


In the heart of the kingdom of Var'aak, grey rock walls rose to the sky, adorned with moss and lichen, a layer of mist blanketed the land. Thick fog crept through the cobblestone streets, obscuring the view of the city. The faint echo of heavy boots marching on the cobblestones reverberated through the air, announcing the arrival of another company of soldiers. King Andrei, standing with a crown nestled upon his brow, had made the decision to deploy his troops, sending them off to join the battle on the farthest reaches of his expanding kingdom.

Malachi stood at the gates of the castle, watching the procession of men, women, and equipment marching past. A heavy cloak rested upon his shoulders, a silver chain was slung around his neck. As he watched the troops march by, his mind raced with conflicting thoughts.

He was a captain in the king's army. There was something in the back of his mind, some doubt nagging at him. It had been gnawing at him for a week, and he wasn't sure what was causing it. The last battle had not gone well. He had returned home to a hero's welcome. But for some reason, he felt less than content.

Something was bothering him. His heart was troubled, and he wasn't sure why. He'd lost soldiers in battle before, but never in his entire career had he left a battlefield without being able to account for every soldier. Something was missing. Something was wrong.

His heart sank as the last soldier disappeared into the mist.

He was certain that many of the soldiers would not return, and he had the sinking feeling that he would not see his brother again.

A deep voice interrupted his thoughts. "Captain Malachi?"

Malachi turned around.

"Your presence is requested by the king," the page said.

Malachi followed the page inside the castle, through the long corridors, until they reached the great hall.

The page stopped and turned around, then opened the door.

Malachi entered, and the door closed behind him.

Andrei was sitting on his throne. "Ah, Captain Malachi. I was expecting you."

Malachi approached the throne.

"I a mission for you." The kings voice bellowed out.

Malachi nodded.

"There are rumors of a rebellion growing in the southern lands. I need you to go and find out the truth. If there is a rebellion, I need you to put a stop to it. If there are not, I need you to find out who is behind these rumors."

Malachi left the throne room. The weight of the crown on his head felt heavier than usual. When he left the castle, he found his brother waiting for him.

"Rashad. I thought you'd already gone." He embraced his brother.

"I stayed to say good-bye." Rashad's eyes were solemn.

"Thank you. You'd better hurry. You don't want to get caught in the fog." Rashad embraced his brother again, and then hurried away.

Malachi watched him disappear into the fog, wondering if he would ever see his brother again.

He knew that war was a dangerous thing. He'd seen so many of his friends die. He didn't want to lose his brother too.

But the king had given him a mission, and he couldn't ignore it.

As he walked away from the castle, he realized that he didn't have much time. If there really was a rebellion brewing, he had to stop it before it got out of control.

Malachi marched along the forest path. It had been two days since he'd left the castle.

The sun had just risen, and the first rays of light were starting to illuminate the sky.

Malachi marched along the forest path. It had been two days since he'd left the castle.

The sun had just risen, and the first rays of light were starting to illuminate the sky.

The leaves were just beginning to turn red and gold, and the wind was picking up. Malachi shivered. He wasn't used to the cold, and his clothes weren't suitable for this weather. He wrapped his cloak around himself tighter, and kept walking.

The road he was taking soon became crowded with merchants and other travellers.

Malachi stopped and waited for the crowds to clear.

As he waited, he noticed a small group of children playing near a tree. One of the children had a small, white rabbit in her hands.

She was holding it carefully, stroking its fur. The rabbit seemed to enjoy the attention.

Malachi smiled, but his smile faded when he saw one of the other children take the rabbit and throw it.

The rabbit bounced once, twice, three times, and then fell.

The girl who'd been holding the rabbit screamed.

Malachi didn't want to draw attention to himself, he waited until they had departed before going over to the poor creature.

The rabbit was lying motionless. Malachi knelt down and picked it up. It was still warm. He cradled the rabbit in his arms, and gently stroked its fur. The rabbit was so small and fragile, Malachi knew that it wouldn't survive for long.

He was reminded of his own childhood, when he and Rashad had played together.The rabbits body grew cold in his hands

Malachi laid the rabbit down gently on the ground, and covered it with fallen leaves.

"I'm sorry," he said.

Malachi didn't know how long he had been travelling, but the sun was low in the sky, and his body was exhausted.

He made it to a village, the streets were alive with celebration. There was a bonfire in the centre of the village, and people were dancing and singing around it. Malachi smiled at his luck. It would be a perfect opportunity to collect information and ask questions.

He entered a tavern and sat down at a table. A few of the villagers glanced at him, but no one seemed bothered by his presence.

"What's the occasion?" he asked, smiling.

"It's the Autumn festival," the barkeeper said, pouring Malachi a drink.

"It's been a good year. Lots of crops and animals."

Malachi drank deeply. The ale was bitter, but strong. He felt his head spinning slightly.

out of the corner of his eye he caught a glimpse of a girl with dark hair. She sat with a friend drinking ale and talking.

He could not take his eyes off her. He felt drawn to her, like a moth to a flame.

He watched as she gulped down her drink, Malachi smiled to himself amused.

Their eyes met, She stared back, her gaze burning through him.

"Would you like another?" the bartender asked.

Malachi nodded. He watched her for a few moments longer until a conversation from the other side of the tavern caught his attention.

"Did you hear? A rebellion has started."

Malachi perked up.