
Floor 10 Of Floor 1

( A/N To BooksForLifeBeyond, Daoistpwd2z5 and everyone else don't be afraid to comment I will answer questions if you get confused i'm not so big of a dick that I can't at least do that much)

I got out from my shower put on pj's that suddenly got small jackal faces on it and with an annoyed sigh I summoned the Was Scepter of Anubis ''I see so that is why I felt off my first class is sealed without me holding this or a small hammer or whatever it's called I wonder if it might change after I-''

{ Anubis is wondering why you haven't opened your status window to check out your stat points }

After they interrupted me I told them in a dismissive tone ''We are different from the other awakened you probably don't know this cause you were busy judging souls and finding memes at the time-''

{ Anubis urges you to get to the point } 

*Sigh* ''The reason why is I cannot access it outside of the tower unlike the other awakened that is the same for all others who just awakened via the tower but for that drawback we all are guaranteed to get at least one title before they reach level 50 unlike the others.

Who didn't awakened through the tower and instead awakened through the gods and some rituals as well as experiments and only have a 0.00009% and that would mean only around 720 people have the chance to get one'' after I stopped talking I looked into the eyes of the head at the top of the staff and I injected mana into it..

{ Anubis wonders what you are doing }

I don't even glance at the window before saying ''I am injecting mana within it's eyes to engrave upon it a connection with mine and yours so if needed I can throw it up into the air and see something a little bit more clearly or I can just shrink it put it in someone's pocket and spy on them. 

{ Anubis casually tells your that you don't need to do that your can just use you sperm or their juices to establish an instant connection to the staff as it works of the magic system of the Egyptians }

Not bothering to respond to that I continue to channel my mana in it for 5 hours leaving me with roughly 7 hours to gather what I need to gather for the first ten floors suddenly *Click* a click was heard from the staff as it's eyes glowed gold for a seconed before going back to normal.

''Alright time to gather what I need to-'' *Thud* I fell down to the ground with a loud thud not able to get up as my body felt way to lethargic and as if something else rather than just mana was sucked away from me I felt empty that's all I could describe it as and it scared me as I didn't know what was happening.

{ Anubis laughs at you before saying this is why you should have listened to them }

''W- wh- what ha- happened t- t- t- to m- me?''

{ Anubis puts on glasses and takes out a ruler pointing to an imaginary chalk board coughing lightly before explaining you see this is the result of you one not hailing from Egypt nor Greece though you might have me and an pertain god that means nothing in.

The grand scale of things especially cause you didn't dominate me and or that thing of mine through your sperm which is needed to affect a divine item from the Egyptian pantheon this is not that known information.

But the reason why Horus got their rightful position was by showing their dominance to Seth by showing their sperm in them that got their through the salad they had eaten that showed are major weakness you are nearly always considered below whoever has gotten their essence inside that.

Works for magic as well but isn't really that needed but when it comes from divine weapons which are linked to the gods you need their true essence whether that be from their juices or sperm it is needed.

That is why I offered mine when you were doing what you were doing now then let me tell you the drawbacks of what you just did and why you are in such a sorry state your ''name'' is lesser than mine and you just tried to do what you just did therefore your soul identity ego and mana were all heavily injured you.

Might have been erased from existence if you weren't my only hero as the others were killed by me leaving you with the highest connection to me well other than Qebhet of course as they are my daughter but even then I don't really spend time with them like at all anymore so they might have been sealed away some ware without my knowledge } 

After hearing that Jaxson grunted before using his mana that was left around the staff to fling himself into his bathroom he then used it to lift himself up just enough to reach it grabbing it he put it onto his face falling to the ground and dying.

''Ugh why does everything still feel like shit?'' after grunting that Anubis laughed before saying ''Well you did do something very dangerous~'' I just let out a breath of air to that before saying ''How was I supposed to know that was going to happen?''

To that Anubis just smirked before saying ''Well you did seem like you knew a lot about stuff I would assume this would be common knowledge I mean the Egyptians are still around what I said should be common enough knowledge~''

I snorted at that before saying ''Yes they are around but they most likely didn't spill the beans about that facet because they don't want some dictatorial country to just abuse the hell out of their system of magic I mean I can't really blame them after the event that happened there 3-4 years ago''

 After I said that I decided to get comfortable and once I did ''I see you are enjoying this form of mine aren't we~?'' I merely said nothing to that and instead I asked ''So where is Anput your wife?'' they stayed silent for a moment before saying ''We got a divorce after some things happened but that doesn't matter as I have you.

To keep me company~'' once that was said I didn't bring back up the topic and we proceeded to talk for a while before I was brought back to my body right as A beam of light hit it after I did I opened my eyes and 'Fuck I didn't get the pain pills fuck me I don't want to have to do this shit without them!'

My Wifi was a bit iffy so some of my updates didn't go through but now it should be fixed.

DeadCat5757creators' thoughts