
A Deadly Obsession - Free Sample

Hey guys. This is a free sample of my book. Please use the search function and search 'A Deadly Obsession' to find the full book. Skye. Taking a deep breath to calm myself, I answer the phone. “Hi Mom, how are you?” I ask, trying to sound cheerful. “Athena! Happy Birthday!” Mom squeals. “Thanks, Mom.” “Have you noticed anything different? Any sign of a mate?” She asks excitedly. “No, mom, nothing yet. How are you? How’s the pack?” I ask, trying to change the subject. She sighs, “the pack is fine, Athena. Alpha Damon is visiting other packs to introduce Luna Cassia and go over the new peace treaties.” “He’s stopped trying to find the pack that attacked us?” I ask incredulously. “No one knows anything, Athena. Everyone is just trying to move on. You should too, sweetheart,” she says as she lets out a small sob. “Sorry, I can’t do that, Mom. I will not stop until I find out the truth. I owe it to Dad,” I say as tears well up in my eyes. “Your father wouldn’t want this, Athena. He would want you to take your place as our Gamma. Please come home. I need you here.” “I have to do this, Mom. I’m sorry.” I’ve always been different from other lycan. My first shift happened when I was ten, six years before the average wolf. After a difficult shift, my eyes glowed blue, and my wolf, Enyo, was almost the size of an Alpha pup, with a crescent moon marking on her forehead. Years later, I lost my father, the Gamma of the Blood-Moon pack, in a deadly attack, and I vowed to track down those responsible and exact my revenge. When my own life is threatened on my 18th birthday, a new lead takes me to Arizona, and I discover that there’s more to my father’s death, and my differences, than meets the eye. Content Warning: Course Language/Profanity, Sex scenes, Violence and Death

Skye_AlexanderAUS · Fantasy
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26 Chs

Chapter 12 – Early Morning Meeting

I'm woken the next morning by someone knocking on the door. "Athena? Are you awake?"

I groan when I realise it's Jason. I turn over, look at the time on my phone, and groan again. It's 4:30am. "It's too early," I yell out and roll back over, hiding my head under the blankets.

"I'm coming in," he says, and I hear the door open. I sit up in a huff and rub my eyes. "Jason, I've barely slept. What's so important that it couldn't wait until later?" I ask.

"I wanted to make sure we were okay," he says, blushing, and gives me an awkward smile as he sits at the end of the bed.

"Why wouldn't we be?" I ask as I pull my hair back into a ponytail.

"Well, because we almost… And then I found Jess, my mate…," he trails off.

"Oh, I see. Did you tell her about yesterday?" I ask, not able to hide my embarrassment.

Jason blushes again and says, "I did, but she understands it didn't get far."

"Well, she has absolutely nothing to worry about. Yesterday was a crazy day. I'm thrilled for you, Jason. You found your mate!" I say with a big smile.

He lets out a breath that he seemed to be holding. "I'm so relieved. You're an amazing girl, Athena. I hope we can be friends?"

"Of course," I say, smiling, and I lean over and give him a quick hug. Then I lean back and punch him in the shoulder, "I can't believe you woke me for that!"

"Ow!" he says, rubbing his shoulder. "Excuse me for wanting to make sure we were good!" He laughs. "I'll go make you a coffee. Will that get me out of the dog house?" he asks with a grin.

"I'm going back to sleep. You can make me coffee later." Yawning, I lie back down and snuggle under the blanket again.

"Actually, I was hoping you'd come with the pack warriors and me to help with the Alphas plan," he says.

Enyo stirs at the suggestion with one ear pricking up, suddenly listening to the conversation.

"You have our attention," I say.

"You know what this Derek guy looks like, if it was definitely him yesterday. Plus, I could use the backup. All of Nick's warriors are staying here in case Doc Shields knows he's here and tries something," he explains.

"We're in," Enyo comes forward and says.

"Great. Thank you. We're meeting downstairs in the Alpha's office in 15 minutes to go over everything."

"Then I guess I better get up," I say. "You better make sure there's a coffee waiting for me when I get there," I say with a grin and punch Jason on the shoulder again.

"Ow! Geez, okay!" He says, getting up, and he leaves my room.


After having a quick shower and getting dressed, I jog down the stairs to the Alphas' office.

"Please close the door, Athena, and we'll get started," Alpha Peter says as I enter his office.

I nod and close the door. Jason hands me a coffee, I say thanks with a smile, and I sit on the couch next to Nick's warrior from last night, Lucas.

"Thank you all for being here this morning. Jason will go through the plan with you all shortly. Is there any questions before we get started?" Alpha Peter asks.

One of the pack warriors I saw at training yesterday raises his hand and asks, "Yes, Alpha. Do we know anything about who attacked Beta Jason and Miss Argos yesterday?"

"I believe one of them was a private investigator I was working with in Montana, Derek Williams. But, unfortunately, we didn't get a look at the other male," I tell everyone.

There's a knock on the door, and a man around Alpha Peters' age enters the room.

"For those who haven't met him, this is my Gamma, Richard. He's been in Pheonix visiting his son," Alpha Peter introduces the man.

Gamma Richard nods to everyone and stands next to Alpha Peter.

"What can you tell us about this, Derek Williams?" Jason asks.

"He's human. I was working with him for about 3 weeks, trying to find leads on who attacked my pack. Unfortunately, he disappeared shortly before I came to Arizona."

"Why would you work with a human?" Gamma Richard asks.

"My pack had used him before for other business. He knows about our kind, and I was told he had good instincts and connections. He hadn't found much, though, in those 3 weeks. So I was about to give up and find someone else when he sent me to speak to an old hunter outside of Billings, which I believe was a trap, especially after yesterday."

"Do we need to worry about this hunter?" Gamma Richard asks.

"No," I say, shaking my head. "Would you like me to share what was said that day, Alpha?" I ask.

He nods, so I tell them what Bill Stokes said to me about the rogue pack. That it was lycans, werewolves, and hunters working together, and Derek being involved in bringing them all together.

The room is silent for a few moments when I finish speaking.

"How ludicrous," Gamma Richard says with a snort. "Why should we believe anything this girl says?" He turns to ask Alpha Peter.

"Athena hasn't given us any reason not to trust her, Richard," Alpha Peter says.

"Her wolf almost killed my daughter!" He exclaims.

Uh oh, I think to myself.

"Trust me, Gamma. If I wanted your daughter dead, she would be," Enyo pushes forward and says calmly.

"Do not speak to me, you abomination!" Gamma Richard yells.

Enyo growls deeply, making the coffee table shake from the vibration. The Gamma starts to walk towards me. His face is red with anger when the Alpha stops him.

"ENOUGH!" Alpha Peter yells. "I will not have my guest disrespected, Richard!"

"She is an abomination, Alpha! She needs to be stopped!" He yells.

"Call me an abomination again, Gamma, and it will be the last thing you ever say," Enyo says. She is eerily calm, and I'm starting to get worried. I try to push forward, but she blocks me out.

"Enyo, please! Stop this!" I beg her.

"Are you challenging me?" He asks, puffing his chest out in a show of dominance.

Everyone in the room is looking at us, waiting to see what Enyo does.

"I don't need to challenge you, Gamma. I'm not interested in your position. I will kill you, though, if you call me that again."

"Doctor Shields is right! You are a danger to us all!" He yells.

"What do you mean Doctor Shields is right?" Alpha Peter asks him.

"He told me what she really is! She will have us all begging on our knees, given a chance! I will not let that happen!" He yells and then shifts, snarling at us.