
cruel love

Everyone knows that a mother is the only support for her children, gives them love and tenderness and takes care of them, They see it as a rare blessing and a gift from the Lord Contrary to Julia Fisher, who thought her son Frederick, the handsome and kind young man If we describe his personality, Angel would be the best fitting name for him, was a curse, that it was a punishment from God for her.

He get abused daily by his mother although he may love her, huge her and even kiss her but those kisses always send him sleeping in that cold and frightening basement.

A small room devoid of all the basic necessities that you will find in it, you only see ruined bed that Fredrick wish no one to sleep on it, windowless room And also that simple closet, it shows you what he suffers from, is it because of her stinginess or there are other reasons that we do not know that turned his life upside down , a completely open door and footsteps slowly coming while Frederick is in the world of dreams, his only favorite place for him, where he finds love and affection, and even the many friends he did not get them in real life.

She walk with bitterness and splashed that cold bucket of water on him Until he wake up frantically Without losing control of himself, and uttering inappropriate words in the presence of his mother Which follows the method of cruelty with him in everything, even in the way he was awakened as if he was in a military barracks .

After that panic went away , he looked at his mother with a broad smile and a happy tone, good morning mom., answered him with a look of contempt and a mockery tone: In your dreams, mentally handicapped, get up and go to work, never call me mom again, my children are not backward.

Then she left him in that bad psychological state even though he was smiling, but sadness took over him, if you see those blue eyes, you will see questions he used to ask himself What should I do to make her love me, I believe that she will love me and I will not give up until I hear I love you or at least Son, this is my goal, this is my wish.

Sitting on the bed in a way that shows that he is thinking deeply and trying to find a solution to the situation that tormented him psychologically and deprived him of the mother's tenderness that he thinks would have changed his life if he had obtained it like the rest of the children.

Thinking played with his mind until he decided to stop living in delusions, my mother could not love me no matter what I tried, She is angry at me, Because I am the reason why my father left us, that what he was saying to himself in low voice and with tone of blame like He's beating himself up for something has absolutely nothing to do with it, he doesn't even remember his father very well.

His mother who instilled that idea in his head And she deliberately accused him that he was the reason for his departure, but the truth is still vague and will not be revealed except with the passage of time.

His mother's voice calls out for him to come down for breakfast, but in an insulting and unacceptable way for someone who truly has a human heart characterized by compassion and humanity, Politely and with great manners, explains sincere feelings that he really loves and respects her, but she refuses to see that or ignores it either for fear of a past that is haunting her or a future she wants to avoid.

He went to the wardrobe to change his clothes. Immediately he finished that, he went straight to the backyard without informing his mother, because he used to dry his clothes every morning as a result of his mother's way, which we describe so wonderful in waking him up.

A few minutes later, he went to the kitchen for breakfast to help him spend a nice day while sitting in a chair with his arms extended over a square table, Waiting for his breakfast, a single fried egg, she put it on the table for him while looking at her smiling And in a tone of inquiry: Is this my breakfast?

Hard looks while answering him with completely cold As if she was doing a favor to a stranger or feeding a passerby, yes ,eat and shut your mouth , you are lucky I prepared it for you.

Those stares full of love towards his mother, although he did not say it. Just a word of thanks for that single egg  that Do not get fat nor saturate that stomach What really needs nourishment is that heart that is starving, neither love nor affection, care and concern, a word I love you does not know and did never hear, He eats quite slowly, in a way that shows something that no one else can notice.

He eats while he imagines that the table is full of food, sometimes from the plate in front of him and sometimes from any side above the table, He is not crazy, but he used to do that to see himself as an ordinary person who is not whimsical, living their style, as a desperate attempt to make his mother love him, a message to her meaning, see I eat like you as you do every night I don't have to eat in the basement I can be with you here as one family.

She clearly saw him while drinking in the coffee, but something happened to that cruel heart, and those dry eyes of any human feeling, a tear came down from her expressing great sadness, She did not want him to see her in this state and scared about him, which will affect his weak heart ,who resists everything except the tears of his mother or his beloved that fate has hidden from him is not injustice, but rather a surprise to him for his kindness which he made a light that illuminates his dark life.

He finished eating his breakfast, and that innocent smile was not erased from that face, He was about to go out making his way, he kissed his mother and as he pass the door she called him. Happy that he heard her in thought that she would wish him a good day but it was crocodile tears, Threatening words, if he did that again, he would sleep in the basement, his heart was broken again, the Cruelty cancer kills the emotions that distinguish him and as a human being, and put him into a slow moribund stage ,he had no right to love or to be loved, he Lowering his head out of regret, his only sin was that he loved his mother, and to make matters worse, those words that rotted his conscience: Leave me now, You messed up my day.

He walks in rapid steps and his mind never stops thinking what he must do to attract the attention of his mother, what must be done in order for his life to change for the better, does he need the intervention of the Lord or is a matter of self-confidence, a weak personality that needs a great work ?

He got in his cab, drove through town searching for costumer's, looking right and left Until he found a man wearing a suit as if he worked for an important company or a well-known guy standing on The right and pointing with his finger, meaning he stopped please as calling taxi Frederick noticed him and then parked beside him and Without any lengthening, he opened the door and get in, saying: Take me downtown, I have an important meeting, hurry up please. In a polite way, he replied: right away, sir. 10 minutes, and you'll be there.

The smile appeared on the face of that man, who saw a rare trait in Frederick, you can say that it disappeared with us, which is mutual respect, so he decided to joke with him saying: And try not to kill us, you do not know how much you suffered to get this work.

A slight laughing sound While he was driving than he asked Politely, that man liked him more : Do you want to turn on the radio for you?

He could not refuse his request for fear that his feelings would be hurt after he had seen good qualities from him, which he had not seen with people he knew, yes, why not , if you don't mind of course. , Of course not, you must know something about me. My job is to deliver customers to their destination, but this does not prevent them from entertaining, and above all, their respect., That was his answer Which that man could not respond to except to applaud him in respect of his morals and professional dealings with people.