
A Core Ship From The Start

Due to his own carelessness, Duanmu Huai finds himself transported into the world of the game "Star Ocean Online." Starting from a humble core capsule, Duanmu Huai ventures across the starry sea to countless worlds. He awakens powers that have long been dormant, confronts threats lurking in the depths of the universe, and sets his sights on dominating the galaxy!

Xibei Cat · Games
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744 Chs

Chapter 2: Battle against the Demon_1

"Stupid mortals..."

The Brutal Demon gripped its weapon, looking at Duanmu Huai before him with a touch of triumphant mockery.

"You have no idea who you're about to face... I am..."

Who cares what you're going to say!

Duanmu Huai couldn't be bothered to listen to the Brutal Demon's preamble. Typically, he fast-forwarded through these pre-battle cutscenes for bosses, okay?

They were going to die anyway, why waste time on them?

With this thought, Duanmu Huai unhesitatingly raised his left hand, accompanied by a roar, the next moment explosive flames spouted out instantly, hitting the Brutal Demon, interrupting its foolish act of still reciting its opening lines.

"You goddamn bastard!!"

The Brutal Demon clearly did not expect this human before it to be so audacious, to daringly interrupt its speech, instantly it was enraged.

"I will smash your stupid tin can to pieces! Let you understand before a demon, how much a mortal is... "

I told you, who's listening to you!

As for the Brutal Demon's roar, Duanmu Huai naturally ignored it. Upon landing one blow, he immediately rushed forward with his War Hammer, straight into the face of the Brutal Demon, swinging it violently at its mechanical foot.


The Thunder Hammer, flickering with lightning, heavily hit the metal-made mechanical leg, and in an instant, thunderbolts rumbled, even the Brutal Demon's movements paused for a moment. But soon, it roared and swung its longsword, forcefully slashing down at Duanmu Huai.


The flaming longsword broke through the weak shield, directly slashing into the heavy shoulder armor. However, Duanmu Huai did not choose to dodge, he knew very well the weaknesses of these monsters. The high mobility provided by the six mechanical legs was the biggest threat of the Brutal Demon. If he couldn't destroy its mechanical legs in the shortest time, then the fight would just become more troublesome!

With this thought, Duanmu Huai gripped his War Hammer again, swung it hard and hit the mechanical leg again. This time, the mechanical leg which had already taken a heavy hit finally could not hold up, and abruptly shattered. And taking advantage of the moment when the Brutal Demon's body tilted, Duanmu Huai delivered another loud blow with his heavy hammer!

Matter Displacement!

With this hit, the mechanical leg's connection point completely collapsed under the impact. The sturdy steel twisted and distorted under the violent collision, shattered and broken. With the destruction of the front two pairs of mechanical legs, the Brutal Demon's body also tried to balance itself, shrieking as it fell forward. Duanmu Huai, of course, wouldn't miss this opportunity. He dodged and simultaneously gripped the War Hammer with both hands, and his entire body made a quick spin, then with a large, pitch-black War Hammer heavily smacked onto the back of the Brutal Demon's head!

Critical Hit!

For most creatures, the back of the head is the most vulnerable part, and the Brutal Demon is no exception. It mainly relies on its agile mobility to fight the enemy. Although it has the toughness typical for a demon in defense, it also has its limits.

Under this breakthrough attack, the Brutal Demon immediately fell to the ground, but even so, it did not give up resistance. The mechanical legs under the Brutal Demon wildly flailed, trying to tear apart anything that dared to approach it as a threat. At the same time, the Brutal Demon tried to get up again and fight this cunning human.

But of course, Duanmu Huai wouldn't give it that chance. He circled to the back of the Brutal Demon, raised his War Hammer again, and swung it down at the flailing mechanical legs of the Brutal Demon.

"Thump! Thump!! Thump!!!"

In an instant, the Brutal Demon's mechanical legs were smashed into a pile of scrap metal, and sans legs, it was now like a fish on land, only able to desperately wriggle and hop in an attempt to escape. But Duanmu Huai obviously wouldn't give it this chance, he used his hammer to bat away the Brutal Demon's longsword, then strided over to the devil's face, and stepped on the Brutal Demon's both hands.

For Duanmu Huai, he had killed many demons like the Brutal Demon. In Star Ocean Online, although there was a setting that higher levels could resist damage, there was also the concept of killing with a single hit on the weak point. As long as the weak points of each enemy could be mastered, and targeted attacks were made, even a level 1 player could eliminate monsters many levels higher. Killing monsters beyond your own level was not uncommon in Star Ocean Online. As a lone player, Duanmu Huai did so even more so. His most glorious achievement was driving away a level 90 incarnation of the Evil God all by himself. It was after that battle that Duanmu Huai received a lot of orders, transitioning from dabbling in tasks to becoming a high-end player who could really make money.

Compared to the incarnation of the Evil God, this current Brutal Demon was just a piece of cake...

"Stupid human! You can't kill me!"

Sensing that it could not escape, the Brutal Demon immediately roared in rage.

"I will return to my world, waiting for the next descent, and when that time comes, I will tear you into shreds... "

However, the Brutal Demon hadn't finished its sentence before the sturdy War Hammer whistled down at the next moment, hitting it straight on the head, reducing the demon's firm head to a pulp like a watermelon. Then, the Brutal Demon's body instantly ignited, turning into black dust that disappeared into the air in the blink of an eye.

"Hmph, too much nonsense."

Duanmu Huai glanced at the demon's body that was dissolving and disappearing, and he snorted coldly. He knew the truth of what the Brutal Demon was saying. As demons, they cannot be killed. Even if these demons are killed here, they just go back to their own world. Even if these demons are tracked down and killed in their own world, they still will not be completely destroyed, but will reincarnate and become a low-level demon again.