
A deal with the devil (mafia boss)

After Alicia's engagement was unexpectedly called off by her fiance. She was too shocked to digest the news. She found herself in a majestic house. What would become of her when she mistake her savior as an enemy?. She finds herself in another entirely different world where everything seems strange to her. Dealing with this cold annoying boss of her and his underworld secrets. Was she going to discover the secrets behind her mothers sickness? How would she uncover this family plot twist? Would she be the mafia Queen?

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19 Chs

All efforts drained

Williams felt uneasy and he couldn't shrug off the feelings anymore. "Lucas, I also need you to protect her and I want them done surreptitiously" he said warningly to him.

"Understood boss"

He waved his hands dismissively, which they both understood, shutting the door carefully.

Williams knew all these were Mr Daniel's doing. He was a very sneaky business man who loves doing things secretly and carefully, too fearful to avoid any suspicion. Williams could have swiped him out in one piece earlier but he chose to ignore him. He wanted to also know what he was really up to, but this time Mr Daniel seems to be really testing his patience.

Williams has been in the business world since he was eighteen, he knew whatever trick anyone wants to play with him. After all, he was also a business man with so many trick under his sleeves too . He fixed his eyes on the computer, he needed to personally take a look at how things were going in the new site they were working on in Beijing. Thirty of his constructor men were reported to be dead late at night by an explosive few days ago, few of them survived and some were badly burnt.

He needed to sort all of these, as things couldn't be said to be working out fine over there.

Williams pinched his forehead in annoyance, these men were carefully selected and intelligent. Could this be done by negligence?. Was this another trapped or plot laid down for him?. Was this what the spy man was trying to tell him?. Whatever the case was, he needed to see things for himself real quickly.

He was suddenly interrupted by the vibration coming from his phone, only few people knew this private number.

He picked up his phone hoping it was all happenstance even if he didn't believe in coincidence.

"Speak" he commanded the other man on the line in an emotionless voice.

"Sir, few minutes before the incident, crude oil were secretly ordered by a group of boys, disguising themselves as our member.

Lucas had enough on his plate, he couldn't tell him to look into all of this. Since he has lots of connections everywhere, he ordered an old time friend he met at Beijing to secretly investigate into the matter.

"And the boys?" 

"Sir, I am still looking into it. They immediately disappeared after then. The airport has been blocked, they won't be able to escape so easily".

"Don't call me if its not a good result. Send me all the details of all you've found out" he said hanging up in annoyance.

Williams cold voice sent the man shivers, making him trembling. He knew williams wasn't happy with the report he heard just now.

Williams couldnt just understand why people wouldn't stop scheming against him. No matter how much he tries ignoring them, they just leave you with no chance than to fight back.

After lots of hard work Alicia and Ava put in sketching and perfecting them into a unique style to be sewn. They looked really beautiful and captivating in drawing. Alicia was satisfied and happy by the result, she couldn't wait to see how they all look like after they were worn by the models.

"Finally. The styles looks so beautiful in drawing. I can't wait to try everything out" Ava said screeching excitedly.

"Yes I know. I love every single designs and they all came out fine. Can't wait to see everyone's shocked faces" Alicia eyes were still glued on the designs drew on the sketch book, giving the last design a finishing touch.

Most of the designs were her ideas from her previous work which she had shown Noah and Annie, while Ava kept adding few of her ideas making them more beautiful than before.

"I'm ravenously hungry. Its almost past lunch hour" Alicia held her growling stomach in embarrassment. 

They were so engrossed in what they were doing, not realising how fast time flies.

"Urghh!!...I'm also famished. Let's go grab some lunch". 

Immediately after they left for lunch, a young model could be seen sneaking into the department. Her trembling hands kept shaking vigorously while she kept taking pictures of their designs.

"Chill, calm down and just take this fucken darm pics" she said to herself trying to calm her nervous body down. She wasn't satisfied by the previous pictures she had captured earlier due to her shaky hands. But from the look of things, it felt like she was also doing this involuntarily. 

Few minutes after she had successfully captured them all, she immediately dailed a number. 

" I have captured them all" she sighed, trying to ease her hoarse voice.

"Good job. Send them to me" the excitement in the tone couldn't be hidden. "I will transfer the remaining money to you after I have seen them all"

"OK ma"

"Wait!!!!!....Remember, you don't know me and I don't also know you. I'm very much aware you know what I can also do" she warned in a threatening tone noticing she was about to hang up. 

"Understood ma". The young model was so desperate to help her dieing mother on the sick bed. She has been saving up, working part time job to raise the fund needed for her mothers treatment. She decided to become a model hoping she could realise some money. The young model was new to all of these as it is her first time. She couldn't understand what the pictures were needed for but for some reasons, she felt this wasn't for any good thing.

Not long after the call was ended, different pictures of Alicia and Ava's hard work was sent by the young model. Making sure the pictures were deleted from her phone after that.

Sofia couldn't help but smirk victoriously, even if she didn't know what she wanted the pictures for but for some reason she just wanted to keep this, maybe this could be a great help to her. She could finally make Alicia feel the pain of all her hard work in drain, just like all of her own hard work, trying to get Williams attention in drain because of Alicia's presence. She couldn't be more happy if this could lead to Alicia getting sacked. 

Sofia felt really excited as her lips curved upward while she flipped her long golden hair to the back.