
A cripple in medieval world

This is the first time I write a novel in English. I’m just a historical nerd wanting to create a beautiful story. It’ll be great if you guys can tell me about my grammatical mistakes ******** This is the story of a modern man reincarnated into a medieval, fictional, and fantasy world. Although he is a cripple, he has some special power that can help him to develop his land and hammer his legend into history. I’m inspired by the legendary tale of Ivar the Boneless. =.= Enjoy! My discord server: https://discord.gg/wqVVfeDr

Pham_Minh_Khue · War
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52 Chs

Chapter 32: War is less complicated than a teenage girl(2)


Christina and Anna jump out in fear, not far from them is a huge bear. Brown fur, sharp teeth, and strong arms can crush bones easily. Three meters tall gives the pressure that any experienced hunter would retreat. It swings its arm and blows a tree nearby. Anna takes out a dagger and stands in front of her princess:

- Your highness, please run. I'll slow this beast down.

- No, let run together.

- If we go together, it will catch up and kill both of us.

The bear doesn't wait for them to talk anymore, it gets in a hunting stance and makes a big jump forward. Its fang aims at Anna, who is the nearest person to it. Anna uses her dagger to deflect its fang successfully; however, the tremor from the crash breaks her dagger and her arm is broken. Groan painfully, Anna throws a stone at the bear to attract its attention. Then, she runs in the opposite direction of Christina. The bear chases her and deals another swing, she dodges it by the gap. Unluckily, she loses her balance and falls to the ground, her back touches a tree. She looks at the bear in front of her desperately, closes her eyes waiting for inevitable death.

- At least the princess can run away.


Hearing her princess's voice, Anna opens her eyes in shock. Christina has climbed onto the bear's back and stabbed it in the neck. The bear roar painfully and move uncontrollably around try to kick the girl off its back. Christina is thrown and hits a nearby tree. Regain consciousness from the pain, the bear look at the small creature that has hurt it. Christina tries to stand up but seems like her legs have been wounded.

Anna desperately throws rocks at the bear while it gets closer and closer to Christina but angered by being stabbed, the bear doesn't care about her. The bear is now just one meter from Christina, it raises its arm and prepares to finish the fray.

An arrow is sent flying and pierces the bear's shoulder, which makes it unable to move his arms. The ground trembles when a group of horsemen approaches, a rider throws a spear and it hit the bear's leg perfectly, it kneels on the dirt. Another rider run past it and cut its head easily like hot steel-cut cheese.

Feeling relief from being saved, the girls sigh and lose their consciousness. They have been tired after sneaking and the experience with the bear. Before they faint, they hear a childish voice:

- Take them to the hospital, their bones might be broken so be gentle.


( Change POV)

After paying our respect to the wolves' parents, I ride alongside my knights to come back to Neverwinter. When we follow the river, we hear the voices of girls, which is very abnormal since I've forbidden anyone to enter this forest without my permission. Look at each other for a moment, we speed up our paces to the direction the voices come from. What I see shocks me, a bear is standing in front of a girl and about to hill her. I knock my bow and fire an arrow aiming at its' shoulder, my knights charge forward and within 30 seconds, the bear's head lies on the ground. The girls have fainted, maybe what they've just experienced is too much for them. I order:

- Take them to the hospital, their bones might be broken so be gentle.

Then I observe the girls and notice something strange, one of them is wearing traditional Heathen maid clothes while the younger wears royal Heathen woman clothes. The cloths covering the younger girl's face fall apart, reveal a pretty face with extremely beautiful pink hair. Consider the situation, I understand who am I seeing, Oh shit, if I'm not wrong this is a big problem.

- Wait, I change my mind. Bring them to my castle and ask my physicians to cure them. No arguing, do it now.

- Yes, your majesty.

About 3 hours later, I'm sitting beside the bed in a large chamber in my castle. As I guess, the younger girl is princess Christina of the Heathen Kingdom. I don't know their arrival since they depart much earlier than the information I gather. As her bodyguards say, she along with her maid unexpectedly ran from them and went to some unknown place. They might get curious about the wall and sneak up through it.

Haizz, the forest would not be called the Abandon Forest for no reason. Curiosity can bring many dangers. I watch the girl sleeping on the bed, she is very pretty, I must admit, men can go crazy for her. But I've seen many extraordinary beauties in my last life so my resistance is much higher than normal people.

A small sound can be heard from the bed, she moves her body slightly. As the physicians say, she has some small injuries but in general, she is fine. Her maid's arm is broken but it should be well again in several months. Alpha, my black wolf jumps on the bed and smell Christina, I fear that she can get scared of him so I intend to call him off. But it's too late, waking up from her sleep, Christina opens her eyes and sees Alpha at a close distance.


She yells so loud that I nearly jump off my chair. The door is burst open and my bodyguards pour into the room with their swords taken out. I signal that I'm fine and then ask them out of the room. Christina has covered herself with the blanket and tremored under it, Alpha has got off the bed after seeing her shouting.

I speak to Christina:

- Are you okay?

She slightly opens the blanket, revealing her eyes, she looks at me suspiciously:

- Who are you? Is that beast still here?

-My name is Ivar, and Alpha is not a beast, he is my friend. He just tries to make friends with you.

- You are King Ivar? the wolves tamer?

- Yes, I am.

- You save me?

- Me and my knights found you and your maid in the forest, nearly killed by a bear. Fortunately that we killed it in time.

- Is Anna ok?

- She is fine, she is resting in another room.

Alpha gets on the bed again and rubs his head on Christina, softly groans. Hey, how didn't I notice he is an intriguing wolf before. Christina sees Alpha and curiously observe him, she asks me:

- Can I pat him?

- Yeah, I think he won't mind.

Then Christina pats Alpha and hugs him comfortably:

- His fur is so soft, like the finest silk of Carrasona.

She is like my little sister in my previous life, always love dogs. I have to admit that I find her action very cute. Seems like my life has another highlight that makes it more colorful than ever.


Hi, my readers. I'm looking for people who can draw illustrations, especially people and maps for my story. I'm still a student so I have nothing to offer except my appreciation.

If you are interested, follow the discord link in the novel description to contact me.

Thanks very much!!!!