
A Crystal Heart

greazyscalp · Fantasy
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1 Chs


Ari is the most beautiful man I have ever laid eyes on. Or at least I think he is. His beauty is distracting. His skin is a deep brown that glows in the sun as do his eyes which are the prettiest shade of gold. The black coils of his hair blow in the wind and I can't help but notice how tall he is compared to myself.

Ari takes my breath away as soon as I lay eyes on him. I have never met him in person until now. I've heard stories, mainly gossip. I've been told by many to stay away but l was curious. And now I'm standing here, staring into the eyes of Ari as he points his bow and arrow at my chest.

The fear of dying at my village's worst enemy literally takes my breath away.

"You're left-handed," I blurt out. He glares at me as he pulls his arrow back further. "Most people are right-handed. It's probably why some people find you different than others."

His glare towards me deepens and he doesn't take the chance to lower the bow.

"You're trespassing," he tells me. His voice is deep and smooth like the ocean. "Our people made treaties to not cross into each other's land. You're breaking the treaties."

"I got lost." The lie slips so easily off my tongue. I saw him and I wanted to get closer. I was drawn to him. I needed to see him at least once. The sweat on my forehead begins to drip under the rays of the sun.

"You're lying." Ari lowers his bow. My breathing evens. "However, that's to be expected of a Cryst." My eyes narrow at him. "Go back to your land and I will speak none of this to my people."

"I only lie because I didn't want an arrow in my chest."

"You lie because you were born into a village full of liars, murderers, and thieves with no honor. Why should I expect less from you?" His words are harsh but they're not wrong.

"The same could be said about your people," I tell him. No one's village has perfect people.

His hand tightens around his bow. And though I know he can't kill me, it's hard to believe he won't pick up his arrow and shoot. I'm deep into his side of the forest now. My people would never find my body.

"Go home," Ari tells me. He looks at me with disgust in his eyes. Our people have wronged each other too much for him to look at me with anything else. The wind blew but the sun is heavy and I try to take in one last scan of his being.

"I pray the next time we meet you leave your weapons elsewhere."

He sighs as he looks away from me. Ari seems almost distraught. "I will see you at our wedding, Bora of Cryst."