
Chapter 41: A glimpse of her past, part 1.

That was the first time that I saw such a "girly" reaction of embarrassment from Hina.

I stared at her beautiful body for a while, with a small blush on my face.

Despite the fact that we already made love, there was still a glimpse of embarassement.

"I-I'll go to take a shower…" Hina said, while rapidly walking towards the bathroom.

She left her clothes on the ground, not caring about anything.

"Okay, so she left me with all of her dirty clothes of blood and I have to wash them all." I said to myself , while picking up her things and going to put them in the washing machine.

I walked into the laundry with all the dirty clothes.

I kept thinking about the day.

After my mind relaxed, all the memories were slowly returning.

Well, it was the most "normal"'scene of the day.

"Oh , nothing special happened today. I only saw my girlfriend murdering and stabbing a gangster boss like nothing. Hehe." I said to myself, thinking about all the events of the day.

I was too shocked to feel any kind of fear and disgust… or… "uh.."

My head started to hurt a little.

"What the…" I said.

Then, with an immense speed , all the images of the day flashed in my mind like a flash.

I fell on my knees, feeling a big headache, to the point where I couldn't stand anymore.

The laundry was in the basement of my house, and nobody from upstairs could hear me.

The pain in my head increased by a lot, and I "grabbed" my head while standing down on my knees.

The pain slowly became more intense than before , filled with the memories of the day.

Images of all the corpses around us, the man that was about to abuse Naomi, the kick in the stomach…

Everything, every single piece of that memory didn't want to go away from me.

I started to breathe very heavily and I started to panic.

My eyes were open wide from fear and anxiety and I felt the big urge to cry.

I felt totally normal some seconds ago.

I was having a mental breakdown.

I even remembered the sense of bloodlust flowing in my veins when I was about to kill the boss… something I would've never expected me to do…

I was scared of myself.

I could kill a human being…

Too many things… and I was about to pass out.

Tears fell from my eyes and I kept repeating one single phrase.

"Why me ? What did I do to deserve this…? I want to live…" I kept repeating.

"Why me…? Why me? Why me ? WHYMEWHYMEWHYME?!?! WHYYYY!" I then shouted with all my voice, before throwing a punch in the wall.

I dropped Hina's clothes on the floor.

When I was about to pass out from anger, my head fell on Hina's shirt.

My eyes widened as I felt its smell.

It was a gentle but girly perfume mixed with the metallic scent of blood.

For some reason, once I sensed her smell, my senses seemed to have returned.

The images of the bad events of the day seemed to disappear, replaced by the beautiful images of my moments with Hina.

I remembered our first time, her smiles, the way she saved me.

Then, my mind became lucid again.

I catched my breath and then stood up, despite feeling a little dizzy.

"What happened…?" I asked to myself.

I didn't want to think, so all I did was putting her and my clothes in the washing machine.

Luckily I always had a change of clothes and underwear in the laundry.

Don't ask me why.

Then, after changing , I went upstairs, heading to the bathroom like nothing happened.

"Oh well, i forgot that I had to shower… and now I have to change again. I'm so stupid." I said to myself.

The bathroom's door was open.

I took a little peek inside and noticed that Hina wasn't there.

"Oh wow, she was fast." I said to myself.

All that was left was the sweet scent of my shower gel.

Before entering the bathroom, I called out Hina.

"Hina!! Are you done with the shower? Because I'm taking one!" I said.

"Yes!! Go ! I'll wait you in your bed." Her voice came from my bedroom.

"Okay!" I replied.

We were acting totally normally despite what happened during the day.

Maybe my body was moving on its own, guided by instincts…

Then, I rapidly took a shower and changed into something better.

I also had a change of clothes in my bathroom.

After that, I headed to my bedroom.

Hina was waiting me on my bed, wearing one of my favorite pajamas.

She looked so cute since all my clothes were larger than her size.

She was reading a book; more specifically my father's book.

She was totally lost into the reading, to the point where she didn't notice my presence.

She was flipping trough the pages of the book very rapidly.

I looked at her with a lovingly look.

We looked like the perfect couple where the both of us had their own space.

Then, Hina sniffed the air and looked at me.

"Oh! Kai-Kun!" She exclaimed with a lovingly tone while smiling and lightly tilting her head to the side.

"Hey, Hina." I said while scratching the back of my head.

"Sit close to me, I'm reading your father's book." She said while patting the spot on my bed next to her.

I nodded and sad next to her.

She then smiled and gave me a small kiss on my cheek.

"Kai-Kun, do you know why Maria always try to protect Alex and why she always gives him her powers?" She asked.

"Well, yes. Because she truly loves him, right?" I said.

Hina nodded in agreement.

"Correct, but there's another thing, not written in the lines." She said.

"What is it?" I asked, in curiosity.

"Maria has never shown any kind of empathy towards any other human who wasn't Alex. She killed thousands and thousands of people without hesitation except Alex. But why do you think she didn't kill Alex when they first met?" Hina noticed, while closing the book and putting it away.

"Mmh… now that I notice that… I don't know." I said.

Hina giggled softly.

"Well, there's a simple explanation." Hina said, with a friendly tone.

"I'm all ears." I replied.

"The reason, it's because Maria saw Alex as her first love, Mark. She felt an instant connection with him. It looked like he returned for her after 2000 years, and that's the only reason of why she didn't eliminate him when they met… Alex was like… a dream." Hina said , with a dreamy tone.

I kept listening her in silence.

"Maria was even jealous when she discovered that Alex had two girlfriends… but… soon she began to see the real Alex, another man… and she didn't want to admit that she was falling for him… more than that, Alex was a vampire slayer, his greatest enemy… and she killed a lot of his friends… and you know how the story ended, right?" Hina added.

I nodded in silence.

"Maria started to do horrible things… to the world… just to keep him safe. She didn't want to see him suffer… she destroyed a whole world just to stay with him forever…" Hina said, while looking into my eyes.

Her gaze made me shiver.

"What do you think about this, Kai? Do you think that Maria's love is pure and all she did is nothing more than a way of protect her love after losing someone? Do you think that what she did is wrong…?" Hina asked, with a cold and direct voice.

I didn't know what to answer.

I felt like I knew what she wanted to say.

She's comparing herself to Maria, since something similiar happened.

"I don't want you to answer now, Kai. But I think that it's time that I'll tell you some of my past…"