
1 - A Day of Joy

Ah, a day of joy

The first day I met you,

Gave me a sense of hope

A hope for a better life, a better future

May I spend eternity with you?

Because of hope, I had a desire

I had the strength to change myself for the better

To run away from where the darkness took me

And to look far where the light will bring me

Then I saw you, my beacon of joy

My sparkle of inspiration

And finally, my home.

You are a definition of home

A fortress of safety and comfort

Because of you, I knew how it felt to be myself

I finally knew who I was and who I am

I never felt hate, anger and depression

And thus,

A day of joy was born,

The joy of being myself,

Filled with hope for a brighter future

With the desire to love and to feel free

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