
A Cute Devil

Well this isn't a story about a damsel in distress Neither is it about a princess in a red ball gown Rather it is about one hard, nonchalant, and feisty lady determined to get what she wants. Of all the things in the world, the only thing she wanted was to get revenge; to kill the murderer. Turns out the murderer was a murderous beauty.... Just like an accident.... I shouldn't spoil your read, so read to know how the plot unfolds, meanwhile, I'll get typing... ***** The first step Mia took after the door was open made her bump into Mr Hugh. She wasn't really tall so her head collided with his hard chest making her almost fall backwards, but he caught her by the waist. A two seconds eye lock was shared before Mia stepped back. Within those two seconds, she had to fight the urge of punching his face. How dare he touch her? She looked at him and her mind screamed "murderer" She breathed in and got into character. She lowered her head in a bow inwardly promising to kill him for making her bow to him. "I'm sorry Mr Hugh" "Her voice is too innocent for her outlook" he thought. He wanted to smile and tell her 'its okay' but then he remembered that he was CEO Hugh. "Next time you might not be so lucky" he said and walked in "I don't need luck but you do" she said inwardly and smirked ******

GraceMorgan1124 · Urban
Not enough ratings
16 Chs

A lost sheep

When they arrived at the house it was 11pm already.

Anton led Mia inside the house; they had to talk.

He fought the urge to smile whenever he looked at her, she looked like a heartless CEO wearing his jacket despite how messed up she was.

Her hair was messy but for some reason made her more pretty, her dress was torn slightly and he was sure that the sleeves had some rip also. She was barefoot.

She had fought barefoot and refused to put on those ankle killers again.

Immediately inside Anton called his doctor who was now on his way.

Mr Jones!

He picked up the first aid box and sat on the couch next to her making sure to leave a good amount of space between them.

He took her hand and loosed off the tie; she didn't react. He went off to get some water to wash the dried blood off before cleaning it with an antiseptic solution.

"Sorry but this might hurt" he said as he held a cotton wool soaked in methylated spirit.

She didn't reply.

He rubbed it over the cut and blew air from his mouth gently on it but she didn't even flinch.

It was as if she didn't feel it.

Of course she did, but she was Mia, she could handle it.

Anton checked the expiry date on the bottle of methylated spirit to be sure it wasn't expired.

Seeing that it was indeed active he looked at Mia, surprised and couldn't help but ask.

"Don't you feel pain"

"I do" she confessed "but I've learned to live with it" she blurted seeming dazed in some sort.

"You mean live with pain?"

She shrugged.

Okay now he most definitely wanted to know her more; she seemed so dark and dangerous.

When he was done tending to her wounds, he wrapped her palm in a bandage and gave her some painkillers.

"Any injury anywhere?"

"I don't think so"

"That's good"

She didn't want to ask but her mouth did it already.

"What about you? Are you injured?"

"Just might be a little bruises and I don't know about internal bleeding that's why I called my doctor to come over"

Internal bleeding?

That's funny because he didn't even fight much. Well he had to waste his money somehow.

"He'll check you up also"


"For internal bleeding, any further injuries and also check this wound"

"Thank you but no thank you, I'm fine"

"But its..."

"I'm fine Mr Hugh, you don't have to worry about me"

It was no use arguing so he let it be; she was always this stubborn.

"Okay if you say so. Now can you please tell me everything, about tonight"

She told him everything she knew, from the men in the room, to the imposter and to the fight but she didn't tell him about Luther. She just said she used GPS.

Anton was frowning when she was done and Mia shivered lightly. She had never seen him angry before and he looked scary when angry.

Mr Jones!

Because of him Mia had gotten hurt.

He had planned to kill him. Again.

He had never wanted to destroy him but now he would.

He gave Robert a call which he picked almost immediately. It was already 12am so he was dozing but duty calls.

"First thing in the morning, cancel every partnership with Mr Jones and tell others to do so too"

"Yes sir. Did something happen?"

Of course something had happened and he knew it from Anton's voice.

"He tried to kill me."


"Yes. I'll talk to you in the morning, sorry for interrupting your beauty sleep"

Robert laughed and the call ended.

Anton received another call from the security guard informing him that the doctor had arrived.

Mia already stood up to go.

"Good night sir" she bowed

"Won't you have tea or coffee?"

"No thank you sir"

"Fine then, have a nice rest"

"Okay sir"

He opened the door and the doctor came in, Mia greeted with a small bow and left.

Anton smiled as he watched her retreating figure.

He followed the doctor to get his checkup done.

The doctor confirmed that he had no internal bleedings, just bruises which he took care of.

Anton sat on his bed thinking of what had happened.

He'd have wanted to sue Mr Jones but he needed concrete evidence as he knew Palvis was a dirty man.

His word and Mia's might not be enough and Mr Jones' text message which could have been of help had been deleted.

He sighed.

Palvis had just signed his death warrant by pulling this stunt a second time.

***      ***    ***

In Mr Jones house, things were not going well at all.

All the men in the mission had been whipped, despite being already wounded.

There was broken glass on the floor of his 'dungeon'.

Grown men were being lashed.

Groans followed.

Anger poured out in words and alcohol was downed.

No one needed to tell Mr Jones that he was doomed.

He knew Anton wouldn't be as lenient as the last time.

He well knew that Anton was coming for him and the morning proved it.

***     ***     ***

It was 6am already but Anton didn't feel the rush to go to work. He came down to prepare breakfast himself because he thought Mia wouldn't be able to.

He had wanted to tell her to skip making him breakfast last night but forgot to.

He thought she won't be able to so he didn't pass the information to her.

As he reached the sitting room the scent of eggs hit his nose and he heard sizzling a distance away.

Anton had instructed Mia to make meals for him without asking unless he told her otherwise.

He went to the kitchen door and peeped through the peep hole, he saw her cooking with an amount of effort.

Her left hand had been hurt but she was right handed, she could cope.

Anton smiled with admiration on seeing her. Things like this made him want to know her.

She was one hard nut.

He backed away to the sitting room and watched her from the camera installed in the kitchen.

It was not fun to watch especially when she hissed in pain at times.

He couldn't take it anymore and went into the kitchen to help.

Mia jerked immediately the door was opened, he had never come in when she was making breakfast.

"Mr Hugh. Good morning sir"

"Morning. Now leave that I'll take care of it, you're injured"

"I'm okay sir"

He didn't want to mention watching her so he proceeded to take the cup from her hand and noticed the look on her face.

He stopped.

"Is something wrong?"

"No sir. Everything is alright"

Anton knew she meant something but ignored her and stretched his hand to collect the cup in her hand and saw his sleeve, that was when he knew what was wrong.

He was still in his nightclothes and he didn't want to imagine how he looked at the moment.

"I'll be back" he said and backed away quickly.

Immediately the door was shut, Mia let out a tiny laugh which surprised her but she shrugged it off.

Anton hadn't heard her laugh or he'd have been surprised but he was way too concerned about his looks at the moment.

He went back upstairs and straight to the bathroom.

He looked at his reflection in the mirror and sighed.

He had lost his reputation.

He looked like a sheep. A lost sheep.

He laughed lightly trying to imagine her thoughts.

He washed his face and brushed his teeth. Morning breath.

He then decided to just take a shower and get ready.

When he climbed the stairs down, he was wearing a dark blue suit and Mia had already served breakfast of toast, omelette, bacon and tea.

He smiled and sat down.

"Let's eat"

"I don't eat breakfast this early, I might get my stomach upset"

"Even if..."

She sneezed in the curve of her elbow.

"Bless you"


Another sneeze.

"Bless you"

"Thank you" she was slightly embarrassed.

Anton grinned as he spoke

"I thought you said you don't catch cold"

"Yes it's just..."

Another sneeze.

"Bless you"

She didn't respond or look at him.

Why did her body have to disgrace her now?

If she ever got sick, it was once a year and only for a day or higest three. But now...

He gave her his tea.

"Drink up and no buts"


"No buts"

"What will you drink?"

"I'll go make another cup"



She kept quiet and sipped the hot tea.

"Now that's like a good girl" he wanted to ruffle her hair but didn't want to ruin the moment because she might not like it so he went off into the kitchen and came back with a cup of tea shortly after.

"You didn't have to work today, you're injured" he said immediately he sat down.

"Yes but I'm fine"

"You are not and you know it" he sipped his tea.

"Its just a small cut"

"Oh really! Is that so? Then how about you make lunch also"

"Okay sir"

He hadn't expected that. She was always so tough. He then decided to use it to his advantage.

"And bring it to my office"


"You heard me, chef Natasha"

She didn't know what to say.

He bit his toast and sipped some tea.

"I'll assign a driver to you. Make something delicious, I'll be waiting for you"

He finished up his meal, wore his jacket, picked up his phone from the table and left.

***     ***     ***

Mr Jones had woken up with news from his PA that many investors had withdrawn their partnership from his business including and especially Anton.

Out of anger, he pressed the wine glass in his hand until it broke. The wine went to the floor and pieces of glass went into his hand.

Dave hurriedly came into his room.

"Dad are you okay?"

His question was answered with the sight of blood.

"What did you do to yourself now? Why?"

He rushed to get first aid materials from one of Mr Jones' drawers.

"Its all ruined" Mr Jones said aloud, more to himself than to his son.

"What is ruined?" Dave asked as he searched the drawer for some painkillers.


"I don't understand you"

"Get out"


"I said get out" he yelled as he stood up.

"But your injury, let me just..."


"Fine" Dave said as he drop the materials in his hand and walked out angrily.

"Jones Palvis, you are ruined" he said to himself as he ran his fingers through his hair.