
The clock is ticking part 2

Mason rushed to his car, his heart couldn't sit still, he was thinking of the worst scenarios. He slammed the door of his car and drove like a mad dog to the location the tracker is showing. When he got there, on the deserted road, he saw her car there, doors left open. He searched high and low for his wife but sadly she wasn't there.

"Where are you, my love? What happened to you?" He searched the road but couldn't see anything. He was going back to his car when he saw her earring laying on the dusty ground, he picked it up, took her phone which was on her car seat, and left after making after making sure the car is secure.

He called his private investigator right away, and his team members went on to do their part in searching for their lady boss. Mason decided to keep her disappearance a secret for a while, he told Vanessa and the staff members at the shop to keep their mouths shut.

His private investigator and team members searched but everything led to a dead end, the road she took doesn't have a CCTV camera, and everything they tried was fruitless just like her mother's case.

Days passed and calls came from the people who abducted Amaya. Mason concluded that she was kidnapped. He decided to tell everyone what happened, he can't keep it a secret forever.

He called everyone including his family members to his house, Mason took a deep breath, and he looked at everyone before saying. "I called all of you here because I have something to tell you," he stated

"A few days ago, Amaya left for work but didn't get there. Some of you have asked about her where about because you couldn't reach her and I would tell you she is on a business trip, well I lied" he smile sadly "My dear wife has been kidnapped" there were a few gasped and an exclamation from Lindsay.

"I have tried all I could but I couldn't find her, I haven't received a call from anyone" the room was quiet for a while, and no one said anything.

"Why didn't you say anything?" Lydia asked,

"I didn't want to worry any of you, and I thought I could handle it but I couldn't" for the first time after many years, Mason cried "I couldn't protect her, I could not safe my wife" his mom hugged him

BB² that is her brothers, were left startled. Not too long after Mason's phone rang, he picked it up and answered the call.

"Hello Mason Campbell, how do you do? I am aware you have a hint of who is calling and why" a male voice on the other end said.

"Who the fuck are you and what do you want with us?" He yelled

"Calm down Mr. Campbell, I have your wife remember." Lindsay looked scared, she looked like she was in pain because Amaya wasn't there, she had uncontrollable tears in her eyes.

"Let me talk to my wife"

The fear in her eyes when the lights in the dark room didn't go unnoticed by the man who was wearing a black mask and gloves covering his face and hands.

"Who are you and what do you want?" She asked fearfully

"I am your worst nightmare and your husband has something I need and I know he would give it to me if I had you here with me." The masked man said.

"Please let me go" she begged with tears flowing down her beautiful black cheeks

"Too bad I can't until I get what I want from your loving husband" He left the room. He would come to give her food and water and sometimes hit her for the heck of it.

He finally decided to call her husband to tell him what he wants in exchange for her. "Your husband wants to talk to you," he said placing the phone on her right ear.

"Honey" she cried. Before she could say 'Ah' the phone was removed from her ear.

"You've heard her voice, now will you listen to me?" the masked man asked with a smile on his face which couldn't be seen but could be heard for his voice.

"What do you want?" Mason asked with a voice as cold as a stone

"Nothing much, I just want sixty million dollars from you in exchange for your wife." Amaya coughed when she heard the amount of money.

"Are you crazy? Sixty million?" She screamed which earned her a tight slap and a cut on her lip, she could taste her blood.

"Hey don't you dare hurt her, give me a few days to arrange the money," Mason said.

"Take your time but know your beautiful wife is here with me and I wouldn't mind having a taste of what you have been having" he joked

"Don't you dare" Mason growled

"Let's pray I don't" he disconnected the call.

Mason threw his phone on the wall out of anger "Mason calm down, don't be irrational" His mom said holding him.

He took a second phone from his pocket and called his secretary "Fifi I need you to arrange sixty million by tomorrow, you know what to do." He disconnected the call

"They are asking for sixty million? That's too much" Lindsay exclaimed

"Nothing is too much for my wife," he said and left the sitting room. The next day, he received another call but this time Mason decided to trace the call to know the caller's location.

"Remember no cops and if I were you, I would stop trying to track down my location, you won't be able to find me, and remember I can do anything I want with your dear wife."

"How did he know we are tracing his call?" Mason asked, it seems he is good, better than the people he works with.

"I can see you, drop the bag in the car and leave" Mason followed every instruction, he couldn't risk the life of his wife and the mother of his child.

"Good, now go to the abandoned warehouse not too far from here. If I were you I would hurry unless you like ice sculptures"

"The clock is ticking, Tick tock, tick tock." That was the last thing he heard.

Happy new month my loves XOXO. To my Cameroonian readers, today is the first of October, please stay indoors. Love y'all