
A Contract with Vampire

[Warning: This novel features Mature Content 18+] Separating from her mother after 11 years brought out a lot of change in Ayana. Her cheerful self was gone, she was quieter and reversed. When she thought everything would change for the better, she was betrothed to a vampire. It was a political marriage. If that was not the worst, that man hated humans. The rumors said he killed humans just for pleasure. Just when Ayana thought she was ready, life gives her another surprise, her husband is a handsome swindler that likes to aggravate her with his sweet talk. He is an expert actor who likes to pretend his love for her. Can she resist her husband's charm and walk out of the marriage with an intact heart? Excerpt: “I will go first. I, Luca Winter, would assist and help Ayana Winter on her revenge plan and would never harm and hurt her. In return, I will ask for something Ayana Winter possesses and she had to give it to me willingly as the payment of my help.” Luca said casually. Ayana frowned as she looked at Luca. “Is it my father's journal?" Ayana said as she looked at the man, voicing her suspicion. Ayana noticed as the man's smile freeze for a millisecond. The man tried to act casual, but Ayana has got her answer. Ayana smiled as she finally got the response. The man was after her father’s mysterious journal. “I will give it to you if it is on my hand,” Ayana said still with a smile on her face, "and if not, you would have to ask for another thing with a similar value, take it or leave it." In her heart, Ayana promised to herself that she would never claim the book as hers, therefore Luca would never have a chance to claim it as his. She cannot believe the man, but she knew she needed his help if she wanted to make evident progress in her plan.

xandrinha · Urban
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429 Chs


The convoy immediately returned to District 2 with a big military aircraft right after the wedding celebration. Ayana would join the last group to leave District 4 as the other 5 convoys departed earlier. Luca's grandmother, Irene Kingsman, and several other important figures from District 2 were also on the last flight with Ayana.

Ayana looked around as soon as she stepped inside the private lounge, trying to find someone familiar. After noticing that Irene was not around and that the rest of the people in the room were not that close to her, Ayana walked to an empty seat and sat there. 

Rainy stood beside her while Enoch left her after bowing down a little. The man seemed very busy.

Ayana noticed the look of interest on several people's faces around the room. Some even approach her directly and try to get to know the new wife of the general of District 2 while the rest pretend not to bother with her presence although they would sneak peek at her direction every minute.

Those important figures seemed attracted to Ayana the more they looked at her. She was calm and composed while standing among the vampires. They could not even feel a hint of panic or distress like a normal human reaction when surrounded by vampires. Some of the vampires even started whispering and praising Ayana who seemed to mingle well with them even though she married Luca less than a day ago.

"I bet the passerby would not notice that there is a human among us," someone from the crowd whispered to the person beside her in awe. 

"You are right. The way she brought herself was really elegant. The casual long shorts and a t-shirt did not ruin her appearance at all."

"I was shocked when you told me earlier that she was not the one working as a model. I think she could easily pass as a model with her appearance." 

"Right. I would not even spare the twin sister who works as a model at a glance if our general's wife is around."

In less than fifteen minutes after Ayana sat down, the chair around the table slowly filled with people who were curious about her. 

They had congratulated her again on her marriage and asked what she felt about marrying the general. Unfortunately, before they have a chance to ask for more, Irene appears with Enoch tailed behind her. 

The woman calmly scanned the room and stopped when she finally found Ayana. She calmly walked and approached the table. Everyone who noticed her presence quickly bid goodbye to Ayana and walked away. 

"How could all of them leave you as soon as they spot me? It was unlike I would eat them alive for talking to you," Irene said with a melodious laugh. 

Ayana looked at Irene with relief. She disliked being surrounded by a lot of strangers who looked at her like they were watching a circus. She even makes a plan in her head to just sit on the toilet if they won't leave her alone for five minutes.

Ayana looked around and found some people who glanced in her direction with regret. Ayana blinked as a realization grew in her heart. 

I should sit close to her if I want to have a peaceful flight. Ayana nodded her head and then looked at the woman in front of her with a smile. 

It was around five minutes after Irene came that a man in a uniform appeared and approached their table, "madam, everything is ready." 

Irene nodded her head and turned to Ayana, "let's go to your new home, dear."


"Since you are now Luca's wife and a part of the Winter family, you don't need to feel shy with us. Everyone will help you adjust yourself to the family," The woman spoke with a soft smile on her face as she looked directly at Ayana.

"Thank you," Ayana answered with a smile. She was sitting in front of Irene in the private space inside the aircraft. It was like a small meeting room for six people. She could guess from the familiar device in the corner of the room that could control the noise inside the private space. The wall around them was not that high and she could look outside the box, but with the device, they did not need to worry about the voice leaking out.

Ayana had seen that device several times. It was really a handy tool to use although the price is really expensive.

Ayana was glad that they were sitting there because she was hidden from all the curious glances toward her. The only company she had there was her grandmother-in-law and Irene was less annoying compared to others who had given her sermon several minutes ago. 

"I also hope that you can understand Luca. Even though he appears a bit ignorant, rough, and cold, he is a good person. He has his own reason for doing everything," Irene said reassuringly while stroking Ayana's hand.

"I understand," Ayana nodded her head before continuing to observe the woman.

A month before her marriage, Ayana tried to find as much information as she could about the man who would become her husband. And of course, the information includes all members of his family and his grandmother-in-law was not an exception. 

Although she was almost 300 years old, she still looks like a woman in her 30s with her smooth and glowing skin.

Ayana could not even find lines that usually show someone's age on her face. The combination of bright red hair and deep red eyes make her noticeable in a crowd. She was not a beauty, but her presence radiated power and dominance.

Irene Kingsman used to be one of the colonels in the military. Her body has weakened a lot since she was pregnant with her daughter, but her cleverness and clear judgment still make many people respect her. In the end, she decided to stop working as an active member of the military and became District 2 military's advisor. Even now, her presence still creates a wave of admiration as she walks by. Her power and cleverness were well known in District 2 military since she was the one who came up with the idea to classify the troops level in District 2. 

"I hope grandma doesn't put a stupid idea in that girl's head. She needed to warn the girl directly not to approach our general. It is the same as suicide since our general hates humans the most." Rainy casually said the words to Enoch, who was standing beside her. Enoch was making two glasses of coffee in the pantry while Rainy was watching the man. 

Enoch was a bit startled as he looked at her with an annoyed expression, "You really need to shut your mouth before we get into trouble."

"What? I was just talking the tru-" Rainy couldn't finish her words since Enoch's fingers had pinched her lips shut.

Enoch started to lose his patience as he looked at the woman beside him. He had signaled her to shut up from the time they stepped inside the aircraft, yet Rainy just could not help but gossip about Irene as soon as they were in the back of the aircraft. 

Rainy was pouting. She was sure that Irene could not hear her voice because of the sound of the engine and because Irene and Ayana were clearly so far away from them right now.

"Just shut up, okay?" Enoch said with a restless voice. 

"What's wrong with you? That grandma can't hear us," Rainy protested, still with a pout on her lips. 

Enoch glared at the woman beside him with annoyance. He just opened his mouth to scold her when the door to the private room was opened. 

"Rainy, Enoch, let's talk after this," Irene's words made Rainy blink in confusion. The woman looked at Enoch who glared at her in annoyance. 

Irene hates it when people call her grandma. The woman thinks that she is not that old to be called grandma.

Enoch could only sigh while shaking his head after Irene got inside the room again. He didn't expect his friend to be this stupid. Rainy can't keep her voice down and never change her blabbermouth nature. It is not the first time she was caught red-handed while talking about a sensitive topic.

"Why did you react like that? Is something wrong?" Rainy asked with confusion. 

"There is a sound-controlling device inside the private space, stupid," Enoch whispered with gritted teeth. 

Rainy gasped as her eyes got wider in realization. Rainy looked around and noticed that everyone was so silent. She did not realize this since she was focused on Irene's voice earlier. 

If there was a sound-controlling device inside the private space, then she was fucked up. 

The pin-drop silence in the airplane totally amplifies Rainy's voice. Let alone a vampire, even Ayana could hear Rainy's voice faintly. If they could hear the sound from inside, it means that the voice from outside would be louder from inside the space. 

Rainy was still in a daze when she heard Irene continue to talk.

"Ayana, you may have heard some bad rumors about Luca, but not all rumors are true. Luca must have certain reasons for his attitude and actions. Due to the strict upbringing of his parents, he grew into an ignorant person. Even I who took care of him since he was a child still won't be able to understand his way of thinking sometimes," Irene said while looking at Ayana, who nodded several times. Her words could be heard in every corner of the plane.

All the passengers could only look down awkwardly as they heard Irene's words. The word 'ignorant' could not even describe Luca. He is a cold and vicious man that didn't hesitate to kill a defenseless human. But even they know that they did not dare to retort the woman's statement. 

"The more I look at you, the more I believe you are a good girl. I just want you to try to understand his attitude and not give up on him. Can you do that?" Irene said as she continued to look into Ayana's eyes, trying to figure out what the girl was thinking.

Unfortunately, nothing had changed from Ayana's gaze, and the girl just nodded and then answered briefly.

"Okay, grandma," Ayana said after looking hesitant for a while, then raising her gaze to scan Irene's expression.

Irene's expression turns rigid for a second as she tried to smile awkwardly

"Did I look that old?" She says with a smile that makes her look terrifying.

The people on the plane were terrified when they heard Irene's tone. They know she dislikes the word 'grandma' because it makes her sound old. 

Rainy muffled laughs finally break the heavy silence. The girl couldn't hold back her laughter anymore when she heard Ayana's words. Now that Rainy and Enoch were back to sit in their seats, Rainy's laugh was clearly heard from inside the private space. 

"You don't need to call me that. I don't think that I am that old to be called grandma. Like everyone else, just call me Irene." Irene said, looking a little annoyed but trying to make Ayana comfortable.

'I wonder how old a vampire can live that 300 years was considered that old,' Ayana wondered but nodded politely.

"Since we still have several hours before we reach our destination, you should get some rest. Just make yourself comfortable and call someone if you need something," Irene said before getting up from her chair and walking outside the space. 


"I really regret my action. I will accept my punishment, madam," Rainy said as she bowed her head to Irene, who was sitting in front of her and Enoch. Right now, they are in another private space equipped with a soundproof device. This room was smaller than the room where Ayana was resting. 

Rainy's face looked stiff. Her playful nature was gone now that she sat in front of Irene. Rainy felt that very clearly the reason everyone said Irene possesses a power that can make people submit to her.

Rainy really regretted her action earlier when she imagined Irene as an old woman and could not hold back her laugh. 

Irene smiled slightly at the two vampires who had not been long seated in the position of the White and Blue Colonel. Although Enoch was promoted as a colonel first, both of them are still new to their position. 

"Rainy, right? Maybe because you're new, you don't really understand the meaning of my actions and words to Ayana. So, I will give you some brief explanations so that you realize what I mean."

Rainy quickly nodded her head. She would not dare say anything now after getting caught calling this woman in front of her grandma. 

"Ayana is a fragile human being. You realize that, right?" Irene's words made Rainy nod hard although she was a bit uncertain about that point. 

"What do you think will happen if she finds out she married a cold-blooded vampire who can kill her even for no apparent reason?" Irene asked.

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