
A deadly Romance

Cecilia the daughter of the mafia boss in the American mafia has only one goal in mind ,To find her missing mother ,But what happens when she is suddenly put into an arranged marriage with Lorenzo Ricci the most ruthless mafia boss in the underworld who may be involved in the disappearance of her mother .will they live through their marriage peacefully or will they end up at each others throats find out in this book!!!

Nightowlann · Urban
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9 Chs

~Playing with fire~

I got woken up early this morning by an all so Charming asshole who came to ruin my whole damn day before it even started.

Basically Lorenzo came into my room this morning and told me I'm not allowed to leave the house and didn't give me any room to protest and locked the freaking door.

But of course,I broke the lock to my door though but the front door downstairs is being guarded by some stupid guards ,so I just went back to my bed,I hate being told what to do .

"ughhhh"i groan as I stuff my pillow in my face when I hear a knock on the door."who is it-"Rosa barges in before I could finish."Heyy it's me"She yells.

"Yeah I can tell"I laugh at her humorous action ."well....I came to hang out with you "She says as she lays on my bed.

"By 6 in the morning damn "I question and she just shrugs and stretches and damn is she hot.

She's wearing a black crop top with baggy jeans and beautiful tattoos on her arms ,she ruffles her beautiful curly red hair and I couldn't help but feel envy.

She sits on my bed and we chat a bit about the mafia life, how much we hate people,her love life and golly did she have a lot of relationships but they never ended well,She told me how she ended up breaking up with her girlfriends on bad terms and it reminded me of someone I know.

"yeah also don't get worked up about Lorenzo he acts like a giant ass to everyone we've all gotten used to it "She shrugs and I burst out laughing as she imitates his cold gaze.


After a while we both get hungry so we go down to get breakfast and holy molly does the food here taste amazing."oooh this taste like heaven"I groan happily and Rosa nods "agreed" we chuckle as we both continue stuffing our faces.


After breakfast I head back to my room and open up my laptop which was also brought in, I'm not afraid my laptop got hacked on the way here cause not one damn person could try hacking my shit without having there devices fried.

I log in to the Ricci family mafia database.

I Look around for a particular file and I see 'RICCI',It was the Ricci family file I've had my eyes on the Ricci family ever since I found out they may have to do something with the disappearance of my mother.

After my mother went missing I went in search of her and I couldn't find anything until I checked the last location my mother was in before her tracker stopped working, And I found out it was the freaking Ricci family manor.

But three years ago i found a way to get near the Ricci's during a mission but I was interrupted when the lights went dark but that didn't stop me from Fighting them,

Unfortunately the man I was fighting was really strong he gave me a hell of a scar on the side of my rib and I also scarred him too with my precious dagger on his thigh .

But unfortunately I didn't get any information on my mother's whereabouts since the bastard escaped that night since some men from the Russian Mafia came to attack me .

'Damn the stupid Russians they've always been trying to get me '

And because of those dumb fucks ,

I never found out which Ricci member I fought since we where fighting in the dark.


It's been 3 hours and I haven't found anything on the Ricci brothers ever meeting my mother.

"Fuck" I curse out in frustration when all the information I read is useless to me.I grab my laptop and drop it.

I head into the closet and pick out my training gear.I lock my room door and

walk out of my room and head towards the training room Rosa told me about.

The room is a big one it's equipped with different equipments and exercise gear,There is a glass Partition that holds a room at the other side that I'm guessing is their shooting room.

I look around and see a punching bag and head over to the punching bag and put on a pair of boxing gloves .

'when i need to clear my head training is the next best thing' I start hitting the punching bag as i realize I'm still at a dead end , "hmph "I huff as I pound harder at the bag.

The door swings open but I don't stop pounding I keep hitting the bag and in my frustration I kick the shit out of the bag causing it to fall off and I groan as I turn around to see Lorenzo leaning on the door as he raises an eyebrow at me .

He's wearing grey sweatpants with a fitted black shirt that shows off his toned muscles as his slight movements makes them flex a little.

"Your paying for that "He points at the punching bag and I scoff and walk towards another punching bag and go at it again , from the corner of my eye I see Lorenzo walk towards some weights and starts lifting.


It's been an hour now and I've practically destroyed 4 punching bags now and Lorenzo has been given me hell for it.I shake my head and punch the bag harder .

"Don't Let this one fall too princessa" Lorenzo taunts as he gets up and I'm sure he has that stupid smirk on his face and it pisses me off ,so I kick the bag harder than before causing it to fly towards his bottled water he was drinking and it falls of his hand .

His jaw clenches and he stares darkly at me and I immediately know I'm screwed I try to run outside but he's faster and towers over me pinning me to the wall and I try to push him off but he grabs my arm and he pins it over my head and glares at me and I glare back "princessa don't test me"He says in a deep voice as he tightens his grip on my arm.

And I can feel his body heat radiating towards me as he stares down at me ,"I should be saying that to you "I say looking up at his dark green eyes ,"oh really ?"He says in a deep voice almost like he's daring me to do something and I'm not one to back down from a challenge,

so i grab the gun hidden in his waistband in one swift movement and place it at his chest as I smirk at him "you were saying "I laugh as I see a glint in his dark eyes before he chuckles.

"fucking bitch"He chuckles darkly and let's go of my other arm "your playing with fire Cecilia" He cautions ,"good thing I like getting burnt "I retort as I tuck his gun back in his waistband with my eyes still on him.

I then slip away towards my room and close the door as I feel my heart almost wanting to jump out of my chest "we were too freaking close dammit" I curse as I try to calm myself down


It's been hours since the whole thing happened and Im currently in an online meeting with the man I hate calling my father "Cecilia don't do anything to offend Lorenzo unless you know the consequences "He says darkly and I couldn't help but shiver.

"Yes Father"I answer in a monotone voice.

"Cecilia you know what I'm doing is best for you ,you know that right?? ,So don't ruin this for me "He states as he smiles at me and ends the call.

God I hate him so much,I sigh as I lean my head on my bed and a memory comes into my mind.


I raise my head and try to move my hands that are stuck in the chains but I'm too weak to do that .I look up at my father holding the dagger he had just stabbed me with multiple times on my arms.I felt like I could die with how much blood I had lost.

His eyes soften as he grabs my chin"Cecilia look what you made me do!!,you know I would never want to hurt you"

He pauses as he runs the bloody dagger on my bleeding arms softly "But you just had to bring HER up again"He continues as he grabs my neck and chokes me and I gasp for air desperately ,He grips my neck harder but when he sees I'm about to pass out he lets go.

He grins at me like a psycho but stops when he sees something

A hole in my jeans shows a scar on my leg and he rips the jeans with the dagger and sees the scars on my thigh he holds my legs in anger when he sees the scars on my legs "what the fuck is wrong with you??huh what is wrong with you"He screams as he slaps me .

I start crying and he kicks me in my stomach"Stop fucking Crying "He yells at me as he slaps me again,"I'm sorry.... I won't do it again... just stop"I cry out and he smiles as he unlocks the chain and hugs me .

"Good ,you know how much it pains me to hurt you Cecilia,but your always so rebellious, remember never bring up that woman again okay can't you see your hurting me"He rubs my back and I just stay quiet in fear "yes... Fa..ther I'm.. sorry" I say shakily.

*End of flashback*

I open my eyes in fear and sit up immediately as I hold myself from screaming "It's...fine ....yeah .. it's..f..i..n..e"I comfort myself as I try to stop myself from shaking but it doesn't work and i start crying "Noooo...stop it..please ....stop"I scream as I pull my hair . 'i can't breathe'.

"Please someone,make it stopp!!!"I scream into my pillow and hold my chest.

Suddenly the door burst open ,I couldn't tell who it was but they came in and hugged me and that's when I realize it was Zoey "Calm down, Count to 10.. come on you can do it "she says calmly as she rubs my back.

"1...2....3....4...5-"I keep counting and feel my self calming down as she kisses my forehead "yeah your doing so well "She says as I finish counting "10" I sigh and place my head on her chest .