

A young girl,in her teens,with long brown hair,gracefully stepped down from the stairs.Her spiralling wavy hair were swaying from left to right as she was walking elegantly in her white heels toward a specific room.Her grey gown reaching below her ankles,her black painted nails making her delicate hands look angelic,she looked perfect.Her honey skin looking dazzling as the sunlight peaking from window curtains touched her face. 

As she reached a certain room,she looked at the silver door.She open the door with an uninterested expression.She entered the room and was greeted by two servants.She examined it with a bored expression.In the middle of the room,her parents and siblings were sitting on the dining table,waiting patiently for her.

Her green eyes met with that of her sister's brown ones.She looked younger than her.She had red curled hair and was wearing pink dress,her lips looking as pink as strawberry.

Sitting beside her,was her younger brother,he had brown hair,brown eyes,a long face dressed in brown and white,looking elegant.

On the other side of the table,sat her parents.Her mother was looking magnificent in her white and red gown of silk,with her red hair tied in an elegant bun.She had rosy cheeks,and looked like she was in her forties.She had green coloured eyes,which her daughter inherited from her,but unlike her daughter,her eyes looked more vibrant.Her daughter wasn't bothered and just sat at the table opposite of her siblings.

Her father,The Lord of the Manor,who was dressed in blue and white,with brown coloured eyes and a large grey coloured beard,held an air of authority in him.With one clap,the servants appeared and began to serve the breakfast to their royal masters.