
A cursed Alpha's Redemption

A rogue's life becomes miserable when her community is attacked. She escapes off only to be enslaved by the ruthless Alpha of the Shadow pack whose hatred for her supersedes all things. Now bearing a new identity and name, Astrid turns out to be the only way the Alpha can break an unknown curse which leaves him in a disaster, making him re-live century after Century of pain with no possible escape. How do things even turn out differently, when he discovers she is his mate? What happens when the quest to reject her backfires on him? What more is there for him to find out about her as her life hangs on a loose thread? And what assurance does the Alpha have that he will live happily with his new found forbidden love after the curse is broken? What are the odds? Tag along on this intriguing adventure to the mystical Forest of Dark Sapphire to uncover the story of a once cursed Alpha.

TheeAela · Fantasy
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47 Chs

12. A Shadowy Secret.

Logan's POV


I just sat, staring at the older woman who wouldn't stop cackling.

"She must be crazy, Alpha Logan". Beta Duncan whispered to me. "Why don't you just let her go. She seems like she's out of it. She's been laughing like this since morning".

"We need information from her and more information about her".

"I doubt she knows anything". Beta Duncan muttered as I left my seat and strolled towards the woman who was seated on a chair in the middle of my office.

"Who are you?".

"Take a guess…". She said in a sing-song tune. I frowned and that made her laugh. "Isn't it obvious?".

What was obvious? I was eagerly waiting to hear her confess that she was Magnolia or better yet, she knew something about The Enigmatic Anonymist.

"What?". I asked cooly

"Isn't it obvious that I'm just an old woman?"

"Tell me what you know, tell me everything you know".

"You sound desperate". She mused and chuckled looking around my office. "Beautiful space you've got here. Never been invited by any Alpha before".

Was she serious?

"You were lurking around my territory and my enforcers brought you here. Definitely not an invitation".

"I'm hungry". She stated ignoring what I had just said and got up surveying the objects in my office. Some guards got ready to withhold her but I raised a hand to stop them. Signalling them to let her be.

The woman spun around and looked between the guards and me.

"I said I was hungry. Now, do I have to starve while in the company of the great Alpha Logan?"

"Look, ma'am…".

"Get her food". I interrupted Beta Duncan and ordered one of the guards. "Get Marcy to bring in the food for her". I said my eyes never leaving the woman.

Marcy walked in after a while with a tray of food and approached the woman.

"Oh goodness". The woman said with a smile and a hand over her chest. "So kind of you to offer me some food. I was not expecting this".

It took everything in me to stay calm so I turned and walked towards my seat. I would sit down and just…

"Oh excuse me". The woman chuckled and walked past me then hurriedly took my seat, making herself comfortable.

"Bring the food over here, missy"

"It's Marcy, ma'am". Marcy corrected respectfully but stood still not knowing what to do.

"She is getting out of hand, Alpha Logan. If you won't do anything then I will". Beta Duncan said beside me.

"Marcy". I called and Marcy's head jerked up.

"Y-yes Al-Alpha".

"Serve the food to her". I ordered walking away from my desk and taking the seat she had sat on before. Marcy dropped the food on my desk and walked out hurriedly.

"I feel honoured that the Alpha has let me take his throne. I shall remember this as long as I live".

I clenched my teeth where I was seated. I was trying my best not to get angry but she was testing my patience. I suddenly felt my canines grow an inch and my claws grow out.

"Easy there wolf". She said to me but she wasn't even looking at me. How did she even know?

I signalled for one of the guards and when he came, he bent so he would hear what I was about to tell him.

"Find out what you can about this woman".

The guard nodded and stood upright, bowing before he walked out of the office.

I closed my bloodshot eyes and exhaled, feeling my canines go back to normal and my claws change back.

"Why don't we go out for a breath of fresh air?". I heard her ask followed by a stomp of something on the wooden floorboard.

When I opened my eyes, the woman was standing in front of me with a walking stick. Did she always have that? I most definitely knew she did not.

She was about to walk past me but stopped midway and looked back at me.

"I have a lot to tell you about Alpha Zefiro and Luna Emberlynn".

My stance changed and I tensed up a little at the mention of my parents' names. I remained there while I heard her walk out of the office.

I walked behind the woman as she strolled past the barn and towards the farming fields as though she knew this territory like the tip of her finger.

"Tell me". I said once we arrived at the fields and she stopped. The farmers were not there and had gone on a break. Thankfully, there was no one there.

She slowly turned to me and stomped her stick onto the ground.

"Why do you want to kill Magnolia once you find her".

"You said you would tell me about Alpha Zefiro and Luna Emberlynn".

"Magnolia". She called ignoring me. "Is a witch".

I already knew that, why was she telling me something I already knew?

"You might know that but you don't know that it is far beyond what meets the eye".

"What do you…"

She held a hand up stopping me from speaking further. No one had done that before. Ever!

"Do you know why the effects of the curse do not take a toll on you as much?".

She searched my face but it remained unsearchable.

"Alpha Zefiro and Luna Emberlynn had to make a sacrifice to lessen the effects of the curse".

I suddenly got angry. Who was she and why did she know so much about me?

"Dare me and I'll have you beheaded". I seethed.

"The Alpha does what he wishes". She said courageously and that angered me more.

"You seem to be desperately fighting something deep within and need help but at the same time, you're arrogant and rude".

"How dare you…"

"That curse will remain if you aren't careful".

A sound was heard behind a tree and both our heads shot towards the direction. I slowly made my way towards the tree and the person looked up at me.

"What are you doing here?".

She quickly got up looking everywhere but at me.

"I…I was working. I…I wanted to rest. B-but I promise I didn't hear anything"

Anger boiled inside of me and my canines grew out and so did my claws. I was going to rip her to pieces right here and now.

"Go on dear". The woman urged taking space beside me. I felt the girl look at the woman and her eyes held something I couldn't pinpoint.

She immediately looked between the woman and me before hurriedly walking away and running midway.

The woman also turned and started walking back to the pack houses.

"Now there's a possibility she might know about the curse. No one else does but two of my most trusted". I turned towards the woman.

"She would've found out anyway, everyone will eventually. But not to worry, she didn't hear anything".

"I do not know who you are, and why you know what you know but…".

She simply pointed behind me and I stopped talking.

"Here comes your answers".

She said walking away.

"What did you find?".

I asked looking away from the woman.

He was quiet and I immediately walked away to my office.

"So tell me". I urged once I was seated in my chair.

"Alpha Logan". He started. "Nothing was found about her". He informed and I turned to look at Beta Duncan who also had the same facial expression as I did.

"No one seems to know anyone like her".

My brows furrowed and I rubbed my stubble, thinking hard about this discovery.

I suddenly got up and walked out of my office. It was already getting dark and I almost forgot about the mysterious woman. I had to find her and get answers from her for the last time.

"I believe the Alpha is looking for me?". I heard her ask and approach me from the opposite direction.

"Who are you?"

She smiled before walking closer to me.

"Didn't get any answers did you? I'm just a hermit that lives in the woods".

"Hermit". I repeated.

She nodded.

"I shall gift you a little something for your generosity".

I only frowned as she looked away from me.

"Ah-ha! Astrid, my dear".

She walked away from me and towards Astrid who was just passing. I couldn't hear what she told her but soon after, she returned.

"Can you solve a riddle?".

"What games are you playing?".

"A hermit never plays games, instead, they give out riddles to solve so listen carefully. For the threads of destiny twist and turn and a fire of magic is captivating..."

I opened my mouth to speak but she held out a finger.

"But if the flame should be extinguished, then a storm of shadows will bring us the blackest night".

And with that, she stepped away, swirling a little and then she vanished instantly leaving me rattled with the riddle.

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Muah! Love ya!

Xoxo: TheeAela ✨

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