
A cursed Alpha's Redemption

A rogue's life becomes miserable when her community is attacked. She escapes off only to be enslaved by the ruthless Alpha of the Shadow pack whose hatred for her supersedes all things. Now bearing a new identity and name, Astrid turns out to be the only way the Alpha can break an unknown curse which leaves him in a disaster, making him re-live century after Century of pain with no possible escape. How do things even turn out differently, when he discovers she is his mate? What happens when the quest to reject her backfires on him? What more is there for him to find out about her as her life hangs on a loose thread? And what assurance does the Alpha have that he will live happily with his new found forbidden love after the curse is broken? What are the odds? Tag along on this intriguing adventure to the mystical Forest of Dark Sapphire to uncover the story of a once cursed Alpha.

TheeAela · Fantasy
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47 Chs

4. The Anonymous Note.

Logan's POV


A few minutes had passed after the intruder was dragged to the dungeon.

I recalled the way she had called after me to save her…to let her go.

Who was she kidding? Not having that fear of intruding a territory was one thing. But not having the fear of intruding into Alpha Logan's territory was another…another harm to herself altogether.

I stomped my fist onto the desk. My fist was so tight that my knuckles turned pale.

The door slowly flew open and the two enforcers who had dragged the intruder away walked in.

"The intruder has been locked away Alpha Logan". The first notified me as soon as they reached my desk and bowed slightly.

"Get Gavin and Marcus here at once". I yelled ignoring the information they had just passed.

They did not utter a word but bowed and stumbled out of the office immediately, then the enforcer, Gavin and tracker, Marcus whom I had called for came in.

"You requested our presence, Alpha Logan". Gavin, the chief enforcer said with a slight bow.

"Get your men ready to meet me at the combat field".

Both their heads shot up and they looked frightened but nodded and after a slight bow, they turned and walked out of the office.

Later, I approached the combat field and found some of the enforcers and trackers waiting for me. I wanted a meeting with the heads of both the enforcers and trackers, while the others went on patrol with the scouts.

I stood in front of them and watched them. My pack came first and their protection was my top priority.

"How on earth did this happen?".

I asked watching all the enforcers and trackers before me. My voice vibrated through the combat field where we were and reached far in the dark of the night.

I had my hands at my back while their heads hung low.

"I apologize Alpha". The enforcer who had first come to report of the attack said. "I am at fault. I should've spearheaded them well, please forgive my shortcomings".

"No". A tracker said moving forward. "Forgive my shortcoming Alpha, we were meant to track the intruder's scent and inform the enforcers".

"Enough of the blame pushing. Gavin, Marcus". I called the names of the enforcer and tracker respectively.

"You both had just one job". I seethed.

"The trackers…tracking the scent of anything suspicious and in this case, an intruder".

Marcus, the leader of the trackers bowed his head lower.

"And the enforcers…surveying the territory and protecting it from any possible danger or intruder".

Gavin also bowed his head down.

"You both know what that shortcoming costs right?". I asked eyeing them. I knew they knew about the effect of such an attitude by the way their heads hung low.

I heard Gavin exhale heavily before he nodded.

"Yes Alpha Logan, I do".

"I do". Marcus also replied.

"Or do I have to do your jobs for you like the last time?".

"No Alpha". They all chorused immediately.

"But that all won't be necessary in regards to the cost for the shortcoming".

Both their heads shot up to look at me. I think they wanted assurance that I said what they heard.

"I hate to say this but, that won't be the case because you're all speared for today".

"Our utmost gratitude is…"

"I do not and will not tolerate any lackadaisical attitude from you especially towards the protection of this territory". I interrupted Gavin.

"I will try even harder and give my best. I vow with my life. We all vow our total commitment, Alpha Logan". He said bowing down and all the others followed suit.

"We all vow our total commitment, Alpha Logan". They repeated in unison.

"Better do it right henceforth". I commanded.

"We will do as you wish Alpha". Marcus bowed.

"Make sure to be on the watchout". 

I paused.

"You're dismissed".

Both the enforcers and trackers bowed and all marched away. I then turned my back, taking in the crisp night air.

"Beta Duncan". I called when I heard familiar footsteps approach after a while.

"Yes, Alpha. I got something from the rogue attack".


"The attack was brutal and many lost their lives. I think they all died Alpha".

"Did you find anyone who you think might've been Magnolia?".

Beta Duncan pressed his lips in a thin line before shaking his head.

"I'm afraid not, and even if I did, none of them survived the attack".

"Only the intruder escaped". I murmured to myself and then turned to Beta Duncan.

"Good work, Beta Duncan".

He only nodded and I turned back to look at the moon.

"Get the intruder released tomorrow ".

"Yes, Alpha..". He responded and immediately, his head shot up. "Wh…what?"

"I said get the intruder released. Take her to the other pack maidens".

"Alpha Logan…"

"She proves to be weak and lacks any power whatsoever. She should serve the territory as its slave". I told Beta Duncan but he seemed sceptical about it but nodded either way.

"As you wish". He muttered.

"Once she proves dangerous to the pack then, she will be executed. I want you to watch her closely and report to me once anything comes out suspicious".

"Yes, Alpha". He responded and I presumed he bowed slightly before walking away.

I placed my hands behind me and closed my eyes breathing in the cool night air.

At first, I wanted the intruder to be sentenced to death, but of what use would it be if she didn't suffer enough to regret her Intrusion into my territory?

Plus I needed to find out more information and also find out if the intruder knew anything at all relating to Magnolia.

I would have to keep her alive till then.

Soon, my eyes fluttered open at the sound of footsteps.

"Beta Dun…". I spun around but stopped the remaining words to coming out of my mouth. My jaw relaxed a little at who it was.


"Alpha Logan". She nodded.

"What brings you out here?". I asked the older woman.

Hattie smiled.

"I was hoping we could have a small talk. I know you're usually really busy but…"

"What's the matter?".

Hattie shook her head first.

"It's the children Alpha. The sickness seems to be getting worse".

The tension returned to my face as I stared at her. I perceived it was more serious than the last time she had reported to me.

"I shall see them now". I told Hattie and she nodded before leading the way.

"I'm afraid I can't do anything for them this time". 


This was the first time Hattie lacked faith in her healing abilities. She was always really good with herbs and medications.

"I'm afraid so". She nodded. "I don't know Alpha, I can't seem to get the herbs for the ailments right".

I sighed and walked ahead towards the pack houses with Hattie still in front.

I came to a stop abruptly immediately I sensed something. My brows arched.

"What's wrong Alpha?". Hattie asked peering at my hardened facial expression.

I held a hand up telling her to wait a moment and then I quickly spun around catching an arrow which missed me by only a hair.

Hattie gasped with a hand over her mouth.

"Goodness gracious".

My heartbeat accelerated as I tightened my grip on the arrow and brought it down.

"It has been quite a while since this happened. Why now?". Hattie asked.

I also wondered why. There was a time when arrows flew into this territory consistently. Whoever was doing this…

"Is there a note as always?". She asked and I stared at the arrow sighting what came with it as usual.

I nodded and she gasped.

"I wonder what it is this time around".

I immediately removed the note that was tied to it, wondering what whoever sent it wanted. I opened the note and my teeth clenched.

[~Whoever you're looking for might be closer than you think. I know you're curious. Hint: Magnolia~] 

 - The Enigmatic Anonymist.

Villain alert???

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