
The first thought (of him)

He sits on the floor of our dance studio. The other day when I danced with him there was something about the way he moved that made me...ugh! but I don't know what it made me feel or do all I know is that it made me feel some type of way and say things that I would never have said to anybody else. I thought it was a crush but the way his hair sits on his face, his dark brown eyes the way they shine in the sun, his skin soft to the touch but his hard but not a lot of muscles he has a dancer's body so I should suspect that he has done this for a while. I wonder if he went to other dance studios but he is clumsy around his feet and keeps looking down instead of looking at me. He often walks away from me, I mean others told me I can be mean, do I make him uncomfortable am I not fun to hang around with; what can I do to make him feel comfortable. " Zenara what are you thinking", "Huh" I turn around to see my best friend and absolute player Quinn, that's right if there is anyone that people feel comfortable around its Quinn " Hey Quinn what can I do to make someone feel comfortable around me", "Ah I see what's got you so dazed..." I look up at her with a panicked and red face " The thing is why didn't you tell me sooner I would've helped" my panic remains but my red face is replaced with confusion "Your wishing to make friends for the first time in the three years I have known you" ,"no that's not it Quinn...well not entirely", "So I'm partially right", "Yes there is someone I want to befriend, but just one person", she looks at me with a confused face but then her face turns smug "Ohhhhh...could this person make your heart race, your stomach twist and turn, your face feel a thousand degrees, just the thought of them makes your whole body descends into chaos, their touch weakens your knees, a knew found clumsiness seeps through your calm demeanor when they are around" I look in astonishment and embarrassment, that she knows so much and as well that she hit the nail on the head, my face starts to feel hot when I think about those emotions. How he makes my stomach do aerials when he looks at me and I don't know if he feels the same and all I can think about is how much I want to feel him. His body against mine moving as one again. "So who is it?" I face Quinn with confusion as to what she meant by the question "What's their name?", "I don't know?..." that is when I realized I don't know the name of the person I liked and that is when I remembered that he knew my name but I didn't know his.