
A Dangerous Secret Affair

Samantha Seths, a very pretty princess that was married off to a vampire lord in order for her kingdom to seal an alliance with a vampire kingdom that was terrorizing them. What happens when she gets to the palace and fall in love with the Vampire Lord son? Will he reciprocate her love and even if he does, will their love stand when everyone clearly knows how possesive and dangerous the vampire Lord is?

Messyink · History
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Chapter 2.

The maids helped Samantha take a refreshing bath in the bathtub which was filled with scented leaves and flowers.

They also helped her wear the already prepared Golden ball gown laid up in her bed and applied gold hairpins on her packed hair. They escorted Samantha out and led her towards the ballroom where the ceremony was taking place.

Samantha had to wait until her arrival was announced by the king before going inside. Everyone was stunned by her beauty and elegance. She became nervous and embarrassed and felt like disappearing.

King Matt Cawley, the vampire King Samantha is now married to held her hand and brought her closer. He gave a long speech and concluded it with.

"I'm introducing my newest wife, Queen Samantha, to you all today. Her presence with us signifies that no one from the Kingdom of the West should be killed any longer by any of you.

She serves as a peace and Alliance symbol to our kingdom and hers, whenever they are in a difficult time and needs us, from now onwards, they would always get our support.

Please spread the word. Cheers to a new Queen, I hope you all accept her fully," King Matt said and raised the glass of wine he was holding.

"Cheers!" the crowd of people inside the ballroom replied with a raised glass. They all drank their wine, the music started and everyone got busy. Samantha followed King Matt to greet important personalities who came to grace her welcoming ceremony even if she wasn't happy.

"He introduced Samantha to some noblemen working in the council. She greeted them politely even when she sensed they weren't happy to see me.

This made Samantha think that they still preferred their main Queen. Samantha prayed silently in her heart that they should all oppose and disapprove of her being their newest Queen so she can be sent back to her kingdom but to her disappointment, no one openly did and She had to deal with the obvious disdain on their faces.

"Why did his majesty stoop so low to accept a bride as an alliance between our kingdom and hers. There are many expensive possessions to take from them instead or rather they give out many of their citizens as slaves to serve us," She heard a man whisper to another.

"We cannot question the king," the other man murmured. Samantha excused herself when she couldn't bear more gossip flying around. She walked out of the ballroom room and started climbing the stairs that lead to the top floor balcony. Its view was towards the wide ocean near the castle as she observed earlier.

When she got to the passage leading down the balcony, She walked down the passage holding her gown to aid her movement. Under the dim light in the balcony, Samantha saw a slim figure standing near the railings of the balcony holding a bottle of wine. He tried to drink from the wine but was disappointed when it was finished.

She watched him turn back to walk away before he slipped and fell down. Samantha rushed towards him and bent down, she held his hand to aid him as she noticed he was very drunk, he was badly reeking of strong wine when she bent closer to him.

The drunk stranger looked up at Samantha and her heart started racing wildly as she couldn't take her eyes off him. He was very handsome and had glowing red eyes that made her feel as if she was in an illusion. "Who are you?" he murmured and lightly pushed Samantha off which snapped her out of my illusion. Samantha staggered on the low heel she was putting on and balanced herself before smiling.

"I'm someone who literally has a name," she replied.

"Where are you from and why are you here?" he asked and got up.

"I'm someone new here, I just came here today for the first time and from now on, I will be a part of this place," Samantha replied.

"Whatever!" he scoffed without concern.

"I was actually leaving before you came, you can have this place all to yourself for only today because I have to leave. But you won't get lucky next time,"he added and started swaying. He couldn't even walk properly, Samantha had no choice but to aid him again.

"Leave me alone, I can walk on my own," he protested when she held him.

"I don't think so, let me escort you to somewhere safe," Samantha said and refused to let go of him. He didn't protest again and was quiet until they got to the third lined up doors in the long passage.

"Here," he said and turned to open the door, he tried opening the door but couldn't. Samantha had no choice than to help him out, she pushed it open and escorted him in before shutting the door.

"Are you a guest, is this your room?" She asked him.

"Don't ask me such, do you want to spend the night with me?" he asked and freed himself from my grip.

"No, I only helped," Samantha replied immediately. He chuckled and started walking away.

"Why is it so hot?" He said and started unbuttoning his shirt without care.

Samantha became embarrassed and wanted to leave but he asked her not to.

"Please stay a bit longer with me," he begged.

"I have to go now," Samantha replied.

"I'm all alone and I hate it, please just for sometime," he pleaded.

Samantha didn't know why she couldn't resist his pleas and turned back. She walked towards a chair there and sat down. He was shirtless now and was only in his trousers. He smiled at her which made her heart start racing again.

"Thank you," he murmured and tried to lie on the bed but fell down instead.

"Ouch!" he groaned in pain. Samantha rushed towards him and tried to help him up but got carried away instead when her eyes caught his well toned attractive chest and lined up abs. she swallowed hard and looked away.

"I'm sorry for keeping you waiting, you can leave now. I can manage, he said and started drawing the blanket off the bed. Samanth sensed he wanted to sleep on the cold ground and refused.

"No, you have to lie on the bed," she said and grabbed his hand, trying not to think of his hot shirtless body.

"Why do you care? No one ever cared," he murmured. Samantha helped him up, he sat on the bed and she helped him adjust in very well. She covered him with the blanket and turned to leave but he grabbed her hand forcefully which made me fall on him. They stared at each other in the eyes until Samantha averted her eyes.

"Don't leave me," he murmured miserably.


"Shh!" he said and put a finger on Samantha's lips, cutting her short.

"Don't say anything and just obey," he added with a warm smile that left butterflies inside Samantha's belly. She wanted to conclude that he wasn't drunk and was just faking it but remembered seeing him gulping down a bottle of wine.

"He is acting like he isn't drunk," she said in her mind.

"Gosh! Samantha exclaimed. Samantha tried to stand up but his grip was so strong.

"I told you not to leave," he murmured like a child and turned her over with him now on top. Samantha was left wide-eyed and wanted to scream but he caught her lips in a passionate kiss. Samantha tried to shake him off and leave but couldn't.

She was left with no choice but to surrender. She started kissing him back as deep down her body also wanted a taste of him. They ended up having a wild sex for some hours before he dozed off and She sneaked back to the ballroom, luckily for her , she had mastered her way and also met no guard on the way. The king asked her why she was gone for hours.

Samantha lied that she was receiving some fresh air in the garden. As the ceremony was still on and lasting until midnight, the king didn't talk much about it and in no time, other matters he had to attend came up to Samantha's relief.