
A Cultivator's Journey in a Superhuman's Modern World

Full title: [The Knight’s Multiverse] - A Knight’s Journey: The journey of a cultivator in a superhuman’s modern world After Damian Knight sacrificed himself to save a woman and her daughter, he gets reincarnated in a parallel Earth with three Perks by an unknown Entity. Using those Perks to help himself and his loved ones grow stronger, he will have to deal with many threats on his journey, whether the ‘Superheroes’ in the light or the Underworld (Crime Syndicate) in the dark. Fortunately, a few key people will help him on his journey, helping him embark on his cultivation's Path in this Universe. ‘Choices have consequences.’ Disclaimers -The MC will not get to cultivate right away because he's born in a modern Earth and in a normal family. But thanks to his perks, he will still be able to grow in power until he learn it. -I'm trying my best to release three chapters every week for my two novels (Either two of this novel and one of the other or the opposite) -All romantic and sexual relationships in this book will be between consensual adults. -It will be a small harem. -There will be some blood-related romantic relationships. Let’s enjoy this adventure together. Calm Wanderer

Calm_Wanderer · Fantasy
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59 Chs

Chapter 10 - An important realization (Part 2)

Damovotsk, Molkovia, Earth.


Demian's P.O.V.


"You never told me before... Why did you decide to start practicing MMA? And why did you go fully professional?" Seeing the pensive frown on her face, he hurriedly tried to explain himself. "If you don't want to say, then it's also fine. I was just feeling a bit curious."


Looking at his clumsy attempt at 'appeasing' her feelings made her cock her eyebrow, a small smile painting her usual expressionless face. "Didn't you say that it was a sport of brute and that you'd never be caught dead trying it? You did mock me a few times for doing it. I didn't say anything yesterday since you'd just woken up, but since we're alone now, you can start explaining."


Listening to the barrage of 'accusations' pouring out the young woman's lips, coupled with her stare that screamed murder if he dared lie to her, made Demian sweat in nervousness. Hesitating a bit, he then replied with his head lowered. "I... I'm sorry. I guess I was... Scratch that, I've definitely been a douchebag to you." Lifting his head to look into her semi-cold eyes with his own laced with regret. "I was jealous of you and how amazing you were while I was only a loser who couldn't even stick to one thing before quitting."


Staring vacantly at the void for a bit, he added, as if an afterthought. "I was so pathetic..." However, he almost immediately regained focus as he continued. "But I want to change that. And what happened recently made me realize that I don't really have a choice on the matter. Not if I want to avoid feeling... powerless, I guess..."


He had much more to add, but he decided to keep it inside for now. One day at a time, one step after the other. 'Until I get comfortable enough with the girls, I'll keep some things to myself. After all, there is one half of me for whom they're just beautiful strangers. And the other half is (was?) not the most 'empathetic soul' that ever existed.' He pondered inwardly. Demian was not a terrible being, but because of some of his past, he did shut down his own emotions, making it more difficult for him to be empathetic.


His train of thought was broken, however, as the lips in front of him started to move, letting escape severe words. "I'll observe you for a while and see if you're serious about it. Remember that words are cheap and only actions have true weight."


Scratching his cheek in embarrassment, he replied. "Fair enough, I deserve that. *Sigh* I'll let you observe me then. You still didn't answer my previous question, though." Nodding in acknowledgment, she nonetheless observed him silently for a few seconds before answering in a neutral tone, with some playfulness hidden behind it. "Let it be your reward if you hold your end of the deal."


As his expression turned strange at her curious reaction, he was too slow to stop her knuckles from hitting his forehead. "Stop looking at me like that, you brat!" She cried in a tone full of discomfort. As the pain registered in his mind, Demian felt the impulse to laugh and cry at the same time from the ridiculous situation. 


"Do you have to be so violent?" He asked while rubbing the place she just hit. However, his words seemed to have triggered her 'wrath' as her eyes narrowed and her small smile evaporated instantly. "What did you just say?" That was when it hit him. 'Shit!' He thought in distress. Lifting his hand in surrender, he did his best to rectify his slip-up. 


"I meant wild and strong. That's what I meant. Definitely not what I said earlier. I know you're a very magnanimous person, big sis. You're the strongest and kindest big sister one can have and you're definitely a forgiving person." As heaps of praise flowed from his mouth, it seemed to him that his dignity followed alongside them. 'What can I do when I'm the youngest and weakest? I don't want to be beaten up.'


Rolling her eyes at his ridiculous attempt to avoid punishment, she just let it go and said. "Let's just move on to the third thing I wanted to teach you today: how to punch and kick in the correct way.


It sounds simple, but it's one of the essentials if you don't want to get injured and to be able to injure your opponent." While she explained how to do straight punches and kicks, she also showed him how to position his body by demonstrating with hers. Once she was done, she repeated the same thing she had done in the previous lesson by correcting his movements until she found them 'good enough for a beginner' as she said.


An hour later, with a large amount of sweat and exhaustion, for him at least, the lesson ended. "It should be enough for now. I'll check your results in a week and we'll adjust depending on them. Although, I don't think you'll get too far during that time. After all, one week is a bit short. But who knows?" Despite giving him the benefit of the doubt, Demian could hear how much she did not really believe in the possibility of it truly happening.


'From the results I got after a day of 'Multi-layered' training, I can't wait to see the results after a whole week. She might be surprised... *Inward Chuckle* But, I think I'll stop here today. At least for the physical part of the training.' He thought, as his body felt devoid of any energy.


As if she could read his mind, Bryn added. "You look like you'll fall down any minute, so let's stop here for today." Nodding tiredly, he replied. "Yeah, I'll just take a shower and prepare some lunch. What about you? Are you gonna eat with us?"


"Yes. I'll eat with the two of you and then I'll leave for training. I won't stay too long though, since I have to go get Mom around 6." As they were talking, the two separated and each went to take a shower in their respective bathroom before they both went to the kitchen to prepare lunch. Once everything was ready the three ate while chatting lightly, before each left for their own 'occupation', with Seraphine even going to exercise in the gym. As she put it: "I'm blind, not quadriplegic. So, I can at least keep myself in shape." 


All of them knew that it was a bit more complicated than that, but with a 'home gym' and a professional like Brynhild as a family member, everything went smoothly for her. 


Shaking his head to remove his random thoughts, the young man went to his room where he started his computer and began his daily language lesson, or 'Mind training' as he put it. That lasted longer than the day prior, probably because his brain was getting used to the strain. It was still relative though, as his thoughts were extremely sluggish at the end of it. 


"Alright, let's stop before I get burned out." Pondering for a bit, he muttered. "What should I do now? Ah right! The guitar!" As soon as he thought of it, he proceeded to order the instrument on a specialized website. "I'll receive it in two days? Not too bad. I'll just have to be a bit more patient before I can play Stairway to Heaven... Haha." Laughing at his inside joke, the young man then decided to leave for the living room.


As he arrived there, he noticed his younger cousin laying on the couch sleeping with her mouth slightly open and her right arm hanging on the side of the sofa. She looked a lot more relaxed than the day prior. It was probably due to her worry for him easing as he finally awakened. It seemed that he underestimated the impact his prior recklessness had on the three girls of his family... 


'I need to be careful from now on. Even if it wasn't 'technically' my fault, I still have a part of the responsibility for the whole thing. 'Know thy enemy and thyself and you'll be the winner of hundreds of battles'... Or something like that.' He thought, chuckling in a low tone.


Shaking his head in amusement, he laid down on the other side of the couch, closing his eyes to rest a bit, while waiting for Adeliya and Brynhild to return from outside. As if his exhaustion was waiting for his mind to relax his guard, it invaded and took it over, plunging the young man into a deep and dreamless slumber. 


Brynhild's P.O.V.


After she left the apartment, the young woman walked to the bus station, with her gym bag hanging on her right shoulder. As she knew the route by heart, she often used the time it took her to reach her destination to think about her next fight, practice, or anything related to her discipline. Not this time though.


She could not help but think about what her younger cousin told her, and how different he seemed. She felt that something changed in him. 'He seems more... determined? Reliable, maybe?' Feeling a bit confused, she nonetheless decided to let it go. 'I'll just observe him and see if it's only a temporary change. If it's not then...'


As the bus stopped in front of her, she climbed into it before finding a seat to sit on, letting her mind wander as the vehicle drove on, its engine noise not loud enough to disturb the woman's thoughts.