
A Deal With the Devil

Reincarnated into another world, Kagami Uchiha is immediately tasked with the elimination of the insane Kaguya clan. To make matters worse, he's one day expected to uphold a bargain he made with the dark being that granted him a new life. (Third Shinobi War, Dark Mc)

Frog_Tape · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

Chapter 16

A Deal with the Devil

Chapter 16,

"Where's Shisu, Hotaro, and the Yamanaka boy?"


Kagami's silence was palpable, his good eye dropping in remembrance of his team. Everyone was painfully aware of the shame and guilt that had eclipsed his eye, and Fugaku took a step forward to close the distance.

"What happened to your left eye, Kagami?" He paused to analyze Kagami's reaction and scowled when he showed no indication of hearing him, his eye still collapsed with a great guilt. "If you don't tell me what happened to Shisu and the others, I won't be able to help you. Whispers will circulate and those who don't know you will suspect you of murdering your team."

Kagami regretted everything, he could have given voice to what happened to his team; how he gave up Shisu, sent an injured Inojinchi away, and destroyed Hotaro's corpse in his rage, but somehow, he knew that telling his Clan Head would accomplish nothing. They would not completely believe him, his tale too far-fetched and full of holes.

"Ku Kukuku, I don't think he heard a single word you said, Fugaku-san."

"Not now Orochimaru," the Lord Hokage quickly remarked, reaching in his cloak and withdrawing a pipe. "Fugaku, what are you going to do now?"

The Uchiha Head frowned at Orochimaru for a moment, before turning his stern gaze in the direction of Kagami. He stared, searching Kagami's lone scarlet eye, swimming in the pool of rage and grief that flooded his brethren's eye.

Not finding what he looked for in that eye of Kagami's, Fugaku said in a loud, commanding tone.

"Kagami Uchiha, on suspicion of killing your comrades, you are under arrest by Konoha's Military Police Force. You will tell me everything and why your eye holds such hatred."


Fugaku didn't escort Kagami through the streets of Konoha, hands bound like a criminal. Instead, the proud Clan Head performed a simple Leaf Body Flicker, moving them from the cemetery to the front gates of the Uchiha compound in a matter of seconds.

Looking at "Wicked Eye Fugaku," Kagami couldn't help but wonder what the man was thinking. His face, as he led him into the compound was frayed with suspicion. The permanent scowl he wore, unwavering as they drew the eyes of Uchiha, all around.

Whispers hung in the air, and looking at his clansmen go about their day, Kagami couldn't help but compare them to the Kaguya clan. Where the Kaguya clan were driven by their madness, the Uchiha clan was controlled by their unwavering love.

'Obito Uchiha,' he thought of Rin's deceased teammate.

His brethren were looking at him in concern, not a single eye scorning him for his "crimes."

"The Kagami Uchiha I know would never kill his wife and unborn child, let alone his underlings."

As Fugaku spoke, he rounded a corner and continued towards a medium-sized building that was emblazoned with the Military Police Force insignia. Gathered in front of the building were more officers of the police organization, and standing further aside were two boys.

One of which who wore a Konoha headband and was the spitting image of himself, and the other who was clearly the younger of the two, sported an intelligent gleam in his youthful eyes.

Kagami didn't let his gaze linger, something Fugaku noticed but did not comment on as they entered the building.

It didn't take long for Kagami to be disarmed of his ninja equipment and searched for any hidden weapons. Ungeared, and now dressed in all black with a blindfold over his eyes, Kagami was swiftly escorted to the cold confines of a prison cell.

"Lord Fugaku!" a voice yelled. "This must be a ploy by the village to slander our clan!"

A hushed murmuring of agreements resounded, and Kagami counted five voices not counting Fugaku.

"Chief, Kagami-Taicho would never betray the clan, nor Shisu or Hotaro! There's foul play at work here, he would never commit such acts of treason...!"

"My thoughts exactly..."

Kagami could feel Fugaku's glare deepen despite being blindfolded.

Continuing Fugaku said, "Eliminating the Kaguya clan... An Uchiha completing a mission of this importance was the most advantageous run we've ever had in acquiring the Hokage hat. The Kagami Uchiha I know would not have screwed up this chance of obtaining true freedom for our clan; the Kagami Uchiha I know would not hold himself so pitifully; the Kagami Uchiha I trust and respect is not sitting before me... So, who are you?"

Fugaku ripped the blindfold off Kagami's face, seeing through the skin and bones he wore like a mask.

Opening his right eye, but keeping his left closed, Kagami stared into the livid red eyes of his clansmen. He couldn't help but admire the Clan Head's quick, forthright analysis of him; he wasn't Kagami Uchiha... He was Kagami Sato, after all.

"You will tell me everything."

Saying this, Fugaku and the other officers of the Military Police conducted their interrogation of the one, "Kagami Uchiha."

-One Week Later-

Although not directly involved in the decision makings of the village, the Clan Council, during times of war or internal disputes gathers to discuss the best possible way to navigate the occurrent issue.

So, with his trusty pipe in hand, Hiruzen Sarutobi glanced at his "old friend," cracking an amused smirk at the irked look that washed over Danzo's features. His dislike for the various Clan Heads was clear, intense even.

The two seasoned shinobi were standing behind the closed double doors of the Council Room, inadvertently eavesdropping in on the loud back and forwardings of Konoha's Clan Heads.

"Looks like our old war comrade's boy has managed to rile our village up." As he spoke, Hiruzen stuffed his pipe with tobacco, readying himself for the headache to come. "You should've seen the glint in his eye, like a beast, he was sizing me and Fugaku up. Thankfully, he didn't put up a fight when Fugaku arrested him; this will be a curious meeting, don't you think?"

"This council meeting is all for naught," Danzo replied sourly. "The Yamanaka clan can produce a new heir. The real problem is Fugaku's refusal to hand Kagami Uchiha over into the custody of our Torture and Intelligence Force for a proper Interrogation."

"Hmm," Hiruzen nodded sagely, stroking his hand through his graying beard. He was getting old, the wrinkles on his face were not lessening, and looking at the permanent line sketched along Danzo's face cemented that morbid fact.

It was nearing their time to pass down the torch-

His Will of Fire.

"You don't have anything to do with Kagami's current predicament, do you?" The Lord Hokage took a drag from his pipe, fully aware of the darkness that clung to his closest advisor.

Butting heads and the passage of time were the best ways to understand a person concealed in darkness, and fortunately for him; he and Danzo had been butting heads since before the second Great War.

So, he knew the Warhawk would never set his dark gaze on Konoha herself, but if he was targeting HIS shinobi, then there'd be hell to pay. Starting with his Root program...

Danzo's face remained neutral, if not bitter as he said, "No, it was but a throw-away mission we gave to Fugaku to lower rising tension with the Uchiha Clan. What do I gain by interfering with the Uchiha?"

Although he was saying one thing, his words were betraying his inner-most thoughts concerning the false directions he personally issued to Kagami's team. He saw an opportunity to eliminate a powerful ninja of the Uchiha Clan and took it, nothing more and nothing less.

"A throw-away mission that resulted in the deaths of three young shinobi and the mental-state of another," Hiruzen corrected, but didn't press the issue any further. The wise Hokage knew that Danzo was hiding something, but when wasn't he...

"Shall we enter the lion's den together?"


With Danzo's confirmation, Hiruzen opened the double doors, neither "The Professor" nor "The Shinobi of Darkness" flinched at the killing intent gathered inside.

Like a parted sea, those for the immediate transfer of Kagami Uchiha into the custody of Konoha's T&I Force were on the right, and those against Kagami's transfer from the Military Police Force were on the left.

Taking a seat at the head of the long table, right in between his other advisors Homura and Koharu, Hiruzen took another puff from his pipe as he placed his Kage hat on the table.

Standing behind him, unseated, Danzo studied the split crowd.

With the Yamanaka Clan Head, Inoichi, leading the debate for Kagami's transfer into T&I for a thorough interrogation, seated next to him was first-and-foremost his teammates, Shikaku Nara and Choza Akimichi. Backing the Ino-Shika-Cho trio was Hiashi Hyuga and Tsume Inuzuka, the respective Heads of the Hyuga and Inuzuka clans.

And the opposite of them sat the opposing; Fugaku Uchiha, flanked by a mere three people. Shibi Aburame, Murakumo Kurama, and to Hiruzen's delight, his wife Biwako, the matriarch of the Sarutobi clan.

Plenty of ninjas framed the council room's wall, some noteworthy ones including Minato Namikaze, Kushina Uzumaki, and Orochimaru of the Legendary Sannin. And situated next to the Namikaze and Uzumaki were Kakashi and Rin along with ninja of the newer generation.

Hiruzen knew that times were changing. The war was coming to an end and Konoha's next generation would prosper under the guidance of each of the shinobi present, young and old alike. Looking at his prized student, then to Minato and Fugaku; his future successor would be the one to lead said next generation in an Era of peace.

So, with a light chuckle, eager for the future, he said nothing as Tsume growled at Fugaku.

"What steps have the Military Police Force taken to extract information from Kagami Uchiha?" She asked this with her eyes glaring daggers at the Police Chief.

"We, the Military Police Force are proceeding carefully with how we handle our own. The crimes he is faced with are severe and are being investigated carefully by my officers." Fugaku retorted, not giving much away in terms of useful information.

"It's been a week, Fugaku," Shikaku said in a rare breath of seriousness. "If he truly did kill Inojinchi and the rest of his team like the rumors speculate, we need to get the answers out of him sooner rather than later. The longer the Police Force takes to extract the information we need, the harder it'll be getting the truth out of him. It's now or never."

His points hit home, and nobody could deny the accuracy of his words.


"Kagami Uchiha is not the sort of man to kill his pregnant wife and precious comrades."

The firm declaration in Fugaku's voice was steel.

"That may be so, but people change Fugaku." Hiashi, the Clan Head of the 'Second' most influential clan in Konoha said to his long-time political rival. "It wouldn't be the first time Konoha has seen an Uchiha betray his precious comrades."

"How uncouth," Biwako whispered into her palm, the Kurama Head nodding gravely in agreement.

"You're right, people do change... but second-rate eyes do not," Fugaku smirked arrogantly, masking his anger at the slight reference of his ancestor.

Danzo snorted a laugh and Hiruzen shook his head with an amused smile as Homura and Koharu stifled their laughter.

"What bothers me isn't Uchiha Kagami's actions in the Land of Water, but the plans the Hidden Mist had for Young Rin..." From within his high-collared coat, Shibi Aburame mumbled just loud enough to draw the attention of everyone. "If what the girl says is true, then we must proceed with caution and monitor each of our returning shinobi closely for any out of place seals..."

The Three-Tails...

Rin fidgeted uncomfortably when she became the center of attention but relaxed after Kushina placed a hand on her shoulder and gave a comforting, affectionate squeeze. The redhead's grim smile didn't however seem to meet her kind eyes.

"Don't be a spineless coward; The Hidden Mist is weak and is no longer a threat in this war," Tsume broke the tense silence. "With their Mizukage confirmed dead and ninja scattered, our eyes should only be set on the Hidden Cloud and the Hidden Stone, but then again, we've got our ultimate trump card right, Yellow Flash?"

Minato smiled uncomfortably and coughed into his fist, "I believe you should focus back on the matter at hand, Tsume."

Hiruzen nodded, exhaling a cloud of smoke and smirking at the disgusted look Danzo made as the smoke drifted past his face. "I agree, we must settle this issue today, just as Shikaku had said," he said turning his eyes to Fugaku, a runner up to his hat. "It's been a week and still the Military Police Force hasn't gotten anything out of him. We settle this today, Inoichi," the Kage paused, grabbing the attention of the distraught father/Clan Head. "You're a smart man, how do you think we can peacefully resolve this?"

Danzo rolled his lone eye at "peacefully."

Choza clasped his hand on his friend's back, offering all of his support.

The Yamanaka Clan Head stared into the tiny spirals engraved into the wood of the long table, his chest weighed down by the grief of urging his son into seeking a promotion.

He wanted to interrogate Kagami Uchiha himself, to see the last moments of his son before he was cut down by his own comrade, but... looking into Fugaku's confident onyx eyes, he felt his resolve waver.

That maybe Kagami didn't kill his boy...

That Inojinchi was still out there, fighting...

Suddenly, the Yamanaka felt obligated to do the interrogation, but in a manner that Fugaku couldn't worm himself out of-

"Lord Hokage," Inoichi asserted. "Respecting Fugaku's insistence for Kagami to remain under the watch of the Military Police Force, I propose that I interrogate him here using my clan techniques, in front of the Clan Heads and the watchful eye of Konoha's Head Police Chief."

Fugaku glared at the platinum blonde.

"It's decided then," Hiruzen stood up, taking his hat with him as he did so. "Tomorrow we'll monitor Inoichi as he gathers the answers we all seek from Kagami Uchiha. Whether he is found guilty or innocent of the disappearance of his team will be revealed, and whether he stays enlisted into our shinobi force or imprisoned will all be decided tomorrow."

With a grandfatherly smile pointed at each of the Clan Heads he had personally watched grow into the fine shinobi they were today, Hiruzen left the council room with his advisors following closely in step.

Instantly after the Hokage's departure, the room fell once more into chaos just as it was before he and Danzo entered.

"I personally can't wait for tomorrow to come," Orochimaru grinned at Fugaku, following his Sensei's lead by exiting the office. "Kagami Uchiha... what a splendid character..."

With Hiashi, Tsume, and the Ino-Shika-Cho trio leaving next, slowly the others filed out of the room.

Feeling a hand on his shoulder Fugaku stopped one foot out of the door and turned to see Minato Namikaze standing behind him. Shrugging the Yellow Flash's hand off after a second to recollect himself, he regarded Minato, Kakashi, Rin, and his wife's best friend with an odd look.

"I just wanted to express my gratitude to Kagami-san for saving Rin," Minato began, resting his hand on top of Kakashi's gravity-defying hair. "...And apologize for interrupting him when he was visiting his father's grave. I intruded on his privacy and... was upset that he was able to do what even I, the fastest man in the world, couldn't do. Saving one of my precious students, that is."

At this, Team Seven smiled, an action mirrored by Kushina.

"Tell him yourself tomorrow."

Minato deflated some at Fugaku's coldness and did nothing to prevent the Uchiha from leaving.

"Did he do it?" Kushina suddenly asked. "Rin-chan seems to admire him a lot, so there's no way he'd kill-"

"He hasn't outwardly said that he's responsible, but the guilt he carries says enough..."

And without another word, Fugaku left the council room, not looking back to see the team's distraught expressions.


The room was silent, and wrapped in a blanket of darkness behind the rusted cell bars of the Military Police Force, Kagami rubbed his bandaged eyes and moved to let out a yawn. His body was stiff, unrested, and fatigued from days of interrogation.

His Uchiha captors within the Police Force did not hurt him physically, instead choosing to pick away at his mental state, all for a confession. There's a thin line between psychological torture and physical torture, and although he was of the same clan and blood, the Uchiha Police did not show him any pity or compunction.

Sleep deprivation, depersonalization, chakra suppression, and the forcing of stress positions were each used against him in an attempt to destroy his self-image, but what the Police Force didn't know was that Kagami's self-image has already been destroyed by Jashin, and reconstructed by his unyielding hatred for Madara Uchiha.

The torture he was experiencing here was bleak in comparison to the torture he experienced every time he closed his eyes and saw the barren landscape of the Kaguya Village; Shisu gone, Hotaro dead, and Inojinchi missing in action. He'd survive, living a long life of vengeance until he carried out his revenge against Jashin and Madara.

Feeling eyes on his body, he held back his yawn and faced the two pairs of eyes. It's been like this for the past few days, and he was safe to assume that one of his silent observers was his son, Shisui.

Kagami didn't say anything to the boy, and Shisui never said anything to him, in turn. There was a weight in the air, and as he waited for Shisui to turn around and leave again like every night, he was shocked when his blindfold was removed from his eyes.

Like he had thought; it was Shisui, wearing his ninja headband with a short sword attached to his back. Further behind him was the same kid he had seen standing near his son upon his initial imprisonment, small and no older than four or five.


The name rolled off his tongue in an unfamiliar fashion that visibly made his son cringe.

Continuing, Kagami said with a recomposed intake of air, "I... don't know what to say to you right now. Maybe never... but I did not kill your mother. She's alive and I plan on getting her back." Pausing to gauge his son's expression, he was pleased with Shisui's conflicted frown and narrowed eyes, all of which indicated that he had a mind of his own and wasn't as dull as a used kunai. "I know you have no reason to trust me, let alone believe me but I need to visit your grandfather's grave... I need to confirm something with my own eyes."

"Eye." Shisui corrected slowly, looking at Kagami's shut left eye. There was some amusement in his voice which was dominated by a grim underlying of hesitation.

"Shisui we can't stay too long, my father will be back from his outing any minute now."

"Go back without me Itachi; thanks for coming but I think I've got it from here. I'll show you some cool kunai techniques that'll definitely come in handy when you're accepted into the academy!"

Kagami felt his heart pound faster at seeing his son's smile.

The boy in the back, Itachi, steadily nodded his head as he locked gazes with Kagami, before slipping into the dark halls of the Military Police Force Headquarters.

It was just him and Shisui now, father and son, and the awkwardness couldn't be greater.


"The Clan Heads are hosting a council meeting to debate whether or not they'll send you to our intelligence department: T&I for a more "hands-on" interrogation. Fugaku-sama is of course against it, not wanting to bring more shame upon our clan for... what you may have done... but as the village is right now, and given our clan's lack of popularity among the Clan Council, Fugaku-sama's argument will most definitely fall on deaf ears."

As his monologue came to an end, Shisui was staring straight at Kagami, and suddenly, he turned around to make his way out of the cell. "...I'm only warning you because your my father," the eight-year-old shinobi said. "Whatever you did will come out tomorrow if not by the Clan Heads then by the Torture and Intelligence Force."

In normal circumstances, Kagami wouldn't be bothered by someone turning their back on him, but seeing his son, Shisui, walk away he felt his anger spike.

"Listen, Shisui. Your mother...Shisu has been taken and the only one who knows by who is me, so stop fucking around and release me already. I'll leave and never come back, not without Shisu, just let me go find her!"

Without responding, Shisui froze in his step his eyes widened as if this were the first time he's been yelled at by his father. His widened eyes slowly but surely narrowed into a glare, red flashing to life as he angrily spat, "You're not leaving the village. Not until I know where and who "took" my mother!"

"Are you sure you want to know?"

Kagami suddenly asked, sitting up, still bounded.

Shisui gulped at the intensity of his father's eye, but nodded, nonetheless.

"After completing the mission, killing off the Kaguya clan, I mean. I was approached by a dark being that called itself a God..."

Not revealing anything about his prior dealings with Jashin or his reincarnation, Kagami told Shisui everything. From giving up Shisu for his continued survival to the brutal slaughter of Madara's Sharingan controlled Hunter Nin.

"Let me redeem myself; please let me find her," Kagami begged once more, pleading with his son.

"If what you say is really true, then Madara is still alive and mother's suffering because of your selfishness," Shisui asked, staggered.

Kagami nodded.

"M-maybe we should let Konoha know about... Madara and this Jashin..."

"No," Kagami interrupted Shisui. "This alone is my fight. Let me go, I need to save her."

The room fell silent again, and Kagami saw Shisui's eyes drop to the floor in anger and grief. Anger for him and grief for his mother's current dilemma. Shisui rose his eyes after staring at the dark tiles of the stone floor and stared at Kagami with angry, hardened eyes.

"I'll let you go, but I'm coming with you."

A glint flashed in Kagami's eye, and without uttering a single word he quickly nodded as his son went about undoing his bindings. Standing and stretching his sore limbs, he saw that Shisui looked nervous. Rightfully so, considering he had no intentions of taking him with him on his journey of revenge, let alone remember this conversation.

"Where to first?"

"The cemetery, I need to check something."


From within his cell, bound and blindfolded, sitting in the same uncomfortable position the Military Police Force had left him in before his nightly stroll with Shisui, Kagami knew that standing above him, glaring with his Sharingan activated was Fugaku Uchiha.

"Shisui is reportedly feeling ill, he's unresponsive in bed as of right now," Fugaku said almost accusingly. "I'm aware of his after-hour visits here... I trust that you're not responsible for his unconsciousness, yes?"

Kagami said nothing, opening 'both' of his scarlet eyes beneath the confines of his blindfold.

Fugaku's glare deepened at Kagami's aloof silence and released a grunt as he crossed his arms and asked, "Is there anything you'd like to say before I take you to be judged and interrogated in front of the council? There are those who believe your innocence, Kagami. ...And contrary to my earlier outbursts, I too want to believe that your innocent, old friend. But I can't as long as you continue to keep your lips sealed about what happened to your team in the Land of Water. Please, for the future of our clan, OUR DREAM, tell me that you have nothing to do with the disappearance of your team. I'll vouch for you, anything, the clan needs the hat at all cost, else we're doomed to continue suffering discrimination and fear here in Konoha."


Not receiving a response, Fugaku balled his fist into a ball and smashed it against the wall, puncturing a hole, angered and overcome with frustration. He reigned in his emotions after a moment of controlled breathing and walked towards Kagami with a cold layering of fury dancing in his Sharingan as he wordlessly performed a Body Flicker.

They appeared in a flurry of leaves in front of the double doors of the council room. Two Anbu were waiting for them, the murmur of the numerous people inside echoing through the closed door.

"We'll take the prisoner from here, Fugaku-sama." One of the Anbu said, taking the Uchiha Clan Head's position behind Kagami.

Fugaku simply nodded, not looking at Kagami as he silently entered the door with a cloud of depression and anger floating above him.

Kagami was a patient man, coached by the darkness in him to slowly, carefully manipulate those around him to get what he wants. Yet, as he waited for what felt like hours in the custody of the Black Ops Agents, his heart wouldn't stop its violent assault against his chest. In fact, ever since he had seen Hotaro's lifeless corpse his heart wouldn't stop working overtime.

"Bring in the accused, Kagami Uchiha."

With that commanding demand, the Anbu agents forced him through the double doors. The stares of countless eyes washed over him, his blindfolded eyes barely able to make out the outline of a blockade of silhouettes. He was forced into a chair, facing the blockade of glares.

"Kagami Uchiha," the Lord Hokage's aged voice met his ears. "The Clan Council has decided that depending on the findings of our own, Inoichi Yamanaka, will determine whether you will be sentenced to Konoha's T&I Forces and then imprisoned for life or walk away as a free man."

The room erupted into exclamations and murmur. Kagami saw that many of them were calling for his imprisonment, while few, others his freedom. He could see the angry faces even without his vision. And it was then that he realized that his biggest choices in life and even in death were always made in the dark, obscured in black.

As Inoichi walked past him, his eyes lingering for a moment, the two Anbu joined the crowd.

"You may begin, Inoichi. Bring closure to your heart and answers to our ears." The Third Hokage implored the Yamanaka Clan Head to continue.

"Hai, Lord Hokage... and thank you."

Kagami felt hands grip his head, and with a smirk pulling at the edge of his mouth, he allowed the pulling sensation to enter his brain.


Opening his eyes, he was standing in a familiar black abyss that he now knew was his mind- not Hell. Forever stretching, forever molded black by his selfish desires, Inojinchi's father was standing in his barren mindscape, no windows to his memories in sight. All of which were obscured in the eternal darkness.

"You!" Inoichi shouted, taking a step back when Kagami strolled his way with a dark glint in his eyes. "...Where's my son!? Where's Inojinchi you monster?!!"

"Most likely dead, and I'm sorry for your loss."

Kagami personally didn't know the pain of losing a child, those emotions having been sealed and thrown away like garbage at the time of his first son's demise, but felt bad for the grief-stricken father nonetheless. He'd make this fast, he didn't want to cause the Clan Head any more pain.

He'd take it all away soon, just like he did for Shisui.

He had one more use of Kotoshironushi in his right eye...

From the darkness arose the towering manifestation of his Susanoo; its upper half looming over the frightened Inoichi like a menacing shadow.

"This shouldn't be possible, what are-"

The Susanoo plucked Inoichi into its hand, bringing him before Kagami's spinning Sharingan.

"You're going to take off my blindfold and join the crowd after proclaiming my guiltiness."

It was the truth, after all, he was guilty. They all deserved to hear it, even if they were going to forget the incident entirely.


Hiruzen frowned when he noticed a disruption of chakra come from Kagami's core; it was minuscule and went unnoticed by almost everyone present. That wasn't the problem, however; the problem was the sinister aura that clung to it.

He shared a glance with Danzo, who nodded when Inoichi slowly stirred awake, shaking his head free of the grogginess that overtook his mind. His teal eyes, narrowed and enraged, glared hatefully at Kagami's motionless form, snatching the blindfold as he angrily whispered, "The heartless bastard did it. He killed each of his teammates, his wife, and my son."

Immediately the shouting picked back up for a full minute as Inoichi rejoined the council at the long table. Each of the Clan Heads looked at Fugaku with different expressions, but in the crowd, Minato, Kushina, and Rin could do nothing but lower their heads in remorse at the depressing news.

"Anbu," Hiruzen called. "Take Kagami Uchiha to the Torture and Interrogation unit. I want every finding well documented, once done prep him for the highest security cell we've got to offer."

Under the shouting, the Anbu heard and saluted their Kage.

Moving quickly they approached Kagami, only to freeze when they were met with the murderous gaze of a pair of pinwheel-shaped Sharingan. The design of a shuriken spun hypnotically in each eye and stiffened by the sinister chakra that gripped the air of the room itself, they could do nothing as he muttered. "Kotoshironushi."

Hiruzen's eyes widened seeing the Mangekyo Sharingan, Fugaku, Orochimaru, and Danzo too, but none of them could react fast enough to avoid the world-bending genjutsu set in place.

"Forget everything regarding the names Kagami Uchiha, Hotaro Uchiha, Inojinchi Yamanaka, and lastly... Shisu Uchiha, that is all."


In a blur too fast to be noticed by the naked eye, Kagami Sato sprinted past the clueless gate-guard duo, disappearing into the thick foliage of trees that surrounded Konoha like a barricade. Heading west, in the direction of the Land of Water where everything began and systematically ended, he glared at the setting sun whilst thinking of the dead.

"I'm sorry," he whispered one last apology to everyone he's hurt in both this life and his last.

The eyes he bore were not his own and the body he used to kill and murder was not his own, but the emotions swelling his chest, crying out in pain, anger, and anguish for the dead were his.

He'd live by those emotions and follow the guidance of his beating heart towards whatever the future had in store for him.

His promise to Mari echoed in his head and speeding up his pace, the sun fell over the Earth, giving rise to the moon, and in that darkness that eclipsed, a lone shadow faded into the night eternally enthralled by the dark.

Part 1 End

Happy Holidays!

Writing this has been a blast.

I'll post an interlude sometime next week.

After drawing up an outline for the time skip/next part, I'll get back into writing. For now, thanks for reading Part 1 of A Deal with a Devil.

Frog_Tapecreators' thoughts