
A Cultivator's Journey Through The Multiverse

Helel, a cultivator who has reached the Deity Realm, a seemingly impossible feat even to the gods, arrived in his home, found himself in the middle of the gods' wrath after he found the people he deemed equal to himself, dead on the ground. The culprits? The 3 goddesses of the world. He fought against them for a short amount of time but alas, he died. But not before taking one of them down with him, literally. Then, while his soul stayed in the void to hide from the gods, he meets a boy who calls himself "Truth". And that is when his journey through the vast multiverse started. _______________________________________________________ You can consider this as a rewrite of my other fic, the dark souls one. But I've changed a lot of things. For example, Minato and Kushina are alive in this one. And I know there will be mistakes, some plot holes. If you could, remind me of them in case I don't see them. Anyway, I'll be updating 4 chapters once a week since I do have to study and sometimes, work. Enjoy the fic.

Miko_Sayaki · Anime & Comics
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40 Chs

The Battle On The Bridge 3/3: A Monster

Gato is a simple man. If the women are beautiful, they must be stained by his seed. For him, kunoichis are the most beautiful women out there. They take care of their bodies greatly, they're always in hour-glass shape, and most of them have pretty faces.

And the best thing about them is that they're prideful. It's not a kink or anything like that, wait… maybe it is? Anyway, kunoichis are always so fun to break. When their faces are filled with cum and spit, their tongues are rolling out, that's the best look they could possibly have, and it is simply addicting.

That's why he wanted to get those four kunoichis that went to help Tazuna's bridge building. Hah, as if a simple bridge that's connected to the mainland could destroy his business. Doesn't that guy know that he could just blow up the entire bridge anytime he wants? He practically owns the entire country of Wave, and that old man can't do anything about it.

Currently, he is one of the richest men in the whole Elemental Nations, and no one would dare to mess with him. He only let Tazuna build the bridge to see his despairing face once it's destroyed. Then, he'll just have him decapitated in front of everybody just like what he did to that one guy who decided to play hero.

What was his name? Taizo? Baizo? Kanzo? Bah, who cares?

Anyhow, his plan was to use Kisame and Juzo to get those 4 kunoichis for him. However, when he heard from a spy in Konoha that the Hokage has issued a mission to rescue the team of girls, and the one leading it is the Red Eyed Crow of Konoha, he decided to take matters into his own hands in case the two fail.

So he brought 300 mercenaries that he hired a few months ago into the bridge to kill the Uchiha and take the girls, then after having his way with them, he'll let his men enjoy them until they're dead.

Yes, he'll go this far just to satiate his horniness. Who cares anyway? He has lots of money; it'll be a waste if he doesn't use that money. He would just make that much back in a few days anyway.

But a problem came; all of them, except for one kid, had escaped. They managed to run on the water below the bridge. He considered having his men chase them but realized that something was wrong with the kid.

For one, a kid doesn't smile with a posture like that, and two, he is releasing a huge amount of killing intent that even he, Gato, is stepping back in fear. It's not just fear that's gotten from reading horror stories, no, it was coming directly from his primal instincts. He felt like a prey cowering in front of a predator.

It wasn't a pleasant feeling, so he yelled with a bit of a stutter, "Kill that child! Charge at him all at once! He's dangerous!"

The mercenary ninjas already knew that since It's like they're looking at a monster hidden in human skin.

But if Helel heard this, he would've laughed at them. A monster? Him? Then what about them? Who are they to talk?

The small army charged, un-shinobi-like. But this does work in his favor.

They released their battle cries, as if they're going to war. However, what they didn't know is that what they're doing is simply heading to their deaths. It's like suicide but without the depression.

Helel disappeared faster than they could blink, and one shinobi wearing a slashed Kumo hitai-ate saw the kid in front of him but before he could react, his head had already fallen off, and blood spurted from his headless neck.

With the initial shock gone, the other shinobis started to attack him, too. But like an adult facing children, he deflected their attacks as he casually walked directly in the center of them while, with each movement of his hands, a head would fall.

He had sharpened them with a tier 1 spell called, Sharpening, that works on anything. Coupled with a Tier 2 strength enhancing spell, he was a force to reckon with.

These missing-nins cannot use wide-ranged jutsus, or else they'll hit even their allies. But that's only because they were dumb enough to charge into the bridge together. That's why they can only use taijutsu, which is currently not working for them because Helel is a master of martial arts.

Just like with his spells, he has collected dozens of martial art styles back in his past life. Along with his experience in fighting, right now, in hand-to-hand combat, no one is as strong as him.

A chunin level shinobi charged at him with his fist cocked but Helel merely stretched out his hand faster than a speeding kunai, and pierced his chest. Behind the shinobi was his beating, bloody heart, held by the red-haired genin through his chest.

And then, with a squeeze, he crushed the heart easily, killing the chunin.

In the span of a few minutes, 30 shinobis have already died.

Now, the others were hesitant to fight him. To them, this is just a job and even though they expected for some of them to die while fighting the Red-Eyed Crow, they didn't expect for something like this to happen. They haven't even put a scratch on the kid yet!

Helel smirked, and with mirth in his voice, he said, "What? Did all of your balls drop? Come at me," but none of them moved. With a sigh, he disappeared again.

Like a ghost, he seemingly phased through the crowd of shinobi as one by one, their heads would pop off. They couldn't do anything; he was way too fast. And the fact that he's smaller made it harder for them to hit him.

Gato, who's standing at the very back, knew that he's in deep waters now. He shouldn't have come here. It was a mistake. To think a monster like this existed within Konoha, considering the hitai-ate on his waist has the leaf symbol.

He wanted to run away, to get out of here but he couldn't. His legs were frozen in fear.

In the distance, while slaughtering his men, the monster smiled wickedly as he yelled, "Gato, I'm coming for you!"

The sky darkened, and they all felt it. Electricity circulated in the air, and then… multiple lightning bolts fell towards the mercenaries behind Helel. The roar of thunder only made it after they've all been charred to death.

This is a Tier 4 Spell, Lightning Weather. It cost him almost a quarter of his reserves but it was worth it.

"T-This ain't worth it, man! I'm out of here!" One missing-nin from Suna said in fear after seeing bolts of lightning striking every second.

It was a bloodbath. Almost 200 of them have already died. Seeing this, more and more mercenaries started to flee after the first guy. In the end, only one jounin-level ninja was left in Gato's little army. But Helel could see that this guy is the strongest out of all the punks he had killed earlier.

And this guy's a missing-nin from Iwa, so he's probably proficient in a lot of Doton jutsus. But does that really matter? He's gonna die in a few moments anyway.

Staring at him, the missing-nin said, "For someone such as you to exist in this world… I can only laugh at my own luck. However, I can't let you kill my employer. If you want to kill him, then you'll have to go through—"

He didn't get to finish his sentence.

"You really shouldn't talk in a fight. Remember that in your next life. Anyway," Helel threw away the head of the Iwa nin, as he walked past his decapitated body, "Little piggy, where are you?"

Gato had already run away into the forest, and hid behind a tree while holding his hand over his mouth, trying his best to stay silent. He feared that child. No, that wasn't a child. It is a monster greater than Orochimaru of the Sannin or The Fourth Mizukage.

He regretted trying to go after that team of kunoichis now. If only he ignored them, if only he didn't go with his mercenaries, then maybe he might still be safe right now. But at the moment, he needed to hide. He needed to be as silent as an owl so no one could hear him.

He looked to his left and then right. Dread filled his insides as he slowly looked up, and there, a smile matching that of the devil revealed its snow-white teeth.

"Hello," the monster had said.

(8 Hours Later)

Azumi gasped as she suddenly woke up. She looked around and noticed that she was in a hospital, connected to an IV Bag. On her left side were two hospital cots, where her friends, Hinata and Ino, were sleeping.

Outside of her room's window was the darkened sky of the night, and she couldn't help but frown at the fact that she's been unconscious for this long. She remembered what happened earlier, and that only made her frown deeper.

To be knocked out just like that… after all she had said to Ren, she's still so weak. At this rate she will never reach his level. She needed to tell him that she only lost because she slipped, otherwise she would've beaten shark-face to pulp.

Yup, that's a good reason. Now he won't misunderstand that she's weak and useless like those fangirls of Sasuke back in the academy.

She slowly stood up as she pulled out the needles stuck to her arm that was connected to the IV bag. But as she did so, she felt a sudden and sharp headache that made her wince in pain.

Then she noticed bandages wrapped around her head.

"What? Was I that injured?" She asked herself, confused.

She turned to the direction of the door when she heard it being slowly opened, and saw a nurse enter the room.

The nurse widened her eyes, and said in urgency, "Namikaze-sama, why did you pull out the needles!?" She walked towards her, and soon, she started reattaching the needles to her veins again.

Azumi let the nurse do her job but said, "Miss nurse, where's my team? Do you know what happened to them?"

"Your team? I don't know but I think I heard that one of your teammates, well… died," the nurse was hesitant to say that last part.

The blonde girl widened her eyes in shock, and said, "What!? Then I gotta go! I need to know what happened while I was out!"

"Namikaze-sama! Please, can it wait until tomorrow? You took a bit of brain damage while fighting and if you don't get proper treatment, it might worsen."

As stubborn as she was, Azumi is still a smart girl. She knew her limits, and tonight might just be the time she needed to rest. But she really wanted to know what happened. The one who died is more likely Sasuke because Ren and Itachi are just too strong to die.

Ugh, her curiosity is killing her but in the end, she just said, "Alright but tomorrow, you have to bring my sensei here."

The nurse nodded, and replied, "Don't worry, Namikaze-sama. Itachi-san said that he'll be here by tomorrow."


Soon, the nurse left after reattaching the IV bag to her arm, and she could only sigh. This is going to be a long night.

I hope it was satisfactory since it's a bit hard writing fight scenes.

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed the fic, stay well, and as always, thank you for reading.

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