
A Deal With the Devil

Reincarnated into another world, Kagami Uchiha is immediately tasked with the elimination of the insane Kaguya clan. To make matters worse, he's one day expected to uphold a bargain he made with the dark being that granted him a new life. (Third Shinobi War, Dark Mc)

Frog_Tape · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

Chapter 10

A Deal with the Devil

Chapter 10,

-Mizu no Kuni-

(Land of Water)

With Hotaro at the lead, they successfully made it to the Land of Water.

The air was heavier, and drearier too. Wet with water, Kagami's explosive-black hair fell over his face, dampened, worsening the gloomy atmosphere that made up the Water country.

Taking the rear, they moved in a classic diamond formation, Shisu and Inojinchi on the left and right with the meddlesome Uzumaki positioned in the middle.

Beyond the haze of fog and snake-like trees, the buzzing of chakra pulsating insects and the splashing of scampering critters who went unseen in the backwoods pounded at Kagami's senses. Despite the calm, he was still on guard, tense with all the unease of a spy infiltrating a foreign country… or assassin in his case.

Overhead, the sky was dark, rolling with the shadows of lightly precipitating mist. Yet, the night was still well lit by the moon, sharing enough light for Hotaro to continue guiding them.

They traveled for a long time mostly in complete silence; it was comforting after everything it took to make it to the war-torn marshland. But the frown furrowed on Mari's forehead foreshadowed trouble much to Kagami's displeasure.

Trekking past a hamlet of rural country homes half-consumed by the swamp, Kagami grunted when the Uzumaki finally voiced her concerns- effectively putting an end to the rare silence.

"Keeping to the border isn't exactly what I'd call a safe path, you know?" Saying that she smiled haughtily at Hotaro, not dropping her smirk even as she was promptly ignored. Continuing nonetheless she said, "You said that the Hokage gave you this route to take, right? My guess is the Professor's finally starting to go senile with old age or has a serious grudge against one of you three."

"Three?" Inojinchi said. "What about me."

"You're not of that cursed clan, Inojinchi-kun…" Mari shrugged.

Anger filled Shisu, her eyes snapped at the redhead, burning her onyx gaze over the jagged scar that ran down Mari's neck to her cloaked chest. Her face was outwardly stoic, but the chill glint in her eyes spoke plenty of her irritation.

Seething, Hotaro snarled, "Cursed clan!?"

"I apologize if you thought of that as an insult. I quite like your clan. So prideful and eager for power just like my clan is for seals, hehe."

Hotaro scoffed and quickly turned around to face the petite woman. "Saying that our clans are similar is an insult in itself," he said. "The Uchiha clan are not cowards who hermit themselves away from the rest of the world. We're strong and use our own strength in our battles, unlike you Uzumaki who rely on flimsy paper-seals."

Mari's scarlet eyebrow twitched at this.

"S-Shut up…" she whispered furiously. "What the hell do you even know? It takes true courage not to join the rest of the world in the mindless bloodshed that you idiots call the Third Shinobi War. Instead of pathetically begging for more power in that corrupt village, why don't you Uchiha open your eyes to the cruel reality that maybe, just maybe that benevolent Kage of y'alls who can do no wrong, doesn't have your best interest in mind, considering where his directions are taking us!"

"Watch your mouth, Uzumaki. Next time you badmouth Konoha, the Uchiha clan, or even the goddamn Lord Hokage, I'll…" Hotaro growled warningly, leaving the threat hanging in the air as he continued past the flooded village into the thick undergrowth of the swampland.

His empty threat fell on deaf ears, however.

From what Kagami knew of the redhead, she was a perverse unkillable ally to Konoha, who enjoyed invading other people's minds for the sheer thrill of it. Nevertheless, as he saw her small back tremble in rage and the corners of her scarlet eyes narrow into a glare, Kagami realized that he knew next to nothing about Mariko other than what she showed him.

She was an enigma who had a clear grudge against Konoha.

It wasn't until Shisu slowed her pace and whispered, "Kagami-Taicho," in his ear did he comprehend that he was staring too long at the Uzumaki. She was marching behind Hotaro with an angry pout, while the Yamanaka heir went to and fro between comforting her and mouthing insults at his brooding friend.

"I don't trust her, Taicho." She continued gravely.

"Neither do I," he said responding.


Kagami stared past the crouched forms of his team and set his gaze over a hill that overlooked the moonlit sea. He walked past Hotaro, not paying the grumbling Uchiha any mind as he counted the number of ships anchored over the bay.

Hidden Cloud, the large sails read, painted in bright yellow.

"The Third Raikage's fleet…" Shisu voiced their collective thoughts.

"Damn it," Hotaro cursed.

He kept his eyes low, refusing to admit that his directions lead them to this disaster and that Mariko was right. "W-What difference does this make anyway? We were already being reckless by postponing the mission and adding her to our unit," he spat vehemently at Mari.

If anybody agreed with Hotaro, they didn't show it.

Instead, with the utmost dread, they all watched as Hidden Cloud and Hidden Mist shinobi clashed, painting the sea crimson. Strewn in the bloodbath were shinobi belonging to various minor villages who went unnoticed for the most part.

The fighting stretched from the midst of the sea well into and past the sandbank, threatening to spill into the forest where platoons of well-rested Mist shinobi waited.

Disregarding the few Hidden Cloud shinobi who managed to breach past the bay, surrounded by enemies, the Hidden Mist and her allies seemed to have the upper hand. With excellent use of the endless water source provided by the sea, as masters of water ninjutsu, they held back the vast Hidden Cloud armada using jutsu alone.

As Kagami stood there, his Sharingan absorbing every hand seal, every jutsu, every fighting style… every death, he felt a damp mist settle on his skin and knew that this battle was nearing its end. Shinobi on both sides were fatigued, sweating and gasping for breath as others sank below into the red sea with outstretched arms.

They were dying and equally surrounded by death, yet both Cloud and Mist fought tooth and nail for their respective village.

'What a stupid way to die,' Kagami mentally griped.

He couldn't imagine waging another man's war, knowingly accepting that death was a possibility at all times. That was unacceptable to him. It was foolish thinking befitting that of this world's population, most of whom, even the farmers and scientists were bloodthirsty savages eager to kill in the name of their village.

In a world where murder was the norm, what could he expect, he supposed.

Reflectively, Kagami then thought of his situation.

The mission to slay the Kaguya clan… his decision to save Mariko, infiltrating the Land of Water; he was, in essence, no better than those idiots down below, throwing their lives away.

Nowhere closer to finding a new goal or purpose and even further from living the long life he gambled for, Kagami mentally chastised himself for his ignorance.

Where Inojinchi, Hotaro, and his beautiful wife were his pawns, he was the Hokage's pawn and more likely than not a pawn to the Uchiha clan. Seething hot anger churned in his stomach, rotating like gears.

There'd be no more unnecessary risk-taking on his part from here on out. His life was the only thing of importance now- not Konoha, not Shisu, not even his damned clan. Nothing would ever change that.

Thinking back to Mariko's warning of there possibly being foul-play involved on the Hokage's end, furthered his distrust for Konoha. It truly didn't surprise him. If there was one thing he was certain of about Konoha; it was the universal dislike that followed his clan's name like mud.

However, at the same time, he was only taking Mari's words at face-value; her previous outburst regarding the Hokage and Konoha appeared almost…personal.

He needed answers and would seek them once they were done with the mission. Honestly, he didn't want to return to Konoha, let alone complete the mission, but to his ever-rising misfortune, going rogue would make him an enemy of not only Konoha but the entire ninja world.

He'd become a Missing-Nin, hunted like a dog by bounty hunters until he was either captured or grew too old avoid capture.

Finishing his thoughts, he swept his Sharingan over the mayhem, grateful to have arrived later than sooner as a certain Hokage had wanted. Hearing Inojinchi gasp and bite his lip in worry, Kagami muttered, "What now."

"W-We nn-need to leave…" Mari drawled out with a shaky finger raised. "Thi-this chakra.. is dark, darker than yours…" She was completely shaking now, only stopping when Inojinchi pulled her into a comforting hug.

Kagami simply snorted at her expense… So, she's that sensitive to chakra, he mused as he followed her finger.

Suddenly, as a ship bigger and more extravagant than the rest sailed within view, all of the fighting came to an abrupt stop, casting an ominous silence over the battlefield. All eyes, including Kagami's, were focused on the tall, muscular dark-skinned man who stood at the head of the ship with a white hat that had, "Raikage" inscribed on it.

The Raikage removed his hat and tossed it to one of his underlings as the ship sailed to a stop in front of the clashing shinobi armies.

Time seemed to stop as he dragged forward a sickly-looking Hidden Cloud ninja and leaped down from his ship onto the ocean surface. He landed with a great splash and released his comrade but not before exchanging some whispered words.

Then he calmly turned to face a Hidden Mist shinobi who walked through the parted battlefield. The newcomer also wore a white hat, although his read, "Mizukage."

Just like the Third Raikage, the Third Mizukage was tall, yet that's where their similarities ended. With cool eyes and jet-black hair decorated with small white jewels that reached his back, the Mizukage regarded the imposing Raikage with an icy stare.

Flanking him were four Hidden Mist shinobi, three of which were equipped with distinct swords, and lastly, a boy who looked no older than Inojinchi stood further back.

The two Kage conversed with dark expressions as their individual armies fell-back to a safe distance. There was literal power surging in the air as the two continued their hushed debate.

Suddenly, Kagami felt the hairs of his arms shoot up just as in an explosion of raw chakra, lightning shrouded around the angered Raikage.

In less than a second, the three swordsmen stood protectively in front of their Kage. However, in a flicker of blue electricity that flashed thunderously, they were hurled away with a mere wave of the Raikage's hand.

The Raikage roared and sent an arrogant glower towards his fellow Kage. But as if to counter the overwhelming power that the Raikage proved to be, the Hidden Mist youth took a cautious step past the silent Mizukage.

"What's he doing," Inojinchi whispered in a hitched tone. "Doesn't he know who he's walking towards!? That'sthe Third fucking Raikage!" he gritted his teeth, clearly not wanting to see the boy get maimed by the lightning-clad Raikage.

"…He's dead," Hotaro mumbled under his breath, trying to not seem too interested in the battle.

Kagami too was curious about what the kid thought he could do against the Raikage but remained silent. The chakra that surged from the Raikage was the strongest he's felt so far, overpowering the chakra that leaked out from the Mizukage.

"N-No… you idiots," Mari whispered. "That's the Six-tails Jinchuri-" She was cut off by an ear-splitting shriek that rapidly switched from human to beastly in a matter of seconds. She recoiled as though struck in the face and winced in discomfort as the feeling of death and hatred flooded the surrounding area.

"Jinchuriki," Shisu finished for her.

Six violently thrashing tails rose into the night sky, beating back the mist and clouds as the surrounding shinobi, Mist and Cloud alike took nervous steps back in fear. Neither Kage looked surprised though, let alone scared of the six-tailed slug that loomed over them.

The scattered swordsmen gathered next to the Mizukage, and the Biju reared back its head, producing a vapor of acid smog as it swung two milky-white tails at the Raikage and his companion.

Not knowing what to expect next, Kagami's crimson eyes widened at the sudden manifestation of blue flames that erupted, doubling the malice in the air as a fiery blue paw intercepted the descending tails. A resounding boom echoed, causing ripples to form in the water.

Laughing maliciously, the Raikage pounded his lightning coated fist over his chest and glared confidently at the Mizukage. "So, now that our pets are keeping each other busy," he roared, motioning to the two Biju above locked in a struggle. "Why don't we test the waters of our strength! To see who's stronger, Cloud or Mist, Raikage or Mizukage?!!"

Despite the tailed-beasts that towered overhead, through his voice alone, everyone knew that he- the Lord Raikage was the most deadly threat on the battlefield.

The Mizukage threw his hand to the right in a shooing motion, anger caressing his otherwise expressionless face. "You invade my country and speak of gauging strength," he derided, spitting into the water. "Your arrogance will be the death of you A; it's a shame, but your son, your future successor will be without a father by dawn. But perhaps that's for the better…it'd be a shame if he were to inherit the arrogance your known for."

The Raikage sneered as though the thought of him dying was an impossibility. "Where are the rest of your hounds? You can hardly call them the Seven Swordsmen of the Mist with only three present…?"

"They are on their way as we speak; the ships you managed to sneak past here took longer than expected to destroy."

"Good," the Raikage whispered, a grim smirk rising. "I don't want to hear any complaints about unfairness when I kill you then."

"Likewise, A."

With that, the two Kage said their pieces.

Unease gripped Kagami's chest, demanding his eyes to focus on the pair of legendary shinobi. Evidently, he wasn't alone.

Pale-faced, the formerly fighting shinobi armies edged closer, watching with bated breaths for the historic battle to commence.

Biju vs Biju… Kage vs Kage.

A discharge of electricity sparked off the Raikage's lightning armor, impacting against the waves. Seeing this, the Mizukage waved his hand, issuing the Six-Tails to sluggishly fire a torrent of bubbles from its mouth.

Filled with acid, each individual bubble glistened a shimmering white as they closed in on the Raikage. At the last second, however, distinguished blue flames shaped as tiny fireballs rained down into the swarm of bubbles, and the Two-Tails' heterochromatic eyes glowed dangerously as the skyscraper-sized hellcat rammed into the Six-Tailed slug.

With that, the two Biju fought for dominance. Where the Two-Tails was fast and agile like a cat, the Six-Tails was durable and slippery like the acidic slime that coated its body.

Below the battling Biju, the Raikage dodged and sidestepped the ferocious strikes of the three swordsmen. He delivered a heavy blow into one of the swordsmen and quickly man-handled the rest without breaking a sweat. He was fast but hard to miss in his lightning armor, a jutsu Kagami found to be intriguing.

Further back, the Mizukage went through hand seals, promptly summoning a twin set of dragons that rose from the bowels of the ocean. They wrapped around one another, spinning, roaring, and oozing killing-intent as they crashed into the Lord Raikage.

An eruption of water took place, yet in a show of speed, the Raikage appeared in front of the Mizukage with his right arm raised in a spearing motion. The Mizukage turned, and upon seeing the approaching bolt of human lightning, grinned as his chest imploded on itself under the piercing fist of the Raikage's hand.

Before the Raikage could realize his mistake, the "Mizukage" blew up in a shower of water that detonated much like a bomb. Several explosions of water followed, kicking up a thick mist that Kagami knew had to be the workings of the Mizukage, all the while the darkened silhouettes of the two Biju raged on overhead shadowed by the emergence of several dozen roaring water dragons.

Further observation of the battle was imperceptible to Kagami's eyes as the veil of chakra-made mist clouded his Sharingan like a blanket. The sounds of fighting and the shouting of both Kage could still be heard from the mist, drawing notice from almost everyone. The surrounding ninja regarded each other with worried glances, anxiety, and concern washing over their faces.

When one dark-skinned youth with shaggy pale-grey hair ran into the mist, firing a bolt of black lightning at nothing in particular, immediately both armies renewed their warring conflict- chasing into the smog with roars of hatred.

"Taicho, we should leave now." Shisu notified Kagami with a whisper, though it was hardly necessary, as he was already standing with his back to the battlefield.

The Hidden Mist army was uncoordinated, pooling out from the woods in a swarm of military grey flak-jackets. They ran into the ever-expanding mist, no one falling into formation amongst the mass confusion.

There was a clear panic to it all that Kagami instantly wanted to take advantage of. "I agree," he nodded to her. "Get ready, we're leaving you two," he said pointedly at Hotaro and Inojinchi. Both of whom nodded, albeit slowly with their eyes still drawn to the legendary battle.

"And you," he then turned to Mari.

She stood hunched, breathing heavily while flashing Kagami a pained grin. Truly, Kagami didn't care for her obvious discomfort, but strode forward nonetheless, taking her small body into his arms bridal carry. She blushed and pushed out her lips coaxingly and he rolled his eyes, tossing her over his shoulder.

"Taich-" Shisu began in a bitter whisper before Kagami cut her off with a cold look.

"Now's not the time for this Shisu," he said. "Whatever ridiculous thoughts your thinking can wait. For now, we need to leave." He brushed past her and the rest of his team and pinched the redhead's thigh, earning a shrill yet pleased squeal. "You're going to guide us to the Kaguya village, using your sensory jutsu." He demanded.

The Uzumaki however, found his irritation to be more funny than serious as she playfully kicked her legs over his chest and stifled an amused laugh. That amusement disappeared, however when Kagami sunk his nails into her leg and flooded her wound with his chakra.

The reaction was instant.

Her red eyes widened, pleasure mixing with terror as she nodded into his back with panted breaths exhaling into the air. "A-Ahh ah, f-ffine just c-continue straight for now," she moaned.

Kagami looked startled by her compliance; he really didn't think that his plan would work. How terrifying was his chakra, he wondered as he stalked down the hill they were perched on top of.


Hope you had a good Thanksgiving :D

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