
A cursed Alpha's Redemption

A rogue's life becomes miserable when her community is attacked. She escapes off only to be enslaved by the ruthless Alpha of the Shadow pack whose hatred for her supersedes all things. Now bearing a new identity and name, Astrid turns out to be the only way the Alpha can break an unknown curse which leaves him in a disaster, making him re-live century after Century of pain with no possible escape. How do things even turn out differently, when he discovers she is his mate? What happens when the quest to reject her backfires on him? What more is there for him to find out about her as her life hangs on a loose thread? And what assurance does the Alpha have that he will live happily with his new found forbidden love after the curse is broken? What are the odds? Tag along on this intriguing adventure to the mystical Forest of Dark Sapphire to uncover the story of a once cursed Alpha.

TheeAela · Fantasy
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47 Chs

10. A Mysterious Hermit.

Logan's POV


I glanced round the fields with a settled frown. I turned to the guard and my teeth clenched.

"Where is she?".

I seethed looking at the guard who stood a few feet beside me.

"She was just going to get some water, Alpha Logan". The guard defended with his head slightly bent.

I had given instructions that she doesn't get any break until she finished with the work she had.

"I give you just one simple job and you let her outsmart you? Where is she now, if you say she went to get water?".

The guard immediately fell to his knees.

"I deserve death, Alpha Logan. Please forgive me".

I stepped closer to him with my hands behind my back.

"Which are you settling for?".

I asked and he raised his head just a little so he could look at me.

"I asked which you'd settle for, do I…". I retrieved a sword from another guard and pointed it at him. "End you right here or…forgive you?"

"I don't deserve forgiveness from the Alpha but would be pleased if the Alpha would give me a chance to find her". He said as he returned his head to the soil. His forehead was touching the ground.

I tightened my grip on the sword and draw it closer to him. He squinted his eyes shut but I suddenly flung the sword to the dusty land. The other guard picked it up instantly.

"I give you two minutes to find her or else, your head will be served on a platter".

"Y-yes Alpha". He scampered to his feet and hastened off.

"Alpha Logan".

I turned to the man who was now standing beside me. He bowed slightly.

"Victor, how is the planting season going?"

"It's…it's going well Alpha". He responded in a slightly shaky voice. I knew my people were scared of me especially when I was angry. They made it seem like I was blood thirsty.

Well, maybe part of it was true…

I simply nodded and turned to walk away when the prisoner fell to my feet.

"What insolence?". I growled.

She quickly got off my feet and knelt down placing her hands on her knees while her head hung low.

"I…I went to get water". She murmured. I barely got what she said. Why did she infuriate me this much?

"Speak up". The guard ordered and used his staff to hit her arm. She immediately held onto the arm and squeezed it slightly soothing the pain.

"I…I went to get water, your majesty". Immediately she said it, her eyes bulged and she quickly covered a hand over her mouth.


She quietly added in correction to what she'd earlier called me.

…Your Majesty…

I could feel the fumes coming out of my ears. I stretched out my hand and a guard placed his staff in it.

"How dare you?".

I questioned and raised the staff. Just as it started descending, the prisoner closed her eyes and bent her neck then I, on the other hand, jabbed the staff into the dusty land with force instead.

I let go of the staff and it was still held straight by the soil. I then turned to the guard who had gone to find her.

"She was found lurking around the other pack houses". He informed although I didn't ask him that.

I was silent for a while before turning on my heel and walking away. I stopped briefly and looked back over my shoulder.

"She doesn't get any breaks, food nor water until she completes her task and plants ten rows of wild berry seeds"

"Yes, Alpha". They guards bowed and I walked away.

"Tell Beta Duncan to come meet me in my office".

I told a guard as I approached my office. He nodded a d walked away.

I walked in and took a seat withdrawing the note I had scribbled down a few days ago.

After a while, Beta Duncan walked into my office.

"Alpha Logan". He called bowing immediately he came to a stop in front of my desk.

"Here, take this". I pushed the note toward the edge of the desk and Beta Duncan stepped forward withdrawing it from my desk. He scanned it's content and stepped backwards.

"I will get it done, Alpha". He said and turned to leave but stopped. He turned back to me which made me look up.

"What is it?".

"Why did you let that prisoner off the hook? What were those reasons you spoke of?".

It was all for Hattie's petition. But I didn't tell that to him.

"I told you didn't I? I call the shots here".

He seemed to be in thought for a while before he finally exhaled heavily.

"I am quite aware that you call the shots but I'm still your friend".

"Right.Hand.Man". I corrected placing emphasis on each word and without a single word, he just nodded.

I thought back to the annoying prisoner girl. I was determined to make her life a living hell. She would much rather wish she were dead.

"Beta Duncan, make sure the prisoner girl assists in transporting the grains from the barn and sharing it to all the households in the pack".

"Will do". He replied simply and then he walked out of the office.

I stared at the time of the grandfather clock standing by my right and it was almost evening. I was expecting a report and It had to be brought at the soonest because I was losing patience.

It was already getting dark outside and I stood, turning to the window and glancing out it with my hands behind my back.

A knock came at the door and I turned sighting an enforcer who entered soon after my husky "Come in".

"Alpha Logan". He panted. "We found someone".

I turned instantly with a frown on my face. I had instructed that the territory be surveyed and anyone suspicious should be caught and brought to me.

I walked away from the window and towards the guard.


"Seated outside". He replied plainly and bowed walking out of the office.

When I went outside, I could see someone sitting with her back to me in a distance. I strutted towards whoever it was and came to a conclusion that it was a woman when I got a closer look.

I walked round to come face-to-face with an elderly woman. She had her eyes closed and she seemed to be uttering incoherent hum's.

…If Magnolia were to be alive, she would've been really old by now or maybe even dead…

I stood in front of her and raised up my hand, instructing the guards who surrounded her, to put down their spears.

"Who are you?". I inquired and she opened her eyes slowly and I was sure I saw the corners of her lips raise in a small smirk.

"I might guess that the person you have been looking for all this while has been caught. Isn't it? Alpha Logan?".

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Muah! Love ya.

Xoxo: TheeAela ✨

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