
C21. Suspicious Man

Jossie's POV:

     Casimir was taken away right before I fell asleep. I lost the energy to stay awake. I didn't dream this time. I only woke up to the hall's door beeping to alert someone was coming onto the hall. I felt my chest pounding as I couldn't recognize the voices that were coming down the hall. My thoughts ran to wonder if Casimir confessed. If he did would he lie and say I helped him? I focused on listening into their conversation as their voices echoed. The footsteps were coming closer.

"The damn brute has yet to confess."

"How much longer are they going to keep the murderer in that room?"

"Maybe they'll have better luck with the wolf-less mut they brought in right afterwards..."

"What's her name again?"


"Lowly omega."

"No... I got a better one... traitorous whore."

     I tensed up as I heard their footsteps pass by the cell's door. They were laughing. I whimpered as I prayed they wouldn't come in here. I hid under the pillow to muffle my sounds. I wanted to be invisible. I could hear them giggle as they started to beat on the door. I trembled in fear as I looked towards the door to see one peering in at me. They were guards. People that devoted their life to my family... And, they were the same faces that saw me for only my last name.

     "HEY! You're going to burn slut!" She yelled in at me before backing away from the window. I could hear the group of pack members bust out laughing. I felt my eyes swelling up in tears. I'm going to die... I'm going to die! They're coming in here to kill me!

     "Here's your slop, pig!"

     I widened my eyes as the tray door slid open. The tray for prisoner's food slid through and dropped straight to the ground. I wrinkled up my nose as a rat's microwaved carcus slung out. It rolled up under the bunk and I stood up. I widened my eyes and screamed at the top of my lungs. It wasn't the worst to happen. The door flung open and a bucket was tossed towards me. Blood splattered at me as I instantly was covered. I gagged as some of it got in my mouth. They slammed the door shut without hesitation. I gasped as I was at my sink before I could think twice. I hurled up anything left in my stomach as I ran the water and tried to get the blood rinsed off. I trembled in fear as I had to turn my back to the door.

     I couldn't focus on anything but their feet as the sound traveled outside of my hearing range. I felt my knees buckle as I fell to the floor. Jude's scent hovered next to me with a vicious sense of emotions radiating off of her. She wanted blood. She wanted war. She wanted to avenge me. I could feel her prsense as she walked the cell in outrage.

'We will kill them all, Josephine!'


'We cannot stand for this behavior. You're their future Alpha! They should bow their heads in respect. No matter if you're a murderer or a victim!'

Jude was right.

I'm supposed to take control after my father's death.

But, here I am being betrayed by the very people I was born to lead.

I was never raised for the Alpha's position. Because, I couldn't turn into a wolf. I'm sure it disappointed my father in some way... But, he never acted cruel to me. He encouraged me to be who I wanted. I could take as long as I needed deciding on it. He wasn't prepared to die or he would have pressured me to learn the Alpha's way.

Mother made sure Juliette would learn. Juliette always wanted the Alpha's name. She wanted power and my mother wanted everything for her. Because, I guess of her looks.

Looks are everything in this life.

     The door to the hall opened once again. I could smell something off this time as I sensed he was back. I ran to the door as I glanced out the window at Zeke as he dragged Casimir back to the same cell across from mine. Casimir was much worse off than I thought. His whole face was covered in purple bruises. His upper body was shirtless and healing wounds from a whip. His pants were soaking wet like they sprayed him down. I covered my mouth as I winced from his sight.

     "Z-zeke, did he confess?" I asked quickly when I knew he was in ear shot. Zeke stopped to look at me through the window. Casimir looked barely able to stand. His head lumped over and dangling. I didn't understand how he could even stand up from his condition.

     "No," Zeke said as he sounded confused himself.

     "Is he going to be okay?" I asked softly as I felt worried for his condition. I eyed over Casimir as my lips trembled. "He looks like he needs a doctor!"

     "There was one in the room. He's coming later," Zeke promised me. "He's talking to Beta Matthew about perscription drugs he'd like you to take."

     "Drugs?" I asked softly in disbelief. I was glad Zeke would talk to me. Although he made it clear he didn't want me to misunderstand it for kindness. He was just respectful. Zeke leaned Casimir up against the door as he went to unlock the cell.

     The second Zeke's back turned away from us Casimir's head straightened to stare at me. As our eyes connected I felt a light blush cross my cheeks. He winked as he turned around and pounced on Zeke. I gasped as I watched Casimir slip his arms around Zeke and begin to use the handcuffs he was in to choke him. Zeke caught the choke hold in time as he locked his hand between the metal and his neck. They collided into my door as I heard Casimir's breath be knocked out. It was a fight in strength as the two fought.

     I widened my eyes as I waited for the results. I wasn't sure who to root for. Zeke was able to collide his elbow into Casimir's lower rib and I could hear it break. It was the punch that called the fight. Casimir dropped as Zeke slipped away from the choke and rammed his knee into Casimir's face. I gasped as Casimir was thrown into his cell the moment he lost. Zeke made sure the door was locked before he covered his neck and rubbed at it in pain. I felt slightly disappointed he won... My mind rushing to the idea Casimir would free us and we could run away together. Instead... Zeke left the hall.

     "C-Cas?" I asked softly. My mouth trembled as I sunk against the door and ended up pressing my forehead against it. "I-I'm so sorry." He really didn't confess? Is he not the murderer? After what he just been through... Surely he would have just confessed to get this all over with.

     "Do you trust me?" I could hear him groan as if he was getting back up. I felt my heart skipping a beat as I heard his voice.

     "Not yet," I told him. I felt a smile dancing on my lips as I felt relieved to be able to talk to him. He was ok for now. He returned to me...

    "Jossie... is that blood on you?" He asked. I looked down at my body to see the aftermath of what the blood got on me. I ran my fingers through my sticky hair. I wasn't sure how to explain it to him.

     "The guards gave me my meal," I whispered.

     "You're covered in pig blood. I can smell it from here," he told me. His voice made me finally break as I let my voice crack. I started to cry again as I glanced down at the blood on my body. I was becoming a reminder. I was a bloody fucking Cromwell. "Jossie?" He called out to me. When I didn't answer I could hear worry in his voice, "Jossie? Hey... It's going to be okay."

     "R-Really? Because I'm pretty sure they're going to kill me," I told him as I felt my breath sharpen as a panic attack began to set in.

     "They won't kill you right away. They have to make you resign your right to the Alpha position," he explained to me. "They need you alive for that." No they don't. It doesn't matter if I'm alive or dead to them. Now or later... They'd prefer it now.

     "Why didn't... Why didn't you confess?" I asked him quietly. I was sure he heard me.

     "I didn't do it," he said with an honest voice. "Therefore I have nothing to confess to, Jossie."

     "They don't believe you."

     "That's because they'll believe anything but the truth."

     His words sat on my mind as I wasn't sure what to believe anymore. He was crazy. Who else could better be the murderer? Was there someone else there the night of father's murder? If Casimir didn't kill my father... who did?

"Do you want your father's inheritance?" He asked suddenly.

"No," I whispered out. I never been asked that before.

"Why not?"

     "I hate this fucking pack," I growled out. It was so fast I couldn't believe my own words. They were the truth! I'd let Juliette have it in a heart beat if it meant I could just leave. I hate everyone here. I wish my father had rejected my mother. Sure... I wouldn't be born... But, it would have saved a shit tone of trouble. "I just wanted to live a quiet life... They wouldn't even let me have that."

     "Don't worry. My father will know something is up when he doesn't hear from me by the end of the night. He'll grow suspicious and come looking. They're going to keep us alive until after the masquerade at the king's. We're going to be out of here before that happens." I smiled softly as I thought about it. He really was a good guy... He was comforting me. "I don't think I can give you a quiet life but I can give you a safe one." I felt my heart skip a beat from his words. What does that even mean? Is he making assumptions already? "I told you I want to protect you... It's because I love you Jossie. You don't have to love me back right now..."

     "I'm still trying to trust you," I whispered.

     "I will keep you safe. Someone here is trying to frame us. I'll figure it out and expose him. We'll both have our names cleared. Will you trust me then?"

     "If it happens... I will."

     "It will," he said firmly. "We'll be able to live a happy life together. I just can't promise it will be quiet."

     "You're not worried about what your mate will think?"

     "Josephine... Do you not... know?" He asked quickly.

     "Know what?" About his mate? What happened to his mate? How am I supposed to know what happened to his mate? I'm not kept up on this type of information. I wasn't allowed at any pack meetings nor did I hear any local gossip about neighboring packs. Casimir picked up on an irritated growl.

     "Listen up here... You tell your wolf to tell you the truth! She's been keeping it from you... Hasn't she?!"

     'What's he talking about, Jude?' I asked in confusion.

     'Nothing. I don't know what he's talking about either.'

     "Tell HER or I WILL!" Casimir yelled.

     "What's he talking about, Jude?" I asked quickly as I let myself slip up with talking aloud.

     "JUDE!" Casimir said angrily. "Tell her! She deserves to know!"

"Jude?" I pressed.

     'R-remember when you... asked... me... if... he was your mate?' Jude asked suddenly as her voice shook. I felt my heart skipping a beat as I wasn't sure where she was going with this. S-she didn't lie... to me... right? 'I told you... your destined mate is a strong leader.... But, what I didn't tell you is you have multiple candidates. As a female Alpha you are privilaged to choose from a selection of mates provided that fate deems worthy for you to bond to. With that being said... Casimir... might be one of them.'

     'Might?' I asked in anger. 'It sounds like he believes he is!" I'm not sure how I'm supposed to tell him that I'm a literal mess. The fates didn't even provide for me a single mate. It sounds like she just got lazy! This is rediculous. What if he also turns out to be my father's killer?!

"What did she say?" Casimir asked in anger. "Is she still delaying the message."

"N-No she's perfectly clear about your meaning."

"Well how do you feel?"

"No different," I lied.

     I heard the door to the cells open as Zeke came back through them. He came up to my cell's doors and opened them. I had enough time to back up as he looked me over. "What the fuck is all over you?" Zeke asked in anger. He looked past me at the cell. "Who did this?"

     "I do-don't know."

     "Would you be able to name them if you saw them?" He asked as he offered to do a face recognition line up. I shook my head as I didn't think that would be a smart idea. I don't rat people out anyway.

     'What is wrong with you? They can't get punished if you don't!' Jude was growling in anger at my silence. It irritated her as much as me. I was pissed at myself. But, I wasn't about to cause more problems for myself here.

     He sighed heavily as he looked displeased. "I'll take you to the showers and have someone clean this up. You've got a visitor." He motioned for me to follow him. He was clearly trusting me to not outlast at him and try to escape. I wouldn't get far to be honest. I'd have to somehow escape from him and then what? I don't have a gun this time to protect me.

     "Who came?" I asked as he lead me down the hall.

     "Your sister."

     What? That's the last person I expected to come here. I didn't look behind but I had a feeling Casimir was watching through his cell window. I was glad Zeke interupted us. I didn't know how much longer I would have lasted until I had told him everything Jude told me.

     "Did she say why?" I asked curiously.

     "Not really. She doesn't need a reason to be honest. She's allowed to visit you."

     "Nobody else came?" I asked as I looked around and felt on high alert. I had to be on guard. I didn't know when any one of my family members would pop up out of nowhere. I was still caught up on the fact I could have more then one mate out there. One of them right now is suspected of killing my father. Then there was that lingering question... What on earth does my sister want to talk about?