

When the sun rises, normally birds starts to sing in the crack of dawn, animals waking and slowly emerging from where they stayed overnight. but that morning nothing happened. The forest is dead silent. Even the annoying birds that keeps on waking other animals are absent. There was a strange apprehension in the air in the absence of the animals that wakes in the morning.

The pack could have taken that as a warning that something is wrong but their pride got the better of them, as their pack is known to have the strongest beasts that lived in the forest.

But no matter how strong and prideful one creature is, there will always come a time where pride could be once downfall.

Now, in the night of that eerie morning, a small cub is running away from the fire that was set by human hunters. Running away from the packs den. Running away due to fear of becoming like the cub's pack. Dead. The reality that her home is burning flashes before the cub's eyes, as orange, yellow and red covers all of the surroundings as she made her way out of the burning part of the forest, where her home was once located.

It was inevitable to escape without burning but the cub strives to find safety since it was what her mother ordered her to do, before pushing her out of the little hole in their makeshift tent and yelling at her to run and not look back. And that is what she did. Running in her wolf form, threading between the burning trees. Her eyes water not because of the smoke that is all over the place but from the different emotions that she feels at that moment, which doesn't belong to her. the different pain from her packmates that lost their mate, children or a dying wolf, making her heart ache.

Her wolf wanted to stop and go back to her pack that needed help but the small cub heard her mother's voice in her head. "RUN, DON'T STOP. NO MATTER WHAT HAPPEN, WHATEVER YOU FEEL. DON'T STOP RUNNING". From there, the adrenaline rush kicked in her as she ran as fast as she can with her small four legs, letting her instincts reign to take her to safety as her mind was somewhere else.

Until her paws got snagged from a tree root that she stops and fell, face first. The cub let out a pained howl as she tried to move her body and end up wincing. She looks down and noticed that the white fur on her hind leg was matted with red. She whimpered then she heard a snap. The cub freezes as dread and fear washed over her. She whips her head at the direction of the noise. Peering in the dark until she saw a human. looking at her wild eyes.

"Well, I guess we missed a little cute cub huh" the hunter muttered as he slowly walks towards her while holding something.

The cub stood up and slowly backed away from the hunter, as the other keeps walking towards her. "Don't be afraid little one it'll be fine". She heard a click then her eyes saw it. Silver gleaming from the light of the moon. Eyes widening and look up to the hunter. His face is visible as he steps out from the dark. Three long lines that runs diagonally from his left eye up to the bridge of his nose, Dark eyes that held anger and bloodlust from murdering her packmates and the wicked smirk that seems to widen more as the injured cub trembled from fear.

"It'll soon be over and all of your kind will be gone in no time, little one. You can even join your dead family of dogs. To bad that you can't see them right now". The man taunted her then released a laugh. He raised his hand where the gun was held and wave it to the surrounding. "surely you can hear them right. Of them dying, I mean". Oh she hears it alright. The loud howls and whimpers from injured or dying wolves. The aggressive growls from the Alpha's of the pack that is currently fighting the hunters. The crackles of the burning trees and grass, the cries from the wolves and gunshots from the hunters was all that can be heard in her surroundings. But too bad for her, due to her animal instincts and heightened senses. She hears everything. She released a whimper as her body trembled.

"I'll help you see them again. If you just behave like the dog you are and you will see them". The hunter raised the gun and pointed at her. She couldn't move. Every instinct is yelling at her to run but her mind was frozen from fear.

Before the hunter pulled the trigger, he failed to notice the other figure that loom in the dark, not too far from them. Until that figure tackled the hunter and bit his arm that was holding the gun. The hunter released a pained scream as his fingers slipped and pressed the trigger, releasing the bullet but it hit the ground instead of the small cub. Both figures tumbled over to the floor. The small cub let out a surprise cry. Fear still lingers in here until she saw the familiar dark brown fur.

Her brother.

Her wolf yipped happily seeing his brother alive.

The emotions she felt before diminish and relief flooded her system as the other wolf ran to her. Sniffing and eyeing her to see any injury, until he saw the red color on her white fur. The bigger wolf released a huff and nudged her sister gently to follow him as both of them ran further away from the commotion. The dark brown wolf keeps on looking back at her sister, knowing that the small cub is injured. However, they couldn't afford to get caught. The small cub tried her best to ran faster with her injured leg but they're still moving slow.

They're close to the borders of their territory and after that they can hide somewhere, away from their pursuers. The cub felt happy and relief seeing the familiar flower field up ahead. Until a gunshot was heard and the wolf in front of her fell. Releasing a pained whimper as the wolf tumbles and crash on the ground.

The small cub quickly caught up to her brother and nudged him with her snout. Hearing the distant happy screams from the hunters that they got the bigger wolf. The cub circled around and help his brother up. Putting her weight against the bigger wolf's side and pushed up but her brother fell, releasing a pained grunt. The noises and footsteps coming from the hunter draws near. The dark brown wolf nudged her sister to stop but the small cub was adamant on making out of the forest with her brother until his other snarled at her which made her stop. Her eyes widen and looked at her brother, that is looking at her while his upper snout was pulled back showing his sharp teeth. He nudged his sister, signaling to leave. The small cub shook her head and huff stubbornly, not moving an inch.

"Leave now. Before the hunters get here". She heard her brother muttered in her head. She shook her head and look at his brother with teary eyes. She can't just leave his brother here. It's her brother for crying out loud. The footstep grew closer as they stayed there. Seemingly annoyed the brother growled at her sister that made her flinch. "I SAID LEAVE NOW. DO YOU WANT TO BE LIKE THE REST OF OUR PACK?!" He said, snarling at her. The small cub let out a whimper when she responded. "I can't. I can't leave you. You're the only family that I have now. I just can't". If she was in her human form she would probably full on sobbing right now. Her brother looks at her sadly and nuzzled her face lovingly. Scenting in the process of calming her down, which somehow works a bit.

"I'll be fine pup. You just need to run now and hide. Then I'll come find you. I promise" Her brother said. She knew that his brother is smiling at her, reassuring her that everything will be okay. She nodded her head and slowly detached herself to her brother. With one final look, she bolted through the trees. Leaving behind the only family that she had to the hands of the hunters.

She heard a gunshot in the distance and let out a whimper. Praying that it wasn't her brother that got caught with the bullet.

She made it out of the forest and into the flower field that they used to play with. Ignoring the heavy feeling of letting herself go and just collapse in the ground, surrounded by familiar flowers but she knew she's not out from danger. She couldn't hear her pursuer anymore but its better to hide and wait for a day since that was what she was taught by her father. She went further away from the flower field and saw a small cave in the distance.

She hid in a small cave as her fatigue from the adrenaline rush to escape and emotional shock caught up to her. She called to her pack through their link as she collapses to the cold stone floor but there was no response.

The cub released a broken whimper. The burns and cut that she got when she was escaping should be painful but she didn't feel it. The physical injury that she got should've hurt but all she was feeling was numbness from the wounds, it hurt more to lose the connection of her (dead) pack.

A fire lit inside her heart, rage. The burning trees from her home is the visual representation of what she's feeling at that moment. She's exhausted and very angry to the humans who hunted them. The cub's small body couldn't withstand to the physical and emotional fatigue as she slowly closed her eyes.

Promising that she will avenge to those who took everything away from her. Promising to be strong when she takes her revenge.




Hello readers and welcome :). This is my first attempt to a shapeshifter story so I hope you enjoy reading this.

I'm sorry in advance if there are typo's or grammatical errors since English is not my native language and I hope you understand it. I'm open for any corrections since corrections help me improve my writing. Thank you so much :)

Chim_Annacreators' thoughts