
Bold move

Words from the author, I will be changing my narrative technique, Enjoy.

Mason smiled even though Amaya is dodging the question, it appears that she isn't ready but not to worry he will make her agree to it, she will make her love him too.

Mason joined her and they ate the food, Amaya kept humming in approval, she enjoyed the meal. "seems like you like what I ordered." Mason said sipping the red wine in his glass.

"Yeah, it is delicious, the food here is really good" she smiled showing off her pearly white teeth.

After a heartfelt dinner date, the couple decided to call it a night. Amaya couldn't stop smiling, though she doesn't love Mason, it does not mean she doesn't appreciate his little gestures. No other man apart from her brothers had ever made felt so special, some men asked her out, but none of them have ever given her time, to be considerate and conscious of her feelings.