
Its a promise right?

"Boruto.... " The women smiled, dancing around the green flower lands like she owned it.

Butterflies covering her dancing figure as if preventing the man to touch her.

"Hehehehe.. " Her chucklings wouldn't stop. Even though she had to pause to take a breath.She seemed to not mind evem that.

Her beauty was on par than anything the blonde could ever imagine.

Everytime he would try to reach her the butterflies would somehow   intervene.

He couldn't understand how it was happening. But it was just... Real.

It was real.


"Boruto.. " The women called out to him again.  This time embracing him tightly out of nowhere.

The surprised blond froze for a moment before his thoughts melted away.

He held her close.  Very close.

It was real.

"Hey.. Anata" She chuckled playfully and the blonde gave a hearty laugh.

"since when did you started calling me that? "The blonde said,his hair dancing with the wind.

The women gave him a playful smack on the stomach before she buried her face in his chest.

"Ever since I got to know.. " She whispered slowly which felt like mumbling on the blonde's chest.

"Huh.. And What does that mean?" He asked softly, running his fingers around her soft hair.

Before she stood up.. Looking straight in his eyes. Her face straight.

The blonde felt his heartbeat getting fast. He patiently waited for her to speak something.


And at that moment, when his life seemed to change forever.


The women gave him the softest smile she could ever make.

Her eyes glittering with sheer happiness that she couldn't control another chuckle making its way on her lips.

"Who would've believed.. " She hinted, placing a hand on her stomach.

But the Blonde seemed as dense as ever.

She sighed, but her smile never left.

"Especially, after all we've been through.. That this day would ever come. " she added standing up moving back a few steps

Away from him.

It was after she moved that the blonde realised he no longer had her in his arms.

That he felt the urge. The need to know what was actually going on.

"What.. What do you mean...? "

A short silence followed. The wind picking up.

"You're soon going to be a papa~." She emphasised on the last word,and spoke in a childish voice.

The words rang through the blonde's mind again and again.

'You're going to be a Papa. '

"huh?" He breathed out and the women laughed like she already expected this reaction.

"Our first child Boruto. You're going to be a dad. Te hee~" she chuckled and turned around teasingly walking away from him.

Still dancing around, her feet were in the air.

'I am..?'       

The blonde stared at her figure getting away.

' ...going to be a dad?'

The thought made his vision blury.He felt his whiskered cheeks getting wet.

'I am.. '

He stood up ,stumbling on his feet.

'Gonna be a dad? '

And walked ,towards the reason of this happiness he was receiving.


He increased his pace trying to catch up to the women.

"Wait.. Wait for me! " He wanted nothing but to embrace her tightly. 

Nothing else at the moment.

They were slowly reaching the clouds.

How it was happening, he didn't knew. He was too happy to care.

The women stopped at the entrance of the dense white vapour and turned around.

An orange hue covering her body, the same hue covered the whole place. Including the blond.

The sunset's colour.

Boruto was now huffing. He was getting tired of chasing her all the way.

"Why didn't you tell me sooner?!" He took a deep breath in. The women didn't answered him.

She kept gazing at him with soft eyes.

"I.. I still can't believe it! " He couldn't control his laughter nor his tears.

He was a mess.

"We need to tell the others..  We need to let them know S—"

"Boruto.. " She hummed his name like a melody.

'Is this how dad felt?!'

"Boruto! Te hee~"

The blond looked up at her beloved,a smile widely crept on his face that he couldn't hide his teeth.

He looked comical but he didn't care.

The women eye smiled that one time.

"Take care of her."

And  vanished. 

Vanished into the thick clouds,never coming back.

Not calling his name anymore.

The sweet and soft voice chirping all around him all this time suddenly went quiet.

The blonde was left with only one thing.

A deathly silence.

Something he never wanted to experience again.

He stood their frozen. His eyes went wide. His smile shrank into a frown.

"What..? " He didn't understood what happened.

"Its a promise right?"


"Boruto ? " //   "Boruto-sama? "

'You promise me right? '

"Wake up Boruto!" // "Boruto-sama

       can you hear? "

'You'll love her right?'

"Wake up son! " // "Boruto-sama?! "

"I —"


"BORUTO!! "Hinata called out/ yelled to her son one last time.

"Whaaa!? " The 13 year old, blonde perked up, fully awake.

His whole body was covered in sweat.

'A.... A nightmare?!!' He thought to himself.

Hinata was quick to hug her son and embrace him tightly.

"Oh dear. You finally woke up!" She said trying her best to hold her sobs. Not to worry her son.

Although the blond was too much in a dilemma to notice.

'I can't remember...  What was it.?'

"Boruto? " Hinata called out, holding his arms tightly.

The boy realised, this wasn't some normal morning. He didn't wokr up from a long night sleep.

The memories of a few hours ago came flooding through him.

'M-Mom..? What's...going on..?!' 

He hugged her back before his eyes landed on a small figure on the door frame.

"Hima.. " A little shaken, he managed to breath out and put up a smile. Surprised at his low voice.

'Why.. am I... so weak..? '

"NEE-CHAN!! " himawari smiled at her brother before slamming herself onto him.

Both the girls hugging him tight.

"C-can't... breath... " the blonde whispered and Hinata quickly shoved herself and her daughter away.

A glint of fear in her eyes which didn't went unnoticed by the boy.

"Are you...  Alright? " she asked, unsure.

There was a short silence before the blond responded with a nod.

The Hyuga heiress let out a long breath she didn't knew she was holding.

"What... happened ..?" He asked in a weak voice which made the women frown in worry.

A short silence made the blond a little suspicious.

"Mom..? "

" Nothing. You were just... Low on chakra." She answered in a steep voice.


"You should be resting Boruto. Aunt Sakura already examined you. There's nothing to worry about. " She ruffled his hair.

Something she normally doesn't do.

"Looks like you're training too hard Boruto.Keep it down for a few days alright?" she smiled.

That was more of a stern order than a request. So the blond quickly nodded  in agreement.

What else could he do?  His mom is the most scary when she's  faking a smile.


"Nii-san!  If you rest, I'll make the tastiest Hamburger for you!! "

"Hahaha.. Can't wait to try it!  Thanks Hima! "

"That's my onee-chan! "

The voices of the two children ran throughout the house.

Though the other one was weaker but still audible enough to reach the ears of the people in the dining room of the Uzumaki household.

Naruto let out a sigh of relief. His son was finally awake and it seemed that he was in a rather good condition.

"Thanks a lot Sakura. I don't know what would've happened if you wouldn't have helped—"

"Ahem!  Incase you have memory troubles. I can cure that, Nanadaime. "

Tsunade joked but her voice sounded rather serious. Indicating that the medic nin was indeed somewhat irritated.

The pinkette and the Hokage gave a nervous laugh to that before Sakura began.

"You shouldn't me thanking us Naruto. I'm a medic nin, that is precisely what my job is." the three of them sensed someone approaching the living room.

It was Hinata.

"Besides, I'm glad you didn't waited for the call." she added in a stern tone.

"Yeah.. I know. Sending a clone to pick you both up directly was the only thing I could think of at that moment" Naruto replied.

"Sorry I destroyed the Hospital"he added ,laughing nervously.

"Sakura.." The three looked at the voice of the expected newcomer.

"What was that you wanted to talk about? " Hinata asked making her way to the sofa.

"Boruto's asleep now and Himwari is in the kitchen.I think its best if we talk." she added and the older blonde's eyes twitched ever so slightly.

The room went silent once again.


"No Way!! " Airi exclaimed in sheer anger.

"Keep it down. " Saruto countered.

"Nii-san,I think your head hasn't healed yet!  Does it still hurts?! "

She raised her hand in the air, showing her severe disagreement to the raven head's plans.

"And what makes you say that? " The raven regretting feeling the need to even ask such a question.

He already knew what was coming.

"BECAUSE YOU ARE ACTING LIKE AN IDIOT,WHAT ELSE?! "" she answered making the raven growl.

" YOU CAN'T JUST—" the blonde puffed in some air.

" YOU CAN'T JUST LEAVE!!" she yelled causing the boy to cover his ears.

His headache was just getting worse. Anymore of it and he was ready to knock the nuisance out.

"Listen we don't have any other choice."


"And keep it down. " He shot a look and the girl gulped in nervousness.

"But you said we can't do anything?!" She whisper yelled.

"How come are you leaving alone now?! Will that solve anything?!" she added, her hands still raised in the air.

Saruto sighed. It was probably the 10th time he was countering her.

"Like I already told you ,if both of us disappeared, it'll slow me down and they will easily track us." He managed to sound less irritated.

"Besides the place where I'm going to might not even exist at this time-place. So I need you to be here incase something went wrong or someone came to take us back." He added keeping an eye on the closed door.

Luckily the people he sensed approaching a while ago weren't for them,so they still had time to converse freely.

But then again, it was odd.

Why hasn't anyone came to interrogate them yet? 

Where did Sakura-san go? 

'Something surely have happened.' He thought to himself ignoring the bickering of the girl beside him.

"And.. And what if no one came?!  You need someone to help if you get in any kind of danger.I—"

"You'll be nothing more than an added burden. Be thankfull that I'm even trying to come up with a solution."

He looked at the blonde's stoic face who immediately quitened down.

"Don't forget. All of this is your fault.I almost died because of you. "  He added,looking away.

A short silence made the raven a little nervous. He was now regretting what he said.

"But.. That is the reason... " the girl's voice was finally heard.

"I don't want you to leave. "she began, fidgeting her fingers again,looking at the floor, she didn't had the confidence to look at her brother's face.

"I don't want you to get hurt again... Nii-san. "


"I don't want that to happen again. Its all my fault—."

"Actually.. its not completely all your fault either. " Saruto hinted.

He wasn't dumb. He knew about everything shitty thing that was going on in the palace.

He always noticed Mereda's hateful gaze directed at them. Or her cursings she would mean for them.

Especially for Airi. She was her easiest prey.

But she wasn't just any normal person, to easily get her hands on either.

Whatever Mereda was planning, she was always aware of that.

Hence, she never tried something more than troubling his sister with hectic schedules or maybe loads of work.

And thus, Saruto never bothered about that stuff.

But this time,the line was crossed.

Something surely had begun.

Sending them here.. Or more precisely her here, being the first step of their plans.

If Airi never invited him to the basement, he would've never known about all this. He was just an unexpected add on.

Or was he..?

"Nii-san?!" Airi yelled for the umpteenth time before Saruto realised he was in a daze again.

"What do you mean.. Its not completely my fault? " She asked.

"Its nothing." Saruto answered ,cutting her off before she counter with anything else.

"I'll leave whenever I find the right time to do so." he added.

"Haii.. " Airi said half heartedly. Saruto just shrugged.

"For starters.. You and I are were just acquainted a few days ago.You don't know me,and I don't know you. "

"yeah-yeah.. You already told me all of that several times now. " she said in an irritable tone.  Her brother completely turned her down.


He always does. 

"I've already checked your bag. It didn't had anything recognisable except for trash-"

"HEY!! "

"Are you 100% sure there isn't anything else left that can blow our cover? " he asked one last time and Airi huffed in annoyance.

"Of course there isn't!! What do you take me for?!! "

"An idiot."


"Be quiet they are coming! "

Saruto shushed her and immediately went back to his original place.

He closed the door quietly and made his way back to his bed.

The time was finally near.

If they..  More precisely she messed it up then they were done for even before they could start.

"Don't you do something idiotic. " he muttered to himself.

Airi was now left alone in the room, just like how they left her.

"Humph!!  What does he thinks I am?!" the girl kicked the floor angrily .

"Asking me the same question again and again.. " she muttered to herself.

Of course she didn't had anything that could reveal their identities.

Its not like she had any hitai-ate or family crest to show to them.

Or maybe that's what she thought.

Little did she knew.. 

Something as simple as that will blew it all up.
