
"Wife In Training - 2

When Lisa returned with the supplies, Luna immediately began teaching me how to apply the bandage on Charlotte. Lisa ended up gently raising Charlotte into a seated position, making it easier for us, but I couldn't help but catch sight of Charlotte flinching in pain. Don't worry Charlotte... I'll try and make this quick.

"The stitching seems to be holding nicely, so don't worry about rushing, Shiro."

"Okay." But it seems like Luna wants me to take my time. I guess I'll just try and work carefully and fast.

"So, with a wound like this, you want to start on the shoulders. It'll give more support that way."


I follow Luna's instruction as I begin unravelling the bandage, starting from Charlotte's shoulder.

"Next you want to go down, following along the wound there until you're under her breasts."


I do like she says, tracing the bandage while one end of the bandage staying on her shoulder. I'm scared that I'll hurt Charlotte since I am going along the wound, so I inadvertently go slower than I would like to.

"Okay, good. Then you want to wrap it around her body here. Kind of like a bra."

With the image of a bra, it does make it a bit easier to imagine. And so, I wrap the bandage around her chest until I make it back around to her front.

"Perfect. It's not too tight, Charlotte?"

"Y-y-yeah... It's n-not." Charlotte sounds a bit funny right now. And upon looking up at her, wondering what's wrong, our eyes lock on with one another as her face immediately turns bright red.

"Uhm, Charlotte? Are you okay?" I end up asking before going any further. If I'm hurting her, then I'd like to know.

"Yes?! Uh- y-yeah. I'm fine."

"Pfft, hahaha. Don't worry, Shiro. Just keep doing what you're doing."


However, contrary to my belief, both Lisa and Luna agree that Charlotte's okay. But even still, I'm still a bit worried.

"Okay, now you want to go back up along in between her breasts there and wrap around her other shoulder."

"Got it."

I do as I'm told and go back along and in between her breasts, following the wound up until I reach her other shoulder.

Luna helps guide me from here as I end up slowly making my way back down, wrapping around the bandage so that it slowly covers more of her breasts with each time I wrap around her. I keep going like this until I reach the band that I created before just under her breasts.

"Perfect. Now just repeat that a few more times. Ah, but make sure you do the same for the rest if her body."

"Nn. Thank you, Luna."

"No problem~ hehehe."

I do just that, and wrap the bandage around her chest, slowing going up before going back down, making a thicker layer of bandage that covers her entire chest.

"Haaah~" Charlotte up letting out a sigh which I don't think sounds painful. I guess I can continue.

"Fufu. How does it feel to be treated by your wi-"

"Shut it." Charlotte cuts Lisa off, but that only seems to make Lisa giggle. They sure are close.

Eventually, with another roll of a bandage, I successfully manage to bandage the entirety of Charlotte's body, reaching all the way down to her belly button. Luna ends up doing the final touches, taping the loose ends down so that the bandage doesn't unravel itself.

"You did a wonderful job, Shiro." Luna congratulates me with a smile, and almost as if infecting me, I also smile back in return.

"Thank you for teaching me, Luna."

"Hehehe~ Tomorrow I'll teach you how to bathe her." Lisa ends up chiming in, causing Charlotte to sit back up abruptly.

"Nope! Not happening." Yeah, Charlotte's right.

"Nn. I think I don't need much teaching for that."

"Eh?!" However, Charlotte looks to be startled by my words which only confuses me.

"Ohooo? Is that so, Shiro?" Luna comes back into the conversation, seeming to be ignoring Charlotte.

"Yes. I've washed her back once, and she's washed my body multiple times. So I think I can just copy that."

"Shiro!" My words only seem to make Charlotte even more heated as just like before, her face heats back up to a red tone, almost like she's about to spew fire.

"Pfft, fufufu. Okay. Then I'll take Shiro downstairs to brew up some tea. Lisa, hold the fort here for me."


I'm a bit reluctant to split up here, but if Luna's going to teach me how to make that tea that she always makes when we come to her place, then I have no problems, in fact I'm more excited than anything. Plus, Lisa will be here to give charlotte some company.

"Okay, then let's go Shiro."


Excited, I make my way back downstairs with Luna. I'm make sure I remember those bandaging techniques that Luna showed me. I can probably practice on myself as well. Although when it comes to my nipples it might be a bit scary. But I guess I could just skip over that part. But for now, let's focus on what's next; tea!