
446. Mrs. Gu Really had an accident on the program team. The program team simply couldn't afford it

Machine Translation

song Beibei touched the Mane of the horse.

She could tell at a glance that it was a BMW.

At this moment, Zhao Dantong walked over with her white horse.

She had already changed into a riding outfit.

She wore a hat and held a small whip in her hand, swaying it from time to time.

She just happened to hear what the Horse trainer and Song Beibei said with a hint of contempt, "horses are good horses, but not everyone can ride them. Be careful not to fall off the horse's back. "

After the conversation last night, Song Beibei did not want to talk to Zhao Dantong at all.

She led the Horse to the racecourse and said, "just mind your own business. "

Gu Yanqing and Lu Xingyao had already been waiting at the racecourse.

Lu Xingyao was obviously a veteran. He had already ridden the Horse Round and round on the racecourse.

Meanwhile, Gu Yanqing led the horse and stood there quietly.

Song Beibei walked over and found Gu Yanqing feeding the horse sugar.

Gu Yanqing's appearance was really gentle.

Under the morning golden sunlight, every eyelash of his could be clearly seen.

He wore a dark blue riding outfit and looked energetic.

Gu Yanqing looked handsome. He stood quietly beside the horse, like a prince from a Manga.

However, the prince did not have his unspeakable calm temperament, which made people's hearts stir.

Song Beibei had already walked in.

Gu Yanqing frowned when he saw Song Beibei. "Why didn't you change your clothes? "

Song Beibei didn't change her clothes because none of the clothes inside were suitable.

It was either too big or too dirty.

Therefore, she still wore her own windbreaker and Martin boots.

Song Beibei smiled. "I don't need your equipment for my riding. "

Song Beibei was very confident in her riding.

Gu Yanqing also knew that Song Beibei was good at riding.

When she was at her most rebellious in high school, she secretly participated in the equestrian competition to earn her pocket money.

Gu Yanqing said, "don't show off. It's better to be safe. "

Song Beibei also liked to show off in front of Gu Yanqing.

It was really because she was overpowered by Gu Yanqing on a daily basis.

Sometimes, Song Beibei felt like she was an idiot living with an all-rounder like Gu Yanqing.

It was rare for her to be able to show off.

Song Beibei directly rode on the horse and easily crossed it. She raised the whip and galloped around the Horse Farm.

After a few minutes, she returned to her original position.

Gu Yanqing was still standing there motionlessly.

Song Beibei pulled on the reins to stop the horse.

She looked down at Gu Yanqing. "How about it? Do you want to be my disciple? "

Gu Yanqing replied plainly, "No need. "

As he said that, he mounted the horse himself.

Song Beibei didn't expect Gu Yanqing to know how to ride a horse.

Moreover, looking at his skilled appearance and steady posture, it was obvious that he was a veteran.

Song Beibei was a little depressed.

When exactly did Gu Yanqing learn to ride a horse?

Moreover, this kind of riding skill was definitely not something that could be learned in a day or two.

Could it be that Gu Yanqing had also secretly learned to ride a horse?

Why didn't she know about it at all?

This made Song Beibei a little depressed.

Song Beibei also immediately got on the horse and chased after him.

After Song Beibei caught up, Gu Yanqing slowed down.

Song Beibei saw that the cameras at the periphery were already aimed at the two of them.

Song Beibei couldn't care less and asked Gu Yanqing, "when did you learn to ride a horse? Why don't I know anything about it? "

Gu Yanqing's lips curled into a smile. "there are a lot of things you don't know. "

Song Beibei was displeased. "You haven't answered my question. "

Gu Yanqing said, "do you think you secretly went to the club to ride a horse when you were in junior high and high school? You don't know that I have 165% of the shares in Jinshan Racecourse. "

Song Beibei was really shocked.

Jinshan racecourse was the racecourse that Song Beibei often went to. ..

Actually, the matter of Song Beibei knowing how to ride a horse had been kept from Gu Yanqing at that time.

It was also the biggest secret and the thing Song Beibei was most proud of at that time.

Every time she quarreled with Gu Yanqing, Song Beibei would sometimes disappear for an entire afternoon.

She would run off to ride a horse.

When she thought about how she was doing things that Gu Yanqing would not allow and did not know about, Song Beibei would feel particularly happy and proud.

However, she did not expect that the secret base that she had secretly run off to back then was Gu Yanqing's territory.

Gu Yanqing said lightly, "otherwise, as a little girl, you don't have to pay for every time you ride a horse. There's even a master who specially teaches you. Do you think there's such a good thing in the world? "

Song Beibei was stunned.

She was young back then.

Moreover, she had lived under Gu Yanqing's wings since she was young. She had no concept of money at all.

When Gu Yanqing said this, she actually remembered something.

It seemed that she really had never given him money.

So, Gu Yanqing was actually controlling and watching from behind the scenes?

Song Beibei really couldn't tell how she felt at that moment!

She felt that she had never escaped from Gu Yanqing's grasp. The little tricks she used to be proud of in the past were basically a joke in the eyes of this old Fox, Gu Yanqing.

He would definitely be angry.

But it had already been more than ten years.

There was no point in being angry.

Song Beibei gritted her teeth and glared at her fiercely. Then she said, "Gu Yanqing, let's race. If I win, you have to agree to one condition of mine. If you win, I'll agree to two conditions of yours. How about it? "

Gu Yanqing's lips curled into a faint smile. "There's no need for you to let me win. If you can really beat me, I'll agree to three conditions of yours without any problem. "

Song Beibei was provoked.

Gu Yanqing was actually so arrogant.

She was still confident that she could win against Gu Yanqing in equestrian.

However, Gu Yanqing was never a braggart.

Since he said that, it proved that he was 100% confident.

Song Beibei actually felt a little guilty for some reason.

But after she got on the Horse.

That kind of confidence instantly returned

Song Beibei and Gu Yanqing's competition was a three-lap race. Whoever reached the starting point first would win.

The cameras also captured the bet between them.

Several cameramen were currently filming the bet between the husband and wife.

Song Beibei was almost neck and neck with Gu Yanqing.

Song Beibei didn't expect Gu Yanqing to be so powerful.

But Song Beibei didn't want to be outdone. She increased her speed.

Soon, she was half a lap ahead of Gu Yanqing.

But Gu Yanqing didn't give it his all to catch up.

Song Beibei wondered if Gu Yanqing was deliberately giving in to her.

Song Beibei was about to slow down.

But she suddenly realized that the Horse couldn't stop.

Instead, it seemed to be very excited as it kept rushing forward.

Song Beibei felt like she was losing control.

Sure enough, the next second, the horse beneath her started to go crazy.

It kept kicking crazily.

Song Beibei had no idea what was going on.

Her experience told her to stay as close to the horse's back as possible.

But this horse was worthy of being the champion horse.

Its physical strength and wild strength were astonishing.

And it was completely as if it had gone crazy.

Very soon, everyone realized that something was wrong.

The horse trainer outside the field immediately ran over.

But it couldn't be subdued.

This horse didn't listen to orders at all. It even kicked the horse trainer.

Song Beibei had no idea why the horse would suddenly go crazy.

She had no time to think about this at the moment.

If she was thrown off the horse, she would only be seriously injured if she ran at this speed.

If she was dragged or trampled by the horse again, it was very likely that her life would be in danger.

At this moment, Song Beibei could only hug the horse's neck tightly and let her body stay on the horse's back, no matter how hard it bounced.

But she was afraid.

Because after riding for so many years, although she was skilled, she had never encountered such a situation.

Song Beibei could only do as her previous master said.

The program team had never expected such an accident to happen.

They had clearly tested the horses beforehand.

Although the horses in the Horse Farm were all born in prestigious families, each of them had been trained and had a very docile character.

No one had expected such an accident to happen.

If Mrs. Gu Really had an accident at the horse farm, they simply could not bear the responsibility.

Mr. Gu was famous for taking care of his wife. In the past few days, everyone in the program team had seen how Mr. Gu protected and doted on his little wife.

If something really happened to Mrs. Gu on the Program Team, the program team couldn't afford to take the responsibility.

At the same time, everyone saw Mr. Gu and Master Lu riding toward them from two directions at the same time.

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