
Chapter nine : Sorry but I'm not sorry

She had to do something in order to survive and it was to kill Jonathan, this was the only thing she could do if she wanted to live. But how? she remembered that he had a gun , if this was his room then maybe they could be guns here

she stood up and started searching for something which looked like a gun in the bedroom , she founded nothing and went to the bathroom where she finally found one . It was in a black box in the cupboard . suddenly she heard the door opened and she placed back the box there but held the gun behind her , she didn't have time to think she had to kill him now! If she wanted to live

she stepped out of the bathroom and saw Jonathan standing beside the bed , she approached him quietly looking into his eyes . He looked at her and didn't understand why she was suddenly passive

she tiptoe and gave him a peck on the joue " I have been waiting for you love " she said seductively

" H-how did you call me ?" he asked blinking

" Love " she repeated " I decided to stop fighting and let myself being love by you " she said placing her free hand on his shoulder

" really ?" he asked happily

" Yes " she said and made two steps backward before pointing the gun on his head

" W-what " he asked confused " you bitch !!" he shouted angrily

" how stupid you are , you really thought I'll give myself to you after all you did to me ?" she was so angry , but at the moment she pressed the trigger she heard no sound . No, No.. it was not charged . She started stressing and her heart raise but she pleaded to her heart to not make her pass out , not now If not she was death

She ran to the end of the room but he was quick to catch her and seize the gun from her before hitting her with it on her head but she didn't want to fall unconcious and she tried to maintain her balance even though she was bleeding . He approached her laughing like a psychopath

" You really think you can escape from me huh ? little bitch !" . she wasn't listening at all as her eyes were looking for an object around when she saw a pair of scissors on the drawer near the bed . the drawer wasn't far but her hand was not height enough to get it so she shifted abit to the side of the drawer pretending to adjust , at the moment she was close enough she quickly picked it and pierced it in his shoe causing him to shout in pain and drop the gun

She quickly stood and started running while Jonathan was shouting Lucas' name , she opened the and felt like passing out but resisted ,her vision was Blur but she continued running . She stepped out of the room and bumped on Lucas chest

" What happened to you " Lucas asked looking at her state . But she didn't answered and continue running . When Lucas was about to enter the room Jonathan came out wincing in pain and walking like a handicap

" That bitch " when he saw Lucas he said " give me your gun now!!" Lucas was abit confused he didn't know if it was a good idea to give him his gun " She is going to run away ! Give it to me or i'll kill your wife !!" he threatened and after hearing his wife he handed him the gun , but Jenny was already too far . Out of anger he shoted but in Lucas' chest . The sound of the gun caused Jenny to turn and look behind her and when she saw Lucas on the floor , she was sad but couldn't wait even a second to pity him or she will soon be joining him . Jonathan shot a bullet to her direction but he missed and started chasing her despite his pain

He was slower than her so she quickly went to hide herself behind the kitchen's door waiting for him with a knife . she couldn't go out of this place before killing him cause she knew he will be able to find her , she had to end up with him before leaving

" Jenny , where are you ?..... you bitch " she heard his footsteps which were getting closer and when he entered the room , she stapped his shoulder making sure the blade enters deep inside causing him to drop the gun , she removed her knife and he stepped back but accidentally walked on his wounded footh causing him to shout in pain . She pushed him so that his back could hit the floor and climbed untop of him

" I'll give you a taiste of your own medecin " she didn't hesitate as she stabbed in his chest again and again until we could see numerous holes on him she wanted him to taiste the same pain she taisted but ten times fold

She was covered with blood from head to toe , finally he was death , surprisingly she didn't even regret killing him . She dropped the knife and when she lifted her head she saw the maid crying calling the police " She is called Jenny jade ...Yes she is just from killing him... " the maid was saying

Jenny picked up the gun on the floor and shoted a bullet in her head not letting her finish her call . She wonder why she knew how to shot but anyway it didn't matter . She approached the maids corps and said " Sorry but I'm not sorry"