
A Dangerous Bond With The Lord Of Vampires

Alyssa,A Vampire huntress got her best friend taken cause she said she was too weak to protect her,to rescue her best friend from the grasp of the vampires she had to go to where they are. And going there alone was really risky,she ended up with her best friend,bit surely trapped inside an inescapable castle with vampires soon they meet their lord. The vampire lord,and Alyssa had the worst luck cause she was accidentally bonded with him, knowing they can't kill each other cause of the bond,they felt something they never ever felt in a lifetime.

Yugi_Tsukasa_1491 · Teen
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2 Chs

Chapter Two: Vampires

Alyssa's p.o.v

I've been mastering my skills for hunting the vampires for weeks now since the incident which was when my best friend Brielle was taken, rumours are already gone out of control, saying I couldn't protect my best friend,and I'm here at my school, Furuika Academy where I study hard,and also where I learn my skills for killing vampires.

I've been thinking about where vampires stay at day time cause I know they can't stand the sun,maybe they stay in houses like humans too,and now I'm battling with my friend, using wooden swords. My friend,Haruki Shaman is also part of us,we kill vampires,cause vampires killed more than two thousand humans before and now. "Stop!"our teacher suddenly said,making me and Haruki stop from battling.

"Alyssa?you seem to be distracted about something"says our teacher,I looked down to my feet with guilt building up on me,soon I felt a hand on my head,"Don't worry Alyssa! we'll save Brielle!"says Haruki with a cheerful smile,his emerald colored eyes standing out perfectly. "Thanks Haruki"I smiled at him,when that was over,our teacher decided to let us know where the vampires stay at day light,where they live.

"Okay,vampires live at a place that is abandoned,or they will just make their own home,we know vampires a little bit only,but here's what you need to know,the strongest vampires are called the Twelve Night Assasins,and there's twelve of them,each vampire who has a seat number possesses great power,and technically,they all live in a large castle near this area"explained our teacher while pointing her finger at the map.

"Remember,if you ever see a vampire who has a seat number,don't hesitate to run away"says our teacher with a serious voice,"How come?"asked a girl who's also a vampire huntress "Their too strong,you can identify their seat number according to the number writin on their hand,some normal vampires don't have those numbers, Alyssa the one you fought,did he had a number on his hand?"asked our teacher,I looked down remembering when I fought him.

Then it got me..."Number 11!that's his number!"I say as I looked at our teacher,our teacher froze in shock. "Teacher?"we all asked,".. Alyssa...that vampire is next to the strongest of them all,the strongest is the vampire with the 12th number on his or her hand,your friend maybe in trouble,it's possible that he will kill her"our teacher says lowering her voice a bit. What she said made a tear fell off my eye as I felt guilt rush over me,"I'm sorry...I was too weak!now Brielle is gonna die cause of me!"I say blaming myself.

"Okay, we'll have too think of a plan to take back your best friend Alyssa,so here's the plan, we'll head to where they all live,their own castle"says our teacher,"But teacher!it's so risky!"Haruki complained. "We have to save Brielle,Haruki are you against it?"I asked looking at my best friend,he stood there wide eyed. "I don't want you all to risk your life,teacher..I'll go, myself"I say with a cold tone looking at my teacher with a desperate look.

"Alyssa!"Haruki says,"I'll come back I promise that..."I said,' If I can even come back,I'll risk my life to save my best friend ',I thought,then a flash came to my head,a field where dahlia's bloom significantly and the sunset,a beautiful sight. "Hey Arianna!are we able to meet again?"asked a young males voice, Arianna?,"Mmm!of course we'll meet again Tsukasa! I'll come back I promise!"smiled a girl to a faceless young boy.

They interwined their pinky fingers together and smiled at each other,"You promise okay!"the male says,"ALYSSA!!!"I hear our teacher shout,"Ah- I'm sorry,what did you say teacher?"I asked,"Your spacing out!what are you even thinking?"she asked me worried... "I'm fine teacher, anyway,I think I should make a plan to sneak at the place where my best friend is"I say,"Gosh you aren't listening,that what I explained earlier!"Says our teacher in angry tone.


Author's p.o.v

"IM LEAVING THIS CASTLE!!OPEN THE DOOR!!!"Brielle shouted banging the huge wooden door with her bare fist,it was locked for several reasons but Brielle wanted to go out. "Lady Brielle,please don't bang the door or Number 12 will hear you"a human maid says lowering her voice down while telling Brielle to lower her voice and not bang the huge door.

"I DONT CARE!!GET ME OUT OF THIS CASTLE OR I'LL KILL EVERYONE IN IT!!"Brielle threatened,but the maid didn't budge,she just kept on stopping Brielle,then they heard footsteps,the maid looked back with frightened eyes as she sees one of their masters,"My my,What do we have here?a human girl?"says a beautiful lady with silver long hair down to her knees,her shining red eyes standing out beautifully,as she wears a beautiful red dress.

The maid bowed in respect as Brielle didn't move,she felt a sinister aura from the beautiful lady that made her shiver,and she realized,she needed to get out off the hellish place once and for all. "Good Afternoon Master Yukari"says the maid while bowing her head down, Brielle got a glimpse of the beautiful girls' hand and saw the number 4, ' Why does she have a number on her hand? ' Brielle thought.

"Young lady?"Smiled the beautiful lady,"Y-Yes?"answered Brielle.

"You smell delicious"