded without fail and settled her eyes on the ocean as well. The only audible sound were the crashing waves and the couple's soft breathing. Another wave crashed, and suddenly a very female voice cried out from deeper in the island.

The pain and anguish in the gut-wrenching cry was clear.

Muscles tensed, Kagami turned to face the direction where the scream resounded from. The slender trees joined together like cobwebs of vines and dead wood prevented him from peering into the grim forest. The setting sun didn't help either; it gave the entire island an ominous feel, one that told him that he was intruding on something.

Something dark.

Shisu was standing above Kagami, eyes narrowed on the eerie forest, Sharingan activated. Hotaro accompanied by Inojinchi advanced towards them, the blond nibbling on his lip while the young Uchiha stared firmly at Kagami.

As Kagami opened his mouth to speak, the distressed scream that sounded submerged in its own blood tore through the brief silence, sending jolts down his spine. Kagami felt a pulling sensation at his head, but clenched his jaw and stood up with a nasty glare pointed at the forest. He might've been wrong, but he could've sworn he felt a foreign chakra envelope around him for a second.

"Scared aren't you?" Hotaro said with displeasure, breaking the ice that developed in the air. Inojinchi, having been the target of his mocking, glowered but wore an expression of fright and concern. The blond was paler than usual and standing straight, with worry flashing in his teal eyes. "We have to help her…" Inojinchi said in a hushed voice.

Kagami was impressed when, despite the two disapproving glares, Inojinchi remained determined- not backing down from the two Uchihas. However, Kagami was also beyond caring. They were two days away from the Land of Water, plus, his gut was telling him not to get involved in whatever was going on here with that woman.

"No, we don't have to help her," Kagami shrugged impassively. "You probably want to help her because she's in pain, but her problems have nothing to do with us. Our mission comes first, pack up, we're leaving."

"Well said, Taicho."

Kagami turned around, rolling his eyes at Hotaro's comment. He wasn't making this decision for their approval. It was simply the better option out of the two; he didn't want to waste his time scouring the island for a woman who was being tortured by who knows what…

After stretching his limbs for the upcoming run, Kagami turned around just in time to witness Shisu place the canteen against a rolled piece of paper and make it vanish in an explosion of smoke after shifting her hands into a hand sign. She then sent him a look that said, I'm ready.

Hotaro was still hanging around a quiet Inojinchi whose gaze was still lingering on the dense forest. Approaching the two, Kagami followed Inojinchi's gaze to the dark forest. After a moment of silence, he grabbed the Yamanaka's shoulder, nudging him away from said forest. It was time for them to go.

Kagami's fellow Uchihas were already walking along the shore, though Hotaro repeatedly glanced back, telling them to hurry it up. Inojinchi sighed dejectedly, but relented, allowing Kagami to move him towards the others. Kagami would have reminded the blond that they didn't know who or what was attacking the woman, but it seemed that his words would have been for naught- seeing as how the woman's screams came to a definite stop. She was probably dead, Kagami thought, killed by something on this isolated island.

And based on how heavy Inojinchi's shoulders looked, he came to the same conclusion.

As soon as they grouped with Hotaro and Shisu, they set out once again, circling around the island's coastline to get to the closest point of the next island. A few hours passed as they trekked along the coast of the mysterious island, and the depressing air surrounding the group of shinobi was all thanks to Inojinchi.

He lagged somewhat behind, eyes glaring holes into the back of Hotaro's head with a spark of betrayal and sorrow in his teal orbs. Kagami wished that nothing were going to be blown out of proportions due to the young Yamanaka heir's foul mood, but Hotaro, seemingly having enough of it, came to a halting stop.

The two of them almost crashed into one another, but whether it was their ninja skills or their extreme dislike for one-another, they stopped just inches apart. Shisu paused and after sighing, Kagami too stopped.

"Is there something that you want to say, Yamanaka?" Hotaro said with a barely restrained growl.

Inojinchi growled back, "Yeah, I do. I'm sick and tired of your clan's lack of morals! Why can't we see if she's okay? Leaving her here all alone on this island all by herself just feels wrong, can't you see that?!"

Kagami wanted to say that she wasn't alone; that she had whatever was harming her.

That is if she was still alive.

"My clan's lack of morals?" Hotaro hissed. "Don't you speak to me about morals when you have no idea what we have sacrificed in the name of morals. My clan's dignity, pride, and blood have all been spilled for Konoha, but expecting me to do so for someone who doesn't belong to the Leaf, let alone the Land of Fire is an impossibility in itself."

[You. You're strong… Help me and I'll reward you greatly.]

Kagami paused and shuddered in unease as a hoarse female voice echoed in his head. Looking around, he saw that Inojinchi and Hotaro were still in heated debate whereas Shisu focused on the two, ignorant to the voice he had just heard.

"Don't you know how many people visit these islands?"

"No-" Hotaro started.

"The answer is no one!" Inojinchi exclaimed, cutting Hotaro off. "If we don't save her, then who will?" he continued pushing.

"Look idiot." In his defense, Hotaro sighed heavily. "We can come back and take a look around once we're finished cleaning up the Kaguya clan. You keep saying that you're going to save her, but she's most likely already dead." The Yamanaka opened his mouth to refute the claims, but Hotaro sighed again, heavier. "You're only a rookie Jonin, so I'll let your idiocy pass. Especially with how the shinobi council is just giving out the title to every able-body chunin capable of throwing a kunai… Point is, you're new, so you don't exactly get how things are done on real missions. Our duty comes first, no matter what."

Inojinchi hung his head. "But, we… shouldn't leave her."

[What cute boys you've got there, hehe. Say, why don't you come and save me? I'll make it worth your time~]

Kagami, although interested in Hotaro's monologue, zeroed in on the giggling voice in his head.

There was no mistaking it's similarity to the tormented screams terrorizing his team earlier. All without mentioning, the reminiscent feeling of chakra breaching his ears. Whoever this person was; she could use chakra and was able to somehow project her voice in a way that only he could hear. She was alive and well considering how giddy she sounded over Inojinchi and Hotaro's argument, Kagami thought.

[I wouldn't say that I'm giddy, Kagami-kun; its just been a while since I've felt such positive emotions from other people...]

Her grating voice grew sorrowful by the end of her sentence, but Kagami closed his eyes and stared blankly at the blackness beneath his eyelids. Secluded from the outside world, he mentally said to the voice in a tone that demanded her upmost attention, 'Who are you and how do you know my name?'

[I'm someone especially interested in you, Kagami-kun. Save me and I'll give you knowledge on not only myself, but also the Kaguya clan and a certain demon.]

The woman giggled in glee as her voice grew more distant, until it was gone entirely.

It was certain. Kagami had no choice but to agree to the woman's request now. She had somehow read his mind, he gulped, having thought that was an ability reclusive solely to Inojinchi's clansmen. He didn't even know where to start looking, Kagami sighed breathlessly earning three confused looks from his team.

Hotaro and Inojinchi refused to acknowledge the other, but the blond appeared less confident in his previous words. Tamed by Hotaro's harsh words perhaps. However, the decisive scream that cut through the awkward silence renewed the flame in Inojinchi's eyes just as Hotaro and Shisu's eyes widened in shock.

[Come and get me; it's not nice to keep a lady waiting.]

Kagami, meanwhile clenched his fist and glared at where the cry came from- the center of the island. Before either Hotaro or Inojinchi could proclaim their opinions, Kagami withdrew a kunai and cut down a thin vine-like tree blocking him from pursuing the woman's shriek.

The area was silent again. Three pairs of eyes watched as he slashed away at the foliage, with various amounts of confusion and worry. No one moved to stop Kagami, not even his wife. As the last remnants of a shredded tree fell like a litter of snakes atop the swampy floor, revealing the inside of the forest, Kagami turned around, giving the three an annoyed frown.

"What are you three waiting for," he snapped. "She's still alive, so we're saving her."

"I knew that you weren't like the rest of them, Taicho!" Inojinchi said, shooting Shisu and Hotaro a dirty look. "It's just like the rumors say, you're the last trustworthy Uchiha in the village after your father's passing."

Surprisingly, it was Shisu who reacted the most violently to Inojinchi's words. She distinctly glared at the blond, with killing intent promising to inflict pain should he continue speaking.

Eye twitching in annoyance, Kagami breathed deeply and disregarded the Yamanaka's words and his wife's strong reaction. Instead, he rolled his eyes and stalked deeper into the grim forest, in the direction of where the woman's voice was last heard. Kagami cared not for information regarding who she was or the Kaguya clan, frankly, he was solely interested in her remark about a certain demon.

Did she know something regarding the demon who transported him here, he questioned in thought.


Kagami's body is conditioned to chakra and his physique is in top shape, allowing him to do all the ninjaish things he's been doing. Such as water walking, tree climbing, and basic jutsus instilled into his mind like the Fireball jutsu.

Frog_Tapecreators' thoughts